This blog was named after a long lost blogger pal of mine. It was created so my other blogger pals and I from the Awful Truth can avoid the twitards and have meaningful and intelligent conversations. WARNING: This is a Twilight, Paris Hilton, Lilo & Kardouchian free no zone. Any posts regarding the aforementioned will be promptly deleted and the poster will be blocked from making any further comments. Thank you for your cooperation.

jake gyllenhaul aka toothy tile
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i think lfj lives in Iowa.
ReplyDeleteOr do you mean Ohio or Idaho? I always get those countries mixed up.
ReplyDeleteObtuse as usual, L4j.
ReplyDeleteTimothy needs some hair. Much more prettier in "Justified," yes, Judes?
ReplyDeletebetter obtuse than abstruse.
I heard a rumor that lfj lives in the same state as itsjake. Not confirmed yet.
ReplyDeleteI feel so embarrassed. You're right the word is abstruse, not obtuse. Who knew? Me, I should have known. I was a teacher, for gosh sake. Ah, ignorance prevails.
ReplyDeleteAbout this rumor. Very interesting. Do they know one another...well?
One source claims "they're just friends," another says it's above my pay grade to know.
ReplyDeleteOhhhhhh, Judes. C'm here and take a gander at this:
Thanks for the pic of Timothy BB! He does look simply smashing with hair but baldy is ok by me too....
ReplyDeleteMichigan LFJ?? You ruled out WI already.
Thanks for the droolworthy pic on the imdb site. Yuuuummmmmyyyyyyyy!!!
new pic of Timmy compliments of Tisha.
ReplyDeleteand i'd bet the farm (if i had one) that lfj & itsjake are one and the same and lives in Iowa.
Hmmm, whose farm are you betting? But I agree that itsjake and lfj are so closely related as to be residing in the same corporal form. Whither that form resides in Iowa is an uncertainty in my mind. w4g recalls a cryptic remark from AT days, but either I don't remember it or it was before I joined in.
ReplyDeleteAny comments on my new gravatar? Helmet kitty.
my sweet princess, your gravatar bears such a striking resemblance to you! LOL
ReplyDeletebtw lfj, Tisha informed me that the new pic of Timmy i posted was actually from the link u posted. she had sent me the pic in my e-mail before i had a chance to check out your link.
Just for the record: I've never eliminated any states. That being said, I do not live in the southeastern part of the country nor the southwest.
ReplyDeleteWhy the tenacious fascination with Iowa, w4g?
Tim is luverlee any way I can get him.
LOL, you're never gonna tell us even if we guess right LFJ!
ReplyDeleteYou mystery woman you!
Love your helmet kitty P-
lfj, u live in Iowa and u know it!!!
ReplyDeleteHow do you imagine people in Iowa are anyway? And why must that be my home? And why must I be Mango?
ReplyDeleteMy sister-in-law lives in Iowa and she is a doofus-LOL!
ReplyDeleteI have to tell you what Spawn said this morning-he is too funny! His father wished him Happy Valentine's Day and he said yeah, yeah-Valentine's Day is sooooo stupid. It's for all those people who say I love you and they don't really mean it. What a crock! OMG, I about fell over laughing! He kills me! I told him to wait until he has a girlfriend and then it will be different-
My brother is the city manager of Dubuque, Iowa, and a great guy.
ReplyDeleteMy granddaughter tex'd the boy she took to her school's turn-around dance a month ago and asked him if he'd be her valentine. He goes to a different high school and replied, "What's the point? We won't see each other." My granddaughter turned to me laughing and said, "What a doofus, all he had to say was, yes. But now I'm mad at him." She tex'd him back that he needs to step up his game.
Love, love, love. Love is all we need.
ReplyDeleteHappy Valentine's Day to everyone here. A special Valentine wish to my Teddy Bear who is my best friend.
ReplyDeleteI hope Judes, Roc, and lfj each get a token of affection today or tonight. I hope Teddy gets laid.
lfj, i think you're from Iowa cause you're such a potato head! oops, wrong state...Idaho is the state for potatoes...right? ;-)
ReplyDeleteJudes, your spawn and i must think alike...i said the same thing to Ric when he wished me a happy valentine's day!!!
