This blog was named after a long lost blogger pal of mine. It was created so my other blogger pals and I from the Awful Truth can avoid the twitards and have meaningful and intelligent conversations. WARNING: This is a Twilight, Paris Hilton, Lilo & Kardouchian free no zone. Any posts regarding the aforementioned will be promptly deleted and the poster will be blocked from making any further comments. Thank you for your cooperation.

jake gyllenhaul aka toothy tile
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I hereby resolve not to make any resolutions. Wait. Is that a resolution?
ReplyDeleteOy, I must have the post-Christmas doldrums. What I'd really like to ask TT (a scholar in such matters) is her opinion about the many doctrines of the Catholic Church (and thus the rest of us) such as Mary Magdalene was a whore (possibly revoked of late) that was decided by "Church Fathers" in secret councils.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I'll have to settle for asking why -- despite his relationships with two perfect nits -- I still respect Brad Pitt and adore his "The Assassination of Jesse James . . . " and "Snatch"? Please do not tell me it's his bod; it's not. Okay, maybe. But not much.
You see. It's the carnal and the divine. Always. I need another occupation that will cause me to be less reflective. A possible New Year's resolution? Nahaaaaa.
Better thoughts for the rest of you!
I think it is much more profitable to have an internal debate upon the strange attraction of Brad Pitt than on Mary Magdalene, who was a bishop in the early church. Those were the days when a penis was not required to be a priest or a bishop, just a true devotion to The Way and enough disposable income to provide an available house for meetings. (Gee, it sounds a bit like the tv evangelists in reverse.) How the Catholic church evolved to abhor what is is to be human, particularly our God given sexuality is a long and convoluted story.
ReplyDeleteI cannot help you with your Brad conundrum. I have never been attracted to his style of acting or his person.
You should really attempt to study Judaism that melds the carnal and the divine. For instance, it is not only acceptable for a man and wife to have sex on the Sabbath and other holy days, it is expected.
I took classes in Judaism at the local synagogue. When I didn't convert, the Rabbi thought I'd been in it only for the taiglach and hamentaschen served afterwards.
ReplyDeleteBecause I was hooked on those and other "Jewish" confections, on my next trip to New York I went to Katz's Delicatessen. It was not much like the depiction in "When Harry Met Sally," (there was an old speakeasy hidden in back that I discovered while searching for the restroom) but I carted out several bags of goodies.
Don't remember the carnal/divine in my classes, but I did learn to take a rock to a grave instead of flowers. Perhaps that will count for something.
Anyone else got the post-Christmas blues?
my bro-in-law is i know why he has all those rocks in his backyard - one with my name written on it!!! LOL
ReplyDeletebtw Tisha, can jewish people have sex on other days save for the Sabbath and other holy days?
Finally, I returned! That's not me in the back round - that gent is better looking and has more hair than me. If you return to Yelp and go back to the photos you should see my avatar to the left of this one after you click on it....did that make any sense??? It's tiny pic of Victor (the Mad Hatter) and me. Those are really flattering pics of everyone especially compared to mine. It looks like everyone had a great Christmas/Holiday even with the monster snow! No resolutions for me; it seems I never keep them so why bother...I do plan to loose weight though so hopefully I pick up some energy. I see Bibby and his minion aren't minding the AT store, might be a good time to trash it!
ReplyDeleteAw LFJ, I'm sorry your blue. It's the letdown after the frenzie. Plus, nobody is around and the schedule is all thrown off. I wish I could contribute to your religious theme, but I just think Catholiscm is whacked and my religious views are skewed. I believe in God and I do pray, but that's about the extent of it for me.
ReplyDeleteNow your Brad Pitt theme, I may be able to help you there. He's a manly man, looks like he doesn't give a damn how he smells and his body in Troy made me weep-I totally get your thang for him. But from back in the day-he was just beautiful when he was younger!! He looks wrecked now. He's not much of any actor, but that smile of his-megawatt when it's genuine. I loved him in Fightclub, of all things! LOL!
When I was in New York last, I visited every street cart I could for potatoe knishes. I just love them-
No resolutions, don't believe in them.
