This blog was named after a long lost blogger pal of mine. It was created so my other blogger pals and I from the Awful Truth can avoid the twitards and have meaningful and intelligent conversations. WARNING: This is a Twilight, Paris Hilton, Lilo & Kardouchian free no zone. Any posts regarding the aforementioned will be promptly deleted and the poster will be blocked from making any further comments. Thank you for your cooperation.

jake gyllenhaul aka toothy tile
Thursday, November 18, 2010
banned from bibby!!!
is anybody else having any trouble posting comments on AT? every time i attempt to post a comment it keeps telling me i'm entering an invalid "captcha". wtf is a "captcha" anyways? does this mean i have been banned from commenting on the site - me, the great and powerful W4G. how dare they!!!
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The captcha is the word they ask you put in to comment. We get them here too.
ReplyDeleteEonline is the most inefficiently run website on the internet. It constantly has problems with either inputting comments and/or reading them.
It's not you.
TT, i was just joshin' when i asked what a captcha was. guess i bear the same burden as Judes...our brains and intelligence are masked by our good looks and utterly charming personalities. to go thru life like this is such a struggle...right Judes?
ReplyDeleteYeah, yeah. And humble too.
ReplyDeleteYes, so overwhelming to be burdened with such beauty. Heavy sigh, hand over heart, back of hand against forehead-
ReplyDeleteLOLOL! You are toooooooo much BB!
Parent/teacher conference tonight. I hope my spawn is learning something of value.
Where's the secret clubhouse?
ReplyDeleteSorry LFJ, we are not ignoring you. All three of us have some personal garbage going on and have been, for lack of a better word, distracted over the last few days. Patricia by far is having the most difficult time. Don't despair and don't give up on us, we'll be back in rare form shortly. Keep your head up pretty girl and have a good day.
ReplyDeleteI've been in and out, mostly out, lately due to a medical emergency in my family. But I did take the time to razz Judes and w4g to get on board here so that the cobwebs don't start forming. Unfortunately, while I've been unavailable, each of the other two regulars here have been in crisis too. When it rains, it pours. But we shall all rally, ain't no one dying.
ReplyDeleteExcept my 19 year old cat, Missy. I realized the other day that I've been saying she's 18, but she was actually 19 years old, perhaps 20 since no one could tell me her exact age when I adopted her from a rescue group 18 years ago. For those who care, my dear, dear, Missy passed away in the night with no apparent distress. She was lying on a wool blanket and looks like her poor tired but otherwise strong heart gave way.
oh Tisha, so sorry to hear about Missy - i know how painful it is to lose a beloved animal. i still miss Bruno & PJ. but like Bruno, so nice that she past on at home, in her own surroundings, instead of having to be "put down" in a vet's office. and just think, Missy had a long (for a cat) and wonderful life as she had u as her owner. well, actually, as we know, cats don't have owners...they have staff. *smiles*
ReplyDeleteKeep up the gossip while I'm preoccupied today. When I come home tonight I would love to find some deliciously scandalous talk here.
ReplyDeleteOh dear, my dears. So sorry to hear of the difficulties. Kisses and positive thoughts to all of you.
ReplyDeleteTisha, we had one who died at 22; I was devastated, thinking I suppose that she'd go on forever. You will be looking for her in her usual place and maybe even think you hear her. Condolences. Hope your family emergency is resolved quickly.
W4G and Judes, please be well. Don't want my friends to be unhappy. "Nobody said it was easy, No one ever said it would be this hard ...."
Not gossip, but I think I need to be "talked up," as opposed to "talked down" about Jake. I find myself less and less interested in him. Perhaps I am just in love with Jack Twist and not Jake.
first of all lfj, this lil blog of mine has become more than just a place to talk about JG -it has become a place where friendships have been made and nutured.. although u still remain somewhat of a mystery to us (i still wonder if u were originally itsjake),we more than welcome you to our lil fold and "secret clubhouse". TT, Judes & I also correspond by e-mail and you, more than once, have been a topic of some of these e-mails.
