This blog was named after a long lost blogger pal of mine. It was created so my other blogger pals and I from the Awful Truth can avoid the twitards and have meaningful and intelligent conversations. WARNING: This is a Twilight, Paris Hilton, Lilo & Kardouchian free no zone. Any posts regarding the aforementioned will be promptly deleted and the poster will be blocked from making any further comments. Thank you for your cooperation.

jake gyllenhaul aka toothy tile
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boredom perhaps?!?
ReplyDeleteSo, I'm the only one who finds homoeroticism compelling in "Moonlight"? Whatzupwiththat? And here I am a delicate 19th century lady out of place in this vulgar time!
ReplyDeleteOh no LFJ, if I was a boy I definitely would have gotten chub watching that youtube clip you posted yesterday! Thanks for that, it was awesome to watch again!
ReplyDeleteHow did I get into celebrity gossip? I'm just a nosy beyotch. I am the Gladys Kravitz of my generation! I love to know other people's biz-LOLOL! Seriously, celebs are usually put on such a podium and considered to be flawless by most of the general public, it's just fascinating to watch them crash and burn like normal people. Plus, when Ted started at Defamer, he reported so much more flamboyantly than anybody else did-he hooked me way back then.
We are such complex creatures, aren't we, lfj?
ReplyDeleteI started clicking on various actors' names in google searches a few years ago. Of course that took me hither, thither, and yon. It took me a while to have any interest in the readers' comments. But when I did, I, being an opnionated puss, started to comment also, a sentence here, a phrase there. But what I also found is that most blogs repeat the same stories over the web. It's obviously a PR ploy.
To avoid this, for a short time, (Oh the shame!) I even read Perez Hilton. But then I stumbled upon the Awful Truth and found it didn't seem to run with the pack and had the most interesting comments. One certainly can't read PH's comments. (by their comments shall you know them) By this time I had located what I believe are some of the premiere sites on the net. Dlisted & Gawker & Pajiba, among others.
But I never abandoned AT, because of the interesting comments I would read there, particularly from itsjake who was ever so encouraging to my remarks inbetween reciting poems and song lyrics and waiting4godot whose remarks were so incisive and called people things like princess and seemed to be in the know with itsjake.
So by then, I was hooked.
Congrats to Tisha, my sweet princess:
ReplyDeleteDear Ted:
Jake Gyllenhaal just turned 30. Do you have any birthday wishes for him?
Dear B-Day Boy:
The same as always. Live your life, sweetheart, not your agents'.
i just loved bibby's sly about adding fuel to the fire!
but why did bibby address Patricia as B-day Boy?!? LOL
He addressed my reply to Jake himself, donjaknow.
ReplyDeletehey lfj, loved the youtube video u posted too...i've given and received sucker bites before but never one like this!!! guess now i'm going t have to go to netflix and get caught up on this show - have never watched it.
ReplyDeleteI see you're avoiding the topic, w4g.
ReplyDeleteTo be fair, the last time I suggested a revealing topic, Teddy gave me his email address. He is a rather private guy all in all, something lfj can appreciate.
hey Roc, u didn't ask but i make my living as a male prostitute - no wonder why i'm unemployed! just kidding of course. actually, we have a lil in common. i'm a insurance claims representative - currently unemployed. have done a lot of west coast liability claims cause i usually volunteer for the late shift as i like to sleep-in. and boy some of the stories i could tell u such as the idiot dude who stuck his willie in the spray hole of a hot tub my insured manufactured and had the tip of it cut off!!! then there was this CA woman who was sitting on a commode at a Home Depot store and when she flushed the water backed-up and splashed her pussy (her words, not mine). i aske her what her damages were and she said that her "tranquility had been interrupted". it was an old file i had inherited and i noted that the statutes had ran (at that time, CA had a 1 year BI statute of limitations). i explained this to her but told her i'd send her a candle and a meditation tape...actually, i didn't say that to her but i was thinking it!!!
ReplyDeleteUgh, am I chopped liver today?! I'm hurt nobody is acknowledging me, especially Princess P, leaving me out of her AT story!
ReplyDeleteHmpf, I'm going to throw a tantrum-that seems to work for BB! I'll just go watch Moonlight videos in the crapper all day and wait for Roc to roar up on Big Red-
And PS honeybuns, that story about the CA woman is HYSTERICAL!!
ReplyDeleteand it's completely true too Judes - you ought to have heard her entire description of the incident!
