This blog was named after a long lost blogger pal of mine. It was created so my other blogger pals and I from the Awful Truth can avoid the twitards and have meaningful and intelligent conversations. WARNING: This is a Twilight, Paris Hilton, Lilo & Kardouchian free no zone. Any posts regarding the aforementioned will be promptly deleted and the poster will be blocked from making any further comments. Thank you for your cooperation.

jake gyllenhaul aka toothy tile
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Cut the poetic crap. I don't know how I'm going to get between my house (with the dog, cat, and 2 birds who need my care) and my parents house (who depend upon me) tonight and tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteoh my sweet princess, i wish i could be there to help u out. but can't u take your dog to your mom and dad's - and can't your cat and birds survive for a couple of days w/o u if u leave em plenty of food and water?
ReplyDeleteThe dog would still have to be let out, so he's staying home where he feels secure on his doggy bed surrounded by his doggy toys. In a pinch he'd just take a dump in the kitchen where he sleeps. The cat has his food and water and the birds would be OK too. My Mom & Dad are my chief concern so I'm staying the night with them.
ReplyDeletePeople around here are acting like this is the end of the world. But I lived through the biggest snow event in Chicago history in 1967. 20 inches of snow in 5 hours. The only difference is that the weather forecast was for "light flurries," so people didn't panic. No one was prepared either. As a kid, though, it was a blast; we didn't have school for aobut 10 days. My father couldn't get home from his job in downtown Chicago for five days; the commuter trains weren't running. He slept on the floor and worked at his desk all day like it was a normal work day. "What else could I have done?" he asks. When he finally got home he had to walk the final 5 miles because the train left him at another train station than his car was parked and he couldn't have dug it out anyway. I remember being a couple of miles from my home, just walking because really (despite all the snow it was sunny and the air was crisp and invigorating, no high winds), when I saw my father walking toward me wearing his suitcoat and fedora, holding his briefcase. So we walked home together. Great memory.
boysa - I was complaining to myself when I rode into work on my motorcycle cause my knees were getting cold (and therefore stiff). I have no complaints whatsoever about our weather now. What you guys are getting hit with started as rain here on Sunday and morphed into something much worse there. I could ride there if I put spikes in my tires I guess...
ReplyDeleteNo heroics, w4g and Roc. Stay in your nice temperate climes. This weather bonds us midwesterners together...literally sometimes.
ReplyDeleteI'm just worried about Judes. Silence is not golden here.
ReplyDeleteSorry guys, the snow is wreaking havoc on Comcast. I cannot access my email and we are getting no upload speeds at all. Took me 5 minutes just to get into the blog after I hit enter. It's really nasty, this crap started at 3:00 on the dot and it's already blowing sideways by my house. P is down farther south and I'm sure it was a friggin mess there even earlier. Dragon Lady made me drive all the way to 26th and King Drive this morning to deliver monthend reports (that bitch!). I told her I would do it if I could go straight home after-she actually said fine. I made it home by 1:00, thank Christ! I went and got Spawn early cuz school is cancelled for tomorrow. So we are just sitting here watching the snow blow sideways.....
ReplyDeleteI don't care how much comes down, I just pray the electricity stays on. I just got a new frog and I would hate to lose him just because his filter and heater were cut off!! LOL! Stay safe everybody, especially you P. BB, I know this crap is headed your way, I only hope it's tapered off by the time it hits your neck of the woods. Just think of the snowmen we may be building tomorrow!!!!
Good to hear that Judes is safe. It hit here 3:00pm on the dot too. For once the weather men were right. It's supposed to be full strength by 9:00pm with white out conditions. I'm already at my parents house with a generator on the standby and a frig full of food. (including ice cream)
ReplyDeleteOh, da poor froggy! We can't have him in peril. If worse comes to worse, bundle him up and send overnight to me and i can care for him until the weather improves. I can't believe that idiot would send you out just to deliver some stupid reports - at least she did let you go on home. I just sent an email to several people in KS, IN and even TX and am getting automatic replies saying their office is closed due to inclement weather.
ReplyDeleteto my sweet Tisha:
ReplyDeleteOh the weather outside is frightful
But the fire is so delightful
And since we've no place to go
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
It doesn't show signs of stopping
And I've bought some corn for popping
The lights are turned way down low
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
When we finally kiss goodnight
How I'll hate going out in the storm!
But if you'll really hold me tight
All the way home I'll be warm
The fire is slowly dying
And, my dear, we're still goodbying
But as long as you love me so
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
I'd have to set the living room furniture on fire and then wait for the fire to be "slowly dying."
ReplyDeleteBut thank you, Teddy.