ReplyDeleteand Tisha, tell your granddaughter not to feel too bad. that a-hole text me back the same message when i text him about being my valentine. yea, he sure needs to step up his game for sure!
ReplyDeletereply to lfj: what's love got to do with it, got to do with it. it's just a second-hand emotion.
ReplyDeleteTisha, did u get my valentine's present? I tied Ryan up with a big red bow and fedexed him to you in Chicago. Don't worry, i left a few miles on him for you! ;-)
ReplyDeleteOh, thank you, Teddy. I'll be on the lookout.
ReplyDeleteI once played on a job-related softball team (catcher); our team's name was What's Glove Got to Do With It!
ReplyDeleteGreat name lfj. Did you all play in heels? THAT would some kinda spikes.
ReplyDeleteisn't the state of Iowa noted for its infamous female softball teams? and to think i only thot lesbians played softball! LOL
ReplyDeleteReally, this simply must stop. Iowa, Iowa, Iowa. My understanding is that it's famous for girls basketball anyway.
ReplyDeleteMy dear w4g, you never played on an intramural softball team?! It wasn't my job. It was a "team building effort" at my job. And no one else was foolhardy enough to play catcher and I was terrible -- quite unable to get the ball back to the pitcher's mound without bouncing it.
Heels were optional. Pearls required.
Pearls required-OMG LFJ! You have me rolling with that one!!!
Maybe a clue. Right now, this popped up on my Ipod. While some of you might quote love songs, this does it for me!
Mac Rebennack aka Dr. John Creaux
Some people think they jive me,
But I know they must be crazy
Don't see their misfortune,
I guess they're just too lazy
Je suie le grand zombie
My yellow belt of choisen
Ain't afraid of no tomcat,
Fill my brains with poison
Walk through the fire,
Fly through the smoke
See my enemy,
At the end of their rope
Walk on pins and needles
See what they can do
Walk on gilded splinters
With the King of the Zulu
Walk to me, get it, come, come
Walk on gilded splinters
Walk to me, get it, come, come
Walk on gilded splinters
Make of it what you will.
Yr little Marie Laveau
ReplyDeleteYa all in New Orlins?
Jeepers, I gotta put a filter on my cyber blabbing. No, I don't live in the Big Easy, but I have paid my respects at Marie Laveau's grave.
ReplyDeleteJust about my eclectic taste in music, as well as my interest in dead people and weird things.
Okay: some real clues: natural brunette, hazel eyes, and born on an island the name of which doesn't begin with the letter "H."
I like TT's guesses on those blinds. These are so much more specific, interesting, and guessable than Bibby's.
so lfj, where you born on Gilligan's Island perchance?
ReplyDeletebtw, do u still live where u were born?
ReplyDeleteIs you island particularly Long with its own iced tea?
ReplyDeleteManhattan Island? Statten Island? Coney Island? The Island of Dr. Moreau? La Isla Bonita? I could go on and on.....LOLOL! You sound pretty LFJ-
ReplyDeleteThanks for the pic BB, I thought you would either pick the one you posted or the one in the white shirt with dark sleeves. He's got great smoldering eyes.....
I watched the gawdawful A Walk to Remember yesterday and cried my eyes out-LOL!
how bout shutter island?
ReplyDeletebtw Judes, i'm a chest man - that's why i chose that pic.
wait, i got it, lfj is from Fantasy Island (da plane, da plane!) how tall are u lfj?
Judes, how can u tell if lfj is pretty by her brief discription? i wanna know her cup size!!!!
ReplyDeletelfj doesn't wear that kind of cup, w4g, so you wouldn't be interested. My son has hazel eyes too, lfj. Beautiful color.
ReplyDeleteSo does my Spawn! That's a neat coinkydink!
ReplyDeleteAw P, BB just said he is a chest man-ain't nuthin wrong with admiring boobage-I've done it meeself!! LOL!
