This blog was named after a long lost blogger pal of mine. It was created so my other blogger pals and I from the Awful Truth can avoid the twitards and have meaningful and intelligent conversations. WARNING: This is a Twilight, Paris Hilton, Lilo & Kardouchian free no zone. Any posts regarding the aforementioned will be promptly deleted and the poster will be blocked from making any further comments. Thank you for your cooperation.

jake gyllenhaul aka toothy tile
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It's right on my list right after picking the lint out of my belly button and reading the entire encyclopedia.
ReplyDeleteBut, good morning, w4g and all you ships at sea.
good morning my sweet princess - am glad you got your priorities straight for 2011.
ReplyDeleteI clearly expect Judes to have her nose to the grindstone so that she can show the abrasion to her watch dragon. And lfj only drops by occasionally; I'm sure there are a shit load of floating bodies after the family holidays. But where is Roc?
ReplyDeleteI expect everyone to check in at roll call or there will be penalties enforced.
Oh Ms. DL is on a roll today kids! I have one second here and it's "Holy Shit! Mila Kunis and Macauley Culkin broke up!"
ReplyDeleteBe back later-
it would appear that Roc went back into his existential vacuum - gee Tisha, hope u didn't spend too much money on that motorcycle helmet.
ReplyDeleteNo money at all, I just hardened some of the Christmas cookie dough in a mixing bowl after threading a string though it to tie under my chin. That way if we got stranded it could double as food.
ReplyDeleteu always have been the inventive one my sweet princess!
ReplyDeleteSorry guys, it's been one of those days turning into one of those nites.
ReplyDeleteMaybe tomorrow will be better for me.
Funny visual of you with a hardened cookie tied around your head P!
Rest in peace Pete Postlethwaite, you will be missed.
from the AT trenches:
Stop the HoHo awards Mon, Jan 3, 2011, 8:34 AM
Ennnnooougggghhhh with these awards. Not up to usual AT standards AT ALL!
waiting4godot Mon, Jan 3, 2011, 9:05 AM
unfortunately, i think these ho awards meet the usual AT standards * bibby lost it when he became a twiwhore.
@17waiting4godot Mon, Jan 3, 2011, 10:06 AM
I see you are just as much of a b!tch in this year, as you were in the last.
waiting4godot Mon, Jan 3, 2011, 10:49 AM
@18:yep, i am and maybe even more so. but isn't it a comfort to know that in this ever-changing world in which we live, some things stay the same?!? and by the way bibby, use your moniker and not an @17...
waiting4godot Mon, Jan 3, 2011, 4:05 PM
i can't believe that a commenter called me a b i t c h. but then again, Chelsea Handler called me the "c" word.
Mac & Mila might be kapoot Judes but it looks like Sandra & Ryan may be hookin' up.
ReplyDeleteGOOD WORK! w4g. You've been elevated to bitch status, I see.
ReplyDeleteI read that link you sent to me today where the guy was called a faggot. His responses were absolutely perfection.
Elton John would be so proud of me!
ReplyDeleteJudes, PP was wonderful in "Brassed Off" (one of the few times he didn't play a bad guy, I think).
ReplyDeleteHere's his speech at the end.
Roc, w4g is off site for the day. Contribute to this blog or I will freely call you an asshole and that is like having the evil eye turned upon you. Come on, brother, we're all friends here.
ReplyDeleteYou can't scare me, Tisha. I have a hamsa hand with a blue eye in the center that wards off yours and every other evil eye. Got it in the Middle East. So there.
ReplyDeleteI never thought for even an instant that I could intimate YOU, lfj. And actually, if Roc comes on this site and sees my actual picture posted as opposed to the one taken during a full moon, he won't be scared much either.
ReplyDeletethe Rocster obviously went back into his existential vacuum. straight guys can be so fickled.