Ellen Page was outed recently. The author of the post said that she should be outed because although she openly supports gay rights she remains in the closet. Wha? So one can not support gay rights without being outed? Only heteros need apply? Something wrong with that thinking.
i'm in total agreement with you my sweet princess.
ReplyDeleteI will never understand why some asshat feels the need to "out" somebody else, for whatever reason. I will also never understand what one's sexuality has to do with anything......
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of outing, has anyone been to the old bitter queen's blog lately, aka The Awful Truth?
I went there just to see if anything worthwhile was published-