jake gyllenhaul aka toothy tile

Monday, November 29, 2010

Happy Birthday Judes!!!

"It takes a long time to become young."
- Pablo Picasso

"A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman's
birthday but never remembers her age."
- Robert Frost

Friday, November 26, 2010

happy holidays

“Like ornaments, thoughts of special people brighten the season and warm our hearts.” - unknown

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

happy thanksgiving

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." -JFK

Thursday, November 18, 2010

banned from bibby!!!

is anybody else having any trouble posting comments on AT? every time i attempt to post a comment it keeps telling me i'm entering an invalid "captcha". wtf is a "captcha" anyways? does this mean i have been banned from commenting on the site - me, the great and powerful W4G. how dare they!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

we love you Roc!!!

Roc Wed, Nov 17, 2010, 9:28 AM

Hey W4G, I'm not worthy of your blog at the moment. Been battling depression and don't want to bring the high level of energy down at your place! Now that I've got that out of my system I think it is time to return. To Bibby; a harmless comment such as "he likes her dil doe collection" gets taken down??? Someone is way too sensitive! To ROC, if ever we have to sign in I already have "Roc" as registered as an avatar, maybe using caps will work too though if it comes to that.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Comments anyone?

Dear Ted:
I'm really pissed at you, Ted. I'm not surprised you ignored my first email that naming a Blind Vice Chiquita and using the term as the equivalent of an ethnic slur. Recently you wrote that you're gay so you're going to protest gay jokes. Well, guess what, I'm going to protest Hispanic slurs. But it seems when the shoe is on the other foot, it's OK as far as you are concerned. Every time someone writes in guessing about "Chiquita" it pisses me off even further. BTW I see the nut jobs have taken over the Bitch-Back commentary. Serves you right.

Dear Sticks and Stones:
First off, Pat, who even said Ms. C was Hispanic? Maybe she just likes bananas. And even if she were, your argument that Chiquita is as bad as homophobic or racial slurs is BS. The translation isn't even offensive, never mind the connotation.

Monday, November 8, 2010

re: A.T.'s bitch-back letters

here is my response to the first letter in today's BB blog:

waiting4godot Mon, Nov 8, 2010, 6:44 AM

to EJ: listen u friggin' idiot * if u read my letter then u would know my url is not an ad like wealthy dater. it's just my free lil blog i created so intelligent people, unlike u (who definitely has no reading comprehension skills), can comment on AT blogs (unrelated to the twilite s h i t) w/o having to mull thru all the stupid, assanine comments from twits like you. the repetition in the twitard comments only proves these twits don't read any of the comments but their own. i suggest you ask your 5th grade teacher about the availability of remedial reading classes. btw, my non-ad url is: http://waiting4godot-itsjake.blogspot.com/ anyway, have a nice day EJ and be careful on the monkey bars when you're out on the school's playground

Friday, November 5, 2010

notes from facebook...

"I am considering deleting my friend ****** because people keep mentioning how they love to read his post. They find him soooo funny. The only thing that keeps me from deleting him is that I feel a bit sorry for him being locked up in the state mental institution & all. I am a bit surprised they have internet connection in there."

Thursday, November 4, 2010


I have finally arrived! Bibby posted my e-mail!!!

Dear Ted:
Could you tell me if Christopher Meloni of Oz and Law & Order: SVU fame has ever been a B.V.? He appears to be a really nice guy. Also, why do my comments that include my li'l free blog url always get deleted (even tho you are frequently a topic of my blog and I have a link on it for A.T.)? Is it because, unlike Wealthy Dater, I don't pay you for posting my blog url?
—waiting4godot XOXO

Dear Blogger:
Nope, but he should be; he's friggin' gorgeous! As for your free blog url, I'm not the one hittin' delete there! Sounds kind of fishy, huh?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

what does BobNYC mean?

BobNYC Wed, Nov 3, 2010, 9:19 AM

Scientology will prevent Fey Oiled-Tush and Seymour Plow-Me-More from coming out. Toothy is a serial coward. Lloyd Boy-toyed would never destroy his career, that's what all those confidentiality agreements are for. (Yep, he's still getting them signed here in NYC.) What, no mention of Crotch-U-Lastic? Maybe he's not so gay after all? Or so he recently claimed. And waiting4godot * I've been to your blog but can't comment because of the restrictions. Gossip Boy allows non-url comments, your blog doesn't. Sorry!!