Are our dreams our fantasies or just random shit? Do our dreams speak to us or only babble nonsense? Lots of scientific stuff written about it, but I remain unconvinced that our dreams are anything other than an outlet for all the information that slams into us day in and day out mixed together with our emotions.
I rarely remember dreams. Sometimes I wake up with an image or a thought but it quickly disappears. Now DAYdreams, that's another story. I daydream aaaaallll the time, creating little stories that accompany me as I go about my day. I've always done it, even as a young child. It's just part of my DNA. I daydream about meeting all of you, that's for sure.
Yay, P got her "post on" - LOL!
ReplyDeleteDreams are not random shit, just the shit buried in our crazy subconciousness. They have deep meaning, sometimes too deep for our awake concious to discipher.
I wonder if we would go insane if we didn't dream....
Well, Judes, if you can explain why I got chased by a gorilla, many times, when I was a teenager, I'd appreciate it. And when I was little I always had the same dream if I had a high fever. It terrified me. It was big black dots that kept swelling and overwhelming the brightness. I'd wake up too frightened to go back to sleep.
ReplyDeleteNow THOSE I remember.
"Dreams make promises they can't keep, they'll swindle you while you sleep. And the morning finds you wondering why.
ReplyDeleteDuring youth in dreams we do trust, maybe growing-up is just saying good-bye to some of those dreams." - from the theme song from the movie Same Time Next Year.
got some stuff to say about dreams but dinner's ready so i'll come back on later. btw, doesn't a gorilla symbolize a penis in a dream? i dunno, just askin'!
ReplyDeleteI don't know what to make of dreams - maybe they are our subconcious doing a stream of thought thing, I don't know. Given my latest Lilo inspired dream it seems like pieces (the good pieces) of images/films I have seen her in melded together. Her personality was like in her role in Prairie Home Companion and the rest probably came from all the salacious nudity in Machette. At the end of the day, I don't have a clue! This was such a wierd random dream that had me with someone WAY too young for me and that I don't like at all. Neil Young put it this way: "it's only a dream, just a memory without anywhere to stay"...
ReplyDeleteLOLOL P, I can't make heads or tails of the gorilla thing! And thank you BB cuz now I have visions of Magilla Gorilla penis shaped and dancing around! I bet you all a million bucks THATS what I dream about tonight-LOLOLOLOL!