ReplyDeleteand nobody's ignoring u...and what's this about me throwing tantrums? well, i never!
btw my beloved one, how are u feeling? and what about your lil spawn. hope you are both feeling better.
and be sure to bundle-up if u go for a ride w/Roc...cause if u get sick again, i don't want to hear it!!! LOL
LOL, I can just imagine that whole story!
ReplyDeleteJust joshing about the tantrums BB, you know that! I never either-LOL!
I'm feeling better, thanks for asking. Spawn is ok and driving me nuts because he is on winter break at home for 2 weeks. He has left me about 10 VM messages already today. Had to turn off my cell phone! Let's see if my mother is completely frazzled when I get there later.
I think Roc would rather go on a slow ride with Princess P! Let me know how it is Patricia-my turn to be jealous-LOLOLOL!
No motorcycles for me! I am a fraidy cat. Heights and speed are bad for me. That's why I'm a schwinn girl, you people with the nasty minds.
ReplyDeleteHow? Because of Jake. Yes, itsalwaysjake.
ReplyDeleteAfter becoming obsessed with BBM, I began reading about Heath (my dead Boo) and Jake and then started seeing Toothy references which led me to AT which drew me in and sucked what little sense I had left out of me. It was once fun to read and participate, not the arid Twiland it now is.
I began seeing the name waiting4godot frequently, then Patricia (sometimes pat.ricia?), and then one day someone named Judes said something like, “You kids seem to be the ones having the most fun. Can I come over and play?”
Truthfully, I don’t care about most of the celebs. Just pick and choose which ones seem appealing (or is it the specific roles they play, like Jack Twist?) while trying to remember that Ted says, “Nothing in HW is ever what it seems.”
When eonline freezes up you can sometimes only get on with a registered account. For those times I am pa.tricia. They wouldn't let me register as patricia because it was already taken.
ReplyDeleteToday I commented as patrician because I slipped up.
You must have started the same time I started, lfj. The forces of the universe must have been aligned.
Aw LFJ, you remembered what I said-you just made my whole day!!
It's fate I tell you, fate.
ReplyDeleteAfter all my years assisting LE, I can tell you that you do not want to get in a game of dozens (or p'ing contest perhaps) with me concerning willie or johnson stories (like a murder victim with a strategically stuck fork -- yeah, he was done)! Of course, W4G, these same people (except for the dead ones) no doubt end up relaying the same gothic stories to their insurance companies. And they walk amongst us! How scary is that?!
oow, lfj. I am fascinated.
ReplyDeleteWhat have I said? Thank gawd this is a non-judgmental place. I apologize ever so for that post. So ill-bred. I'm giddy with the Christmas spirit and having freed myself from a particularly annoying person at work!
ReplyDeletei discovered the AT serendipitously - was just surfin' the 'ol net and found it. this is back in the day when bibby's column was a weekly thing.
ReplyDeletethen the format changed and i started blogging on it as bibby's BVs caught my attention (especially the one about TT), feeling the need to share my sarcasm, wit and wisdom to the lowly, uneducated masses (LOL). soon afterwards, i met itsjake and we started commenting on each other's posts. then Patricia came along to put in her 2 cents worth (wink) and a group was formed which, if i remember correctly, included BobNYC and maybe Roc.
then, one day, this motorcycle mama named Judes came along asking if she could come out and play with us (yes, i remember that too lfj). i was resistant at first but she flattered me by calling me her beloved boss and tempting me with pedicures. i lowered my resistance and allowed her to join our elite club. iam quite sure she was thrilled and honored beyond belief! around the same time, there was also a Kate, Katie or Katy but who knows what ever happened to her.
(to be continued)
Hey W4G, I was a claims adjuster in a former life too! I never had claims as interesting as you described but I did show up a few times to very scantily clad women, ye-hah! I guess they thought they would get more $$$ for a settlement or coverage for a claim that clearly wasn't covered. One time I was surrounded by about 20 bikini clad girls (high school) demanding to know why I had to talk to their coach about a claim; I was real happy to get out of there! What really blew my mind though was the coach, female, took me through the girls locker room on the way out - I never did figure out what the hell she was thinking - I mean really, girls coulda popped up nekked anytime! I did have one female insured (this is true) that was masturbating as her house caught on fire. She didn't tell me that but she said it in a taped statement with a fire investigator we hired. Poor guy, he was mortified (there were actually a few gentlemen types left at one time) she told him that. I later found out she "paid" for a few services sexually - not with me, I just didn't see the attraction.....and she did try to get me to go to dinner with her but, uh, no way. I have some standards after all.