Well, it's 5:00am and I am awake because a man with a plow attached to a pickup is completely stuck in front of my house. He's got one of those reverse sirens, the ones that sound like garbage trucks in reverse, and he's trying to rock the truck out of the huge mound he had to drop in front of himself. I feel bad for him, it's about 16 degrees too. I can hardly see out the windows because they are so covered. Can't wait until it's light so I can see what really happened out there.......
ReplyDeleteAnd thankfully, the electricity stayed on. It blipped twice last night around 8:00 and I was a nervous wreck!
Electricity is fine at my parents house. The snow is starting to pick back up, but the snow plows have been through so hopefully I can get home to take care of my (abandoned) animals.
ReplyDeleteDear Ted:
Why didn't Shafterella Shoshstein's ex-spouse (the husband before Toothy Tile) out her as a cheater, since she helped the press out him as a cheater? Was he cheating with men too and thought it would hurt his career? If it's who I think it is, it's kind of strange because he played a lot of bi and gay characters, and his career did quite well. Did Shafterella actually have sex with Tile, and who birthed Tile's kid?
—Brent St. Monica
@Brent St. Monica Wed, Feb 2, 2011, 5:25 AM
Oh, what a tangle web we weave when we try to mix Blind Vice monikers. But everyone here knows what and who you were talking about. I think it's about as likely that Shaffty's (1st) ex will out her cheating ways as it is that Shaffty will apologize for burning him at the publicity stake. As for if and who the ex cheated with...we will leave that to those fantasies in your most private moments, as you seem to get off on the idea. -Patricia
My post on Awful totes got deleted. Glad I saved it here. Those twits can have those comments.
ReplyDeleteWhy would some dumbass delete that post?? There was nothing but the truth in it!!
ReplyDeleteI don't get it-
It's the twits, they gunning for me because I deleted all of their posts for a week while Bibbs was on vaca. Now if I hit delete nothing happens. But THEY can still delete me. I don't care, it was worth the fun.
ReplyDeletethey're gunnin' for me too sweet princess. not only am i being called an "evil villian" but they used my moniker in the same sentence they used BobNYC (adding insult to injury):
Kitty Wed, Feb 2, 2011, 12:31 PM
Kristen can act and would make a wonderful Snow White. She already lives the life of Snow White. Rob is her Prince and the Brit Pack are the Dwarfs. The Nonstens, BobNYC and Waiting4godot are the evil villains. JMO.
bitter, bitter peeps with no friends and no life. We pity them here at w4g-itsjake blogspot. No we don't.
ReplyDeleteTheir only friends are the fellow Robstens that have nothing to do all day either. DO NOT go near the AT today, another snow day for schools and the kiddies will polute the boards all day long.....
ReplyDeleteI was up early and read AT. The guy who got his blind vice monikers all in a tangle yesterday by referring to Shaffterella and Toothy's relationship, cleaned up his question:
ReplyDeleteDear Ted:
I guess I should narrow and fix my question from before. Why didn't Shafterella Shoshstein's ex-spouse tell the press that she cheated on him before they divorced? Since she let the press believe the divorce was entirely his fault, it would seem he should have planted info in the press about her "penis parties" and "femme friends" mentioned in your Blind Vices about Shafterella. What stopped him?
Dear Nice Guys Finish Last:
Because he messed up, too. Look, they have kids together, so, why drag it out in the press à la Denise Richards and Charlie Sheen back in the day? We think it's pretty commendable what Shafterella's ex did by staying quiet. He doesn't entirely deserve the sleazy rep he gets around this town.
And of course I couldn't resist puttin my 2 cents in for as long as it lasts:
@Brent Thu, Feb 3, 2011, 5:19 AM
Bravo, Brent, for narrowing your question and getting it reprinted by the Bibbs. But I could have answered your question for you. Shaffty deserves her BV moniker but her (1st) ex, for all of his slams from bloggers, has none. Why do you think that is? * Patricia (until some twit deletes me.)
So far no one has deleted your post Patricia. I think they know there's no stopping U! after all they are twits....
ReplyDeleteYeah, they are seriously random twitards. As for "Brent" I don't bother wading into that crap to see if he responds. I feel like I lose IQ points for every one of those posts I read, even if I only skim them.