ReplyDeletethat being said, JG appears to be a nice, if a bit confused, guy. but u may be right...u just may be in love with Jack Twist and not JG. but whatever the case may be, I hope you continue to visit my blog (actually our blog) and comment. TT & Judes, as well as I, get excited every time you honor us with your "appearance".
You are very kind. A bit reticent by nature and used to keeping secrets while simultaneously trying to uncover them.
ReplyDeleteAlso, my husband (there, that's out and it wasn't so hard) is an itty-bit somewhat known in some artistic circles and we've had what passes for stalking in our little world and I'm afraid of breaking trust with him if I'm too talky, although I know that is not a problem with you three. It's just habit for me.
All of you seemed like "real people" even before I got to know you better here. Now I realize that you are not only real but good people and I want you to be happy.
Now I know why my cyber-ears were burning.
Ah LFJ, you are very real too! BB said it best, we are all happy when you honor us with your presence. Given your stalking situation, I completely understand and sympathize with why you are so enigmatic. It's ok, we love you just the way you are! And thank you for the encouraging words, they are much appreciated by us all.
ReplyDeleteI'm back.
ReplyDeleteMy mother came out of surgery tonight doing splendedly. It will still be a hectic time for me in the next couple of weeks. I'm responsible now for my father's well being as well as their house.
But keep the ball rolling, I'll jump in whenever I can.
Tisha, Don't forget to take care of the caregiver (i.e., YOU, my dear).
ReplyDeletelfj, be as reticent as you want & don't worry about any of us stalking you. i am too lazy to stalk, Tisha is too sweet to stalk and Judes is too busy hanging out in restrooms to stalk.
ReplyDeleteTisha called me tonite and we spoke briefly. she sounded good and is hangin' in there. but then again, is that so surprising?
I'm absolutely exhausted. But I miss talking to all of you here as well as the laughs.
ReplyDeleteSo I jumped on for a sec to ask: does anyone miss Bibby's Truth, Lies, & Ted?
It is absolutely the lamest thing he does. But I do miss the old days when he was happily(?) married and the bit was more risque and intriguing. Lately it's been so pathetic that it's hardly worth watching. And none at all this week.
BB, I'm sensing a little hostility toward me lately. I'm sorry, is my pedicure tool not sharp enough? I will go and grind it to a finer point.
ReplyDeletePatricia I am so happy that your mother came through surgery ok. You are correct, it will be a difficult few weeks for you. Please ask your sibs for some help and don't try to carry this all on your own. I don't want you to wear down to the point of exhaustion either. Missy is playing with Bruno and Punkin in a beautiful grassy field. She is safe.
No, I don't miss anything Ted these days. He is a full blown Twilight whore and only worth a cursory skim.
Everybody try and have a great day!
Well, miss somber, this one's for you, Judes. I laughed out loud at the last sentence of Bibby's response and maybe we can give you a laugh too.
ReplyDeleteDear Ted:
You mentioned before that Priscilla Desert had more experience with boys than Parrish Maguire. Were you just assuming that? I mean, I get why one would assume that. If she's who I think she is, I think everyone assumed that she had given up her V-card long ago.
Dear Moral Mirage:
Just because Pris hasn't gone all the way, doesn't mean that she hasn't racked up some horny action with the opposite sex. But she's definitely had more experience dating guys than Parrish. Hell, Priscilla has dated more gay guys than most gay guys have.
Judes, what do u mean, you sense hostility towards you? i could never feel hostility towards you. was it the joke i made about u hangin' in restrooms? i was just teasin' my love. i still giggle at the thot of you rolling a desktop pc into your work place restroom.
ReplyDeleteso please, don't mistake my sometimes sick sense of humour for hostility. and u will always and forever be my best and favorite pedicurist.
i must agree w/Judes. bibby has become a mere twilite whore. did u see the pitiful BV he posted today? so what if one likes to watch somebody else have sex...look at the success of porn...gimme a break. as Judes states, nowadays bibs is only worthy of a cursory skim...cursory skim - hey, i like that!