My bad! Sorry "you're" blue. Spell much Judes? LOL!
ReplyDeleteYes, Teddy, Jews can screw at any time. Keep in mind that's what's behind the creation of my grandson and his soon to be born sister. My first born and her husband and children are all Jewish.
ReplyDeleteHey, Roc, no comments on OUR pictures? Those are genuine, you know.
once again Tisha, please read the post from Roc again...he does mention our pics! geezzz...
ReplyDeleteI did comment on all the pics - I said"Those are really flattering pics of everyone especially compared to mine". Of course that was said with a great deal of mischief! I can't add anything to the religious discussion other than; I believe but not in religion....
ReplyDeletehey, you got the right pic, that's me next to Victor! Obviously not photo shopped or I would weigh less and would take some years off.
ReplyDeleteArgh, it's too small, I can't see anything-
ReplyDeleteLOL, what is it about you Roc that makes my naughty meter go? LOLOL!
I meant the picture BB, don't get your panties all wadded up again-you know you are my number 1 man.
Aw, Judes. You are very kind. Did your son enjoy Christmas?
ReplyDeleteFor a blog host, you are very rude, Teddy.
ReplyDeleteI was looking for something specific, Roc. Something about my luxious hair or my stunning complexion. As for my eyes, I can't hardly see you. Teddy, you can post an actual picture of me too, as long as it's that small.
Roc & Judes, as lfj clearly remmembers, I wasted my middle years going to the seminary to get a master's degree. As a result I am a master of lots of tidbits of religious information.
Patricia, sometimes I'm too overwhelmed by aesthetic overload for words; know what I mean???
ReplyDeleteJudes, I have that effect on a lot of women, what can I say? ;<)
what can i say Tisha? everything i learned about being a blog host i learned from 'ol bibby so go send him an e-mail and complain.
ReplyDeletebtw Tisha, u didn't "waste" any years...what is a wasted life? one that hasn't been lived.
and i attempted to enlarge Roc's pic but had no luck. and Roc, don't use such big words when speaking to Tisha.
and Judes, u are quite the "naughty" woman - but that'd be o.k. as long as i remain your #1 man.
ReplyDeletelfg, hope you and your loved ones had a Merry Xmas.
as for religion, i grew-up catholic, went to catholic schoools so i naturally hate catholicism. when i was young i felt so quilty about my sexual preference - even went for a lil therapy - then when it was revealed that priests were doing nasty things to lil boys my guilt simply vanished. btw, does anybody know how i can get "officially" ex-communicated from the church?
i'm not religious at all but very spirtual - it's all now Buddha, Buddha & more Buddha!!!
one more thing Judes...i don't wear "panties". i either go commando or wear boxers...but didn't i already tell u that?
ReplyDeleteand btw Roc, i hope u had a great xmas too!
ReplyDeleteNo, Teddy, those years weren't really wasted. I loved it. Believe it or not, most of my professors, who were either priests, nuns, or rabbis, encouraged a genuine exchange of ideas. At that philosophical and theological level, religious study soars. I also met some wonderful men and women as fellow students...most of whom thought I was an odd duck. What can I say? Quack.
ReplyDeleteYes LFJ, Michael had a great Christmas-thanks for asking. Isn't that what it's all about? The kiddies having a great time? I hope you had a good time before the blues set in.
ReplyDeleteBB, I know you wouldn't EVUH be caught in panties, that's why I said it-LOLOL!
He's very right P, a wasted life is only one not lived. You haven't wasted a second in my humble opinion!!
Roc, you KILL me!! LOL
Judes, the glue that holds us all together.
ReplyDeleteTheological wisdom:
ReplyDelete"Mine brother Esau is an hairy man but I am a smooth man.”
"And he [Elisha] went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, 'Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head.' And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them."
Exegesis please, TT (feel free to jump in W4G, Roc, and Judes). And, no, I do not have an abnormal interest in hair except I like Alex O'Loughlin with more than he has on "Hawaii Five-O."
my NY's resolution is to attempt to stop intimidating people with my perfection. LOL
ReplyDeleteand yes Tisha, you are an odd duck...and that's why we all ove u sooooooooo much!!!