ReplyDeleteThe sweetest teenaged girl came to my door today right after I got home. She had on a unzipped short coat and gloves, no hat over her tightly curled hair or boots on her feet. She wanted to know if I needed help with shoveling my walkway. My yard is completely unshoveled and covered in snow between 20-26 inches deep. I remembered that I had almost used up all of the cash in my wallet, so I said, "I'd love for you to do it, but I don't think I have any cash." "That's OK," she replied, "I'll do it anyway." She shoveled my very long walkway and my front porch. She was very thorough. So I ran over to my wallet where I found 4 one dollar bills, 4 quarters, and a Walmart gift card for $10 and I put the cash and the gift card in a Valentine's gift bag I had left over from last year. "Oh, red is my favorite color," she said. Don't believe anyone when they tell you kids today are any different than when we were kids. Some are bad, some are unbelievably generous...I've never met this sweet girl before.
That is amazing. It really give one hope for the future and I suspect there are more kids like that than not. That kind of karma should serve her very well, what a sweetheart!
ReplyDeleteGlad that Tisha and Judes lived through it! A man near here got stuck on a road and tried to shovel out. Then he started walking towards his home, which he could see from the car. They found him frozen to death yesterday morning.
ReplyDeleteGag,the Twi-twits are disgusting. Deleting TT's comments and calling W4G a "villain"? OK, OK. BobNYC IS a villain, but W4G is our hero.
So, anyone can delete anything at anytime? It doesn't have to be sent to the moderator? Good grief, what are we waiting for, if so?
Glad to see Demi and her boy booed. Three effing hours late?!? Does that woman spend even five minutes a day doing anything else besides sitting in a spa, salon, or dermatologist/plastic surgeon's office?
Snowed out, but not snow blind.
Wow P, that warms the heart and makes the future of young gangbangers look a little less bleak. And I am so happy your front walk is clean! Just dig out a little patch for the dog to use and you'll be all set until May-LOL!
ReplyDeleteUgh LFJ, that's terrible what happened to that stranded man!! Very glad you made it through the nasty storm ok though. I don't believe for a second that there are actual moderators on the AT boards. It's some "bad word" bot program doing the deleting IMHO-
Demi has NO CLASS. She is terrified of aging and will eventually wind up looking like Joan Rivers as her Karmic payback, you'll see. She also thinks her sheeit don't stink. Obviously, the Brazilians know better-
I hate BobNYC, I hate BobNYC, I hate BobNYC!!!
Check out this woman's picture as posted on DListed. She's a 62 year old former soap actress. That's the face I see a lot when I'm visiting LA...that fake plasticized complexion that almost looks like a burn victim. The only difference is that usually there's enough makeup on it to make it photograph better. But in the light of day! Oh god, it's frightening.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, that's Demi Moore in a few more years, as well as a number of actors and actresses.
Anyone have any guesses for Bibby's new BV: Dick Wadd? Gotta admit, it's his best BV moniker to date.
ReplyDeleteIt Ain't: Geoffrey Rush, Colin Firth, Christian Bale
promised to gag:
ReplyDeletethanks for calling me your hero lfj although i am thinkin' of changing my moniker to Snideley Whiplash and maybe BobNYC could be Natasha. LOL
ReplyDeletehave a similar story about the lil girl shoveling the snow. when it snowed here a few weeks ago i was getting ready to go shovel the front walk when the doorbell rang. a tiny lil boy who carried a shovel bigger than he was wanted to know if we needed our front walk shoveled. i just couldn't say no and let him then paid him $5.00. He looked up at me and smiled and said thanks a lot mister! So cute. After he left i had to reshovel the walk but that didn't matter at all.
hey Tisha, do u think Keanu's BV has to do w/coke. bibby did use "nostrils" in his reply.
ReplyDeletenot sure about the Dick Wadd blind vice as i am not to familiar with most directors or producers. Kevin Spacey sounds like maybe a good guess.
I think the Dick Wad is a foreign born director or producer. I get that from the "ain'ts." All the aints are foreign born but they eliminate the leading contendors for best (supporting) foreing born actor. So I think he's saying it IS foreign born but it is NOT an actor.
ReplyDeleteYeah, maybe Keanu's is drugs. I'm not familiar with the older BV's.
gosh I wish I could spell consistently.
ReplyDeleteI tried to send the following email to Bibby but get a fail message.
ReplyDeleteSo I watched the trailer for "Ceremony" and I found it utterly charming and rather interesting with a great cast. Not Shakespeare, but who expected that? I'm rather shocked that you would criticize Michael Angarano's career as a way to pimp Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson. Shame on you. -Patricia
Hello? Was it something I said?
ReplyDeleteCan't be. I don't think anyone is saying anything here. Must be a rough weekend.
ReplyDeletesorry, but i've been busy feeding A-Rod. LOL
ReplyDeleteWell, he's a big guy and he's being fed one piece of popcorn at a time. That was NOT sweet or charming because of who was involved, both parties.
ReplyDeleteThe company in that box was rather nauseating as well.