Now BB, you like smooth or hairy? I like some hair there. Did we already have this convo before?? I apologize if we did because I can't remember the answer--
I just picture LFJ as a smallish-little bigger than petite-very attractive woman with super brains and a quirky personality. A good mix IMO.
Judes, Wow. I'll never come out of the closet now. How can I live up to your imagination? You're too kind. Quirky? Oh, yeah. That's a big problem for my dullish colleagues.
ReplyDeleteAre the rest of you brown-eyed? I do so wish I were. My husband is a "brown-eyed boy."
Great guesses on my island. I'm especially fond of Gilligan's!
w4g, did you think "Glee" was a bit of a hodge-podge last night?
"Bad boys, bad boys. Whatcha gonna do when Judes comes for you?"
My cup size is an unlisted number! Chests, pecs, boobies. What is it with ALL guys?!
No and -ish.
Keep the gossip coming, TT.
My son has hazel eyes like his father, and my granddaughter has magnificent chocolate brown eyes. But the rest of my family, and me, all are blue eyed. My eyes are my one vanity because they are large with a darker blue circle around the outer edge of each of my irises.
ReplyDeleteYes, lets just keep cup size private please.
And personally, although I don't know what lfj looks like I know there is a glint in those hazel twins, a kind of combination of determination, humor, and intelligence. Sorta like my Teddy Bear.
I have big brown eyes with a dark blue rim. Bri has bright green eyes, hence the spawn with hazel. Michael's eyes are so beautiful, I can't even describe the color. I want to say tawny-don't laugh at me guys!
ReplyDeleteToday is going to be around 60 in Chicago. Should clear out the rest of the snow. Betcha I see a bunch of crazy people in shorts and sandals today. That happens around here when it gets over 45-LOL!
Bad boys run when I come for them LFJ-they know they are no match for me!
Roc is alive, I got an email last night. I told him to get his red butt over here, maybe today he will regrace us with his spectacular self-
That's what I love about you P-always gotta have the last word! LOL, I mean that in the most loving way so do not take offense to it-you're the best P!
OK, now that would make THIS the last word. My son has gorgeous eyes too. The favorite thing about my ex and my son has the same. They are kinda a golden brown but when angry or likewise excited they turn green.
ReplyDeleteSo, now we know. Roc has thing for Judes. Good taste.
I'm already in my shorts and flipflops.
Shorts, flipflops, blasting a boom-box or Bose out the second-floor window, TT? Don't get too frisky; it's only mid-February.
ReplyDeleteWow, brown or blue eyes rimmed in blue. Such a thing. I suppose brown eyes were dominant and then some puny person's eyes in Europe eons ago turned out freakishly blue and over the generations more eyes got that way.
"My" victim whose photo I carry with me had green eyes and wore an early form of tinted blue-green lenses (late 1960s) which were still in at autopsy. I'm told her eyes were spectacular and that they literally dazzled.
Gotta go deal with a poisoner now that my agoraphiliac is fairly much done: in his 30s, lived with his mother (of course), dug and burrowed a small, close tunnel under their house, and lived down there with two raccoons and a house cat. Cause of death: sepsis (cripes, wonder how he got that?!).
Sorry I always manage to be morbid. But, they live among us. Be aware.
Yes, the frightened and reclusive are definitely with us.
ReplyDeleteThe theory is that all recessive traits developed over time but dominant traits must have come first. That means dark skin, hair, and eyes, among others. The most recessive hair color? Red, of course. But hair color, skin color, and eye color are all multiple gene traits that are a blend from both parents, whose were in turn a blend from theirs. There's an almost endless possibility of combinations.
The blue eyed Roc&roller has re-graced the blog with his most spectacular self - LOLOLOLOL!!!
ReplyDeletelfj, born on Catalina Island? Hey it's close so naturally popped into the gray matter.
we're never gonna survive unless we get a little crazy....luv that song. Alanis Morisette's and Seal's versions, both for different reasons. I go apeshit for girls that play guitar and she has such a mighty set of lungs (the ones for singing!).
ReplyDeleteBout time brother-Alanis ROCKS! Gawd luv Jagged Little Pill!!! Her new baby is adorable, hope he inherited her lungs-LOL!