ReplyDeleteRoc, i have had sex with at least 90% of my insureds/clmts. easiest way to close a damn claim. (just kidding!)
ReplyDeleteI remember once i went out to interview an elderly woman who was a greeter at Walmart (a job position i would love to have but just can't seem to pass the test for employment). it was a worker's compensation claim - she was robbed and attacked in the parking lot while leaving the store one late evening. anyway, i was sitting there taking her recorded statement, a velvet picture of JC hanging above her. i completed the statement with the usual statement: is there anything else you would like to add to our conversation before i turn off the tape? she looked me straight in the eye and said yes. and i said what would u like to add? she goes, well i just want you to know that they (her attackers) wanted more than just my purse. and not catching her drift, i said, what else did they want? and she said verbatim, they wanted to fuck me! i about lost it but somehow retained my composure. i ended the statement shortly thereafter. i hurriedly explained her benefits to her and got my bum outta there. i had to stop my car a lil ways down the road cause i was laffing so hard. now, don't get me wrong - what happened to the poor lady was misfortunate and sad but how she said what she said (esp. with the velvet painting of JC hanging above her) was priceless.
Btw, happy winter solstice to everyone!!! was i the only one who saw the total lunar eclipse last evening, or should i say early this morning. it was quite striking!!!
ReplyDeleteOMG, I just got in SO MUCH TROUBLE because I absolutely burst out laughing at my desk!! And you know what, I give a shit DL yelled at me-those two stories were soooooo worth it! Damn good thing I wasn't drinking anything because it would have spurted out my nose and I would have fried another monitor!!
ReplyDeleteI would never make it in that field because my smart mouth would have gotten me in trouble within the first week.
LOL, I am still chortling and she is still glaring at me!
LFJ, I'm glad you broke the chains of your oppressor-you go girl!!
i am so glad to that lfj has broken the chain of her oppressor too - just hoping there is no connection between that and the murder victim with the strategically stuck fork!
ReplyDeletebelieve me, there has been times when my smart mouth has almost gotten me in trouble. i was interviewing this young lady once who's injuries included a small scar above one of her eyebrows. she was very plain and ordinary looking. during my statement she told me that she was planning on going to modeling school but, because of the scar, she had to cancel her plans. under my breathe, i said, yea, sure, and i had plans on becoming a linebacker for the Pittsburgh Steelers. thankfully, she didn't make out what i had said. btw, i gotta add that i had already been on the road for like 12 hrs. and was quite tired.
ReplyDeleteYeah, claims had its interesting moments but I don't really miss it. I can say though I never had a gun pulled on me like one of my former colleagues. Candidly I wasn't too surprised that happened to him as he was such a jerk! It was too overcast here to see the eclipse :<( and I doubt I will be around for th next one expected in 2094 I believe. Maybe I should look into cryogenics???
ReplyDeleteRoc, the only thing i miss about claims is the paycheck. have been lucky enuf never to have had a gun pulled on me although i've been called every name in the book and more! i had one guy call me an MFer. I looked him seriously in the eye and said, "sir, i'm not here to discuss my sex life. so could we please get back to the subject at hand?" the dude started to laff his azz off and I settled his claim quite amicably.
ReplyDeletebtw, has anyone heard from my sweet princess? she hasn't been on the blog for awhile and i haven't received any e-mails from her since early this morning. hope she and her parents are o.k.
ReplyDeletebtw Roc, is it still raining in CA?
I'm here. I had to go out to Walgreens and Walmart for some parental shopping. But I made it back alive. (sigh, Walmart makes me think of the long lost Michael who belongs in our stories above somewhere)
ReplyDeleteWe were having a snowstorm for the eclipse here plus I was sawing wood.