ReplyDeleteSorry if I'm a somber Sally today guys, just feeling a bit down today is all.
ReplyDeleteWish the sun was out to match the beautiful 65 degrees we have here in wonderful Chitown. Instead it is gray and rainy.
"Hell, Priscilla has dated more gay guys than most gay guys have."
That is really, really funny Patricia. Sweet memorial of Missy you posted BB.
I guess I'm pleased much easier than you all. As long as Bibby can come up with comments like the one Judes quoted, I'll be giving him a look see everyday. But I do miss the days when there was a full day's reading on his blog.
ReplyDeleteI hear you, Teddy, about the aging gay who likes to watch the younguns going to it. Obviously there's no coercion involved and his partner doesn't object. But did you see my comment that I think it's Sir Elton and perhaps he's having impotency problems?
Teddy, what did I tell you about violence?
ReplyDelete"And we thought you Twi-hards played rough in our comment boards.
A Twilight fan convention in Birmingham, England, last week turned rowdy when a Breaking Dawn cast member got beaten up in a bathroom!"
And now I know why you've been out of touch for a few days: a flight to and from Birmingham.
Sometimes I think the BV's (today's, for example) are about people we never heard of instead of big-name stars: producers, PR hacks, music executives, and such. Casablanca doesn't play fair. So boresome.
ReplyDeleteGosh, you guys are in a sad slump (and that's what it is and will soon be gone, so says the person who adheres to the "peaks and valleys" theory of life). Keep strong and faint not.
An odd fact: gray, gloomy days invigorate me. When I get up and see bad weather, it peps me up like sunshine does others. Luckily, I live in an intemperate clime. Wishing brighter days for Judes.
W4G, I included the Coldplay reference earlier just for you -- "Nobody said it was easy . . . "
thank you lfj for the Coldplay reference - u obviously have read my profile.
ReplyDelete"i used to rule the world, seas would rise when i gave the word..." finish it for me lfj...
goodnite all...
GOOD MORNING! Everyone jump up and do stretches. This blog is getting constipated, jammed up and slow.
ReplyDeleteGet your blood stirring. Gossip about someone. It's the cure for what ails ya. Joe Jonas was photographed in a shop in NY fondling a statue of the Buddha with an erection. Actually he had his hand on the peen. /They're talking about resurrecting Buffy the Vampire Slayer but with none of the creative team that created the original franchise. /Jessica Alba complained that her last director wouldn't let her show emotions. "We'll CG them in later," she was told. What a hoot! And she's sticking with that story. /Ma boo has two new trailers out this week. /There's going to be another British royal wedding. Any anglophiles here? Not me.
Good Morning Patricia! Seeing as you and BB take turns as the sun and both of you have been "busy", we little planets haven't had anything to revolve around.
ReplyDeleteJoe Jonas wasn't fondling the Buddha, he put his purity ring on the erection and it got stuck!!
Now you have to give Jessica Alba credit-"we'll CG them in later" is the MOST creative excuse I have heard from an actor to date. Seriously, she should stick to Sports Illustrated shoots.
Hop to it, post the links for Boo's trailers cuz I haven't a clue as to what movies he has coming out.
Do you think Kate will butcher Will's name during the vows like Diana did???
LOL, wink-wink!
Okay, I'll admit to being an Anglophile. I do love me some Royal Family, especially "Her Maj," although I found Diana to be a thoroughgoing twit. Quite fond of Edward VII.
ReplyDeleteWho is Boo (sorry to be such a stupe)?
wills & kate are getting married on 4/28/11 @ Westminster Abbey. have already received my invitation. i'm allowed to bring a guest. who wants to go with me?
ReplyDeleteand lfj, Boo is Ryan Phillippe...Tisha has a hard-on for him. please refer to the picture in the right hand column of my blog. btw, why didn't u complete my Coldplay lyric?!?
Defining having a "mah boo" as being more than than a fan, but less than a stalker for the object of your lust: mah boo is Ryan Phillippe.