ReplyDeleteWill you think me crazy if I really thought your story was great LFJ? I really wonder sometimes makes some people tic off crazy the way they do-
Roc, Roc, Roc -- please forgive my ignorance. Do people live on Catalina? Never been there but I like the song "26 Miles"!
ReplyDeleteTT, YOUR eyes and your son's (wow) are gorgeous. I see the blue lines.
Thank you, Judes. I don't think you a bit crazy. These are the fascinating things I deal with; my colleagues don't "get it" and don't care. Like you, I wonder why this man was like he was and find it intriguing. He isn't just a dead person.
Aside from the horrid things people do to each other, forensic work fascinates me, following all the pieces to solve the puzzle. It must be only 3/4 satisfying for you personally LFJ when you don't find out the "why" though. I don't think I would be very good at separating that part out, that's why I didn't pursue it career-wise. I did think about it in my early twenties when I briefly left medical billing. I was so bored with it and wanted to do something different. I considered forensics, fixing cars or contracting. I always wanted to do manual labor and build things-go figure!! But no, I went back to billing instead.
ReplyDeleteall modesty aside, i've frequently been told (even by a few straight dudes) that i have the most beautiful blue eyes. however, sometimes they appear green depending on the color of clothing i'm wearing at the time. guess i'm like a chameleon.
ReplyDeletenow lfj, were u born on 3 mile island? i mean, that would explain a lot. LOL
and the only sport i was any good at was track and field. in my youth, i was quite the cross-country runner.
i think we should nickname lfj "Bones".
and Judes, u are so ghetto fabulous that i am sure that you are a bad boy magnet!!!
People do live on Catalina but pretty rare that people are born there; but you never know! I'm with W4G about the eye's; people do comment on the color and the tint varies with the clothing I wear. It's nice that I have at least one feature that gets me notice! I really enjoy the comments and observations about autopsies and why they expired. I'm surprised that more people in that field aren't more curious about that, hmm...I have to say I saw why many people died even when I was young so would want to know.
ReplyDeletew4g, so glad to hear from you! I was about to ask, "Is you okay or is you isn't ok?"
ReplyDeleteI don't work in labs, just read the reports, look at crime scene photos, do research, and write case summaries. Mostly it's for VERY old, cold murders.
Sad to say that LE can guess almost to a certainty or at least be fairly certain who did 80% of all murders. Serial murderers are very rare. It's usually someone the victim knows; that is not a stereotype.
The "Tunnel Man" case was being looked at due to the mother's responsibility in letting him live like he did and not reporting him to be sick when she knew what was going on.
It's simultaneously fascinating, disturbing, and frustrating. But never dull. Like my colleagues, damn their eyes.
Who's the BV today?
That BV was Strippa-Yippa and that's JLo. Very sad, even though I don't like her. No woman should be under the thumb of an abusive man, or vice versa, be it emotional or physical abuse.
ReplyDeleteI had not entirely given up on Bibby and sent him an email (below). Notice the answer rambles without addressing my query. I think Bibby has entirely handed off the non Robsten part of his column to ignorant interns, especially the ones interested in blowing him.
Dear Ted:
Almost the entire gossip world lit up this week with the story that Ryan Phillippe "hit up" Rihanna at a Grammy party when he asked what she was doing later. Where do you think such an inflated response to such an innocuous remark comes from? And supposedly he's "dumped" Amanda Seyfried. It's like all the haters hang on Ryan's every word and every embrace. It is so bizarre.
Dear Reading Into It:
The Chris Brown and Rihanna fiasco pre-Grammy's was extremely sad to say the least, but it's time everyone moves on, like they have. Saying Ryan was being literal when he said he would "hit up" Rihanna is beyond pushing it. Come on, she didn't take it that way and nobody else should, either. As for him and Amanda, she told paps on camera Thursday that they are just friends and that the Rihanna story was so effing not true. Bitter or what? Plus, onlookers at the Grammy brunch reported that RiRi was pretty uninterested in the dude, anyway, so there.