LMAO!!! It's funny, I was called various names a few times and often times ended up with a good result as you describe. I don't think I would have been fast enough to come up with your response, that was priceless. Still raining and expect hail too. No motorcycle ride into work this week....I'm taking the light rail this week and must say I see a wide variety of people on the train. Some are obviously without benefit of a ticket to ride and some I think are just trying to stay warm and out of the rain. If you are caught without a ticket here, the fine is $250.00 but if you are homeless I've no idea how they could collect. One guy gave me the skank eye all the way to my stop and it was funny to watch his expression when I got off where he did - he left pretty fast! I have no idea what he thought I would do (nothing of course) but he didn't want to find out
ReplyDeleteGetting the skank eye on transit must be a callie thing. The first thing one learns in Chicago and New York...and I'm sure other to leave everyone alone and don't stare. It's not only rude, it's confrontational and some people will answer the challenge.
ReplyDeleteso why do u think that the dude was giving u the skank eye? your zipper was zipped right? LMAO
ReplyDeletehey Roc, so glad u decided to come back. don't get me wrong, i love talkin' to my ladies but talkin' to another guy is nice sometimes too. it might sound strange, but even tho i bat for the other team, the majority of my close male friendships (past and present) have been with straight dudes...don't know why, they just have. it has been such a pleasure "talking" with you today. anyway, take care and try to stay dry.
glad you're alright my sweet princess. had me a lil worried there for a moment. and i all but forgotten about that silly queen Michael. u can include him in your stories if u want but he will be absent in any of mine. why did going to Walmart make u think about him? did he work for Walmart?
ReplyDeleteremember when you started the blog, w4g? michael picked all the copies of twi-shit at the walmart so we could have a celebritory bonfire.
ReplyDeleteoh yea Tisha, i forgot all about that. geez, i hope he didn' burn himself. now i'm not trying to be mean and i could care less if he never comes on this blog again, but i just can't accept that he stopped respoding to your e-mails w/o an explanation.
ReplyDeletefrom the AT trenches:
waiting4godot Tue, Dec 21, 2010, 6:08 PM
oh i'm sure 'ol Zac likes to "mingle" with the twi guys!
waiting4godot Tue, Dec 21, 2010, 6:14 PM
and bibby honey, why do u persist in posting "bearding" articles like this? i don't believe in "outing" someone in most circumstances by why don't you stop being a hyprocrite and follow your own advice? as u stated in the previous BV article: "Sheesh, doesn't Hollywood know bearding is so not worth the pain it ends up causing?"
waiting4godot Tue, Dec 21, 2010, 5:58 PM
how i wish some of you posters would read the other comments before u post your own. the constant repetition is so annoying and agitating. if u have nothing new or different to add, then just don't comment at all. if you took out all the repetitive comments, there'd probably be 20 posts here, not 75.
i think i'm thru with the AT for if the twishit wasn't enuf, one has to put up with constant repetition. i'd be better off hangin' out at a porn site.
Come on, w4g. The comments were always inane at best with the exception of those who are on this blog now. There is occasionally an intelligent and interesting comment nowadays, but they are as rare as ever on AT.
ReplyDeleteAnd I want to add, so much for w4g being private. I can see that he's needed a male influence to come out of his shell. (Cut the tip off?!) And Roc, that must have been some hot self sexing to set the house on fire.
ReplyDeleteBut it's all OK, I've got lfj and Judes as my soul sistas.
private? hey, my life is an open book...a bad book perhaps but an open one! and Tisha, don't u be jealous of 'ol Roc. we were just having a lil guy talk. and u all, especially that lil tramp (lol) Judes, don't seem to mind having him around, "motorcycle" and all!
ReplyDeleteand Roc, on that fire claim, did u subrogate against the manufacturer of the plug-in dildo? listen up my lovely ladies - always depend on the battery-powered ones...those plug-ins can be hazardous to your health! ROTFLMAO
I have to add to the chorus here, W4G, don't quit the AT and leave us alone with all the vapid posters! As for why the guy was staring at me, who knows? As I mentioned as soon as we got off the train he booked! I'm only 6 ft tall but have very broad shoulders and hefty at 242 lbs. I must have been at least 6 inches taller than that guy so he must have thought better of it to challenge me. As the say in the valley - "whatever".... As for the sexed up house fire, I left the company before the claim was resolved. The guy that handled the claim after me said she went through 3 public adjusters (for you non insurance types that's a claims adjuster that represents the insured) and two contractors. The company claims rep would not meet with her alone after his first meeting with her either. Can't imagine why....
ReplyDeletewell Roc, i'm only 5'8 & weigh 150 lbs. so now i know not to ever get on your bad side!!!
ReplyDeletemaybe that dude was Jude's huband and he's stalkin' you for flirting with her!
and for the record, i HATE public adjusters!!!