ReplyDeletew4g is fickle. His true boo is Chris Meloni but he also has a hankering for Keanu Reeves.
I don't know if Judes would say Jake does it for her. But we all are fans of Jake here, of course.
RP has "The Bang Bang Club" and "The Lincoln Lawyer" both out on trailers for release next year.
comments from the A.T. trenches:
waiting4godot Tue, Nov 23, 2010, 12:42 PM
JJ might not be gay but did u see that picture of him in a store groping and intensely looking at a statute of Buddha with an erect ****** perhaps he was comparing sizes.
waiting4godot Tue, Nov 23, 2010, 12:44 PM
p e n i s is not a dirty word bibs...would i have been censored if i said *****
waiting4godot Tue, Nov 23, 2010, 12:45 PM
yep, i guess d i c k is another censored word. what will happen if there is a blog about an actor with that first name.
waiting4godot Tue, Nov 23, 2010, 12:46 PM
how 'bout *****
waiting4godot Tue, Nov 23, 2010, 12:47 PM
guess c o c k is censored too...guess i'll never be able to comment on my rooster, same of whom i named Bibby.
waiting4godot Tue, Nov 23, 2010, 12:48 PM
how 'bout love muscle?
waiting4godot Tue, Nov 23, 2010, 12:48 PM
isn't Judes' boo Larry King?!? *ginnin'*
ReplyDeleteWell I guess me and BB will be fighting over Chris Meloni and his fabulous pecs! I would take Jake in a Hollyweird minute, but my true love is the skinny Maggie Q with a side of Sean Connery and Alex O'Loughlin in the middle!
ReplyDeleteI think I am a bit more intrigued by The Bang Bang Club title......
I love me some crumpets too LFJ! I can just see "her Maj" ordering soom 6'5" crony around, LOL, what a mental pic-
She won't finish it, I will - Now in the morning I sleep alone/Sweep the streets I used to own....
Turkey, turkey, turkey-
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for my turkey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That series of comments was the piece de resistance, w4g. You are still the king.
ReplyDelete"The Bang Bang Club" is a film based on the autobiographical novel about four S. African photojournalists who risked their lives to film the civil war conditions in the townships of S.A. just before the break up of apartheid. The locals called the conflict the "bang bang."
I've been following that film as well as "The Lincoln Lawyer" since their inceptions as I am a fan of each book.
thank you Judes for completing the lyrics.
ReplyDeleteam somwhat disappointed in the description of the "Bang Bang Club". i am sure Judes and I had a totally gutteral version of the plot in mind. oh well, guess we'll have to wait for "Inferno".
am looking forward to the release of "Brighton Rock" w/Helen Mirren. btw, thanks for e-mailing the trailer to it Tisha. you know that Graham Greene is one of my favorite authors.
watched "The Devil Wears Prada" on TV for the first time last nite. the film was o.k. but think it was a lil overrated. the acting was fine, esp. Meryl Streep and i thot Ann Hathaway held her own. i like Ann as an actress but thinks she appears to be somewhat goofy in her recent appearances for the promotion for "Love and Other Drugs". however, doubt if she would play the beard for toothy or any other actor for that matter and that says something about her character.
OK, this is completely off topic but I had to share it.
I swear to you, this is the most ridiciulous thing I have EVUH seen!!
Larry King-can I just say EWWWWWWWW!
PS-Yes BB, gutteral version of the plot is descriptive perfection....
ReplyDeletethis is way off topic but u gotta read this:
wasn't it enuf that the bastard molested the boy & now he's trying to place a "hit" on him. wonder where he got the money for the "hit". the collection plate i assume.
and Judes, i was playing with one of those "shake weights" at the mall not too long ago. some dude walks past me and looks me in the eye and says, "hey buddy, lemme know if it works..." i about pissed myself from laffing!!!
ReplyDeleteI AM SO FAR BEHIND!!!
ReplyDeleteNo Anne Hathaway doesn't play beard for the gays, just felons. Meryl was fantastic in "Devil" but the rest of the film was lame.
SNL Shake Weight