ReplyDeletehmmm...wonder if Toothy is taking notes:
This is less religion and more the roar of the mouse. These stories were told to share the mightiness of the tiny group that was the children of Israel.
ReplyDeleteI prefer the story of Ruth: One day Ruth’s mother-in-law Naomi said to her, “My daughter, I must find a home[a] for you, where you will be well provided for. Now Boaz, with whose women you have worked, is a relative of ours. Tonight he will be winnowing barley on the threshing floor. Wash, put on perfume, and get dressed in your best clothes. Then go down to the threshing floor, but don’t let him know you are there until he has finished eating and drinking. When he lies down, note the place where he is lying. Then go and uncover his feet and lie down. He will tell you what to do.”
That Naomi, a real Momma Lohan.
Richard Chamberlain is certainly the voice of experience. (God, how I adored him as Dr. Kildare when I was a preteen.)
ReplyDeletei adored him to Tisha!!! LOL
ReplyDeleteSee, Teddy, we were thinking alike even then.
ReplyDeleteand lfj, about that story of Elisha. so what? lil children are always taunting me about my bald head - i just hope they never find the bodies.
ReplyDeletejust kiddin' of course - at least about the bodies.
ReplyDeleteyep Tisha, we be soulmates!
ReplyDeleteAll in all, things didn't work out so badly for Ruth and Boaz. Does Esther do something similar what with the year's worth of beautification in the harem? Or does she win the king through her purity and true interest in his weariness.
ReplyDeleteRichard Chamberlain playing Lord Byron . . . now that was something I could get down with!
Hey, Teddy, you can actually SEE me in that picture. Roc owes me one. But isn't that the sweetest little boy I'm with? My son of Abraham, my grandson, Marlowe, taken when we were both much younger 1-1/2 years ago.
ReplyDeleteW4G, I'm so sorry you were made to feel that way, which sort of brings me back to my original question today about "Church Fathers" setting the tenets of our faith and our feelings about ourselves.
ReplyDeleteDid you tare the children yourself or did you have a she-bear tare them for you?!
no problem lfj, the past is the past and should remain that way - one thing a like about the philosophy of Buddha was that he said repeatedly to his "followers": don't accept anything because i said it. i am just a man like the rest of you. what i speak is what i believe but that doesn't necessarily constitute the truth. just ponder what i say and accept or reject it depending upon how it makes you feel. look within yourselves for the truth.
ReplyDeletebtw lfj, i tared those lil bastards myself...what fun would there be if i had let someone else do it for me? LOL's lonely around here today. i should have followed suit and taken a holiday until after the new years just like bibby.
ReplyDeleteJust lurking and seeing if anything happens.
ReplyDeleteBTW, Teddy, regarding what the Buddha said, are you sure he didn't play the odds in Vegas? Sounds like a man who knew how to hedge his bets. But I admire that in a spiritual leader.
ReplyDeleteno, he just didn't want people to follow him blindly and recognized the need for every man to think for himself.
ReplyDeleteYes, that's what I like. I wasn't being facetious. I've never met a Buddhist I didn't like, with the exception of Richard Gere who I don't count because I've never really met him.
ReplyDeleteShafterella is engaged! Hmm, she's a coddled h'wood star (despite that last bomb) and he works for her agency. Wonder who will wear the pants in that family?
ReplyDeleteW4G and TT, regarding the email: what does "Dr." Laura make of Jonathan and David?
ReplyDeleteW4G, how did you like "Baby It's Cold Outside" on the Christmas episode of "Glee"?
I don't know about w4g thinks about that Glee performance, but I think it was the best rendition of that song I've ever heard.
ReplyDeletelfj, not sure what e-mail you're talkin' about so i can't respond to that.
ReplyDeleteas for the Glee performance, i thot it was sooo queer. i like Kurt's voice but his looks and his personality (on the show) just turns me off. besides, his perspective partner on the show could do way better than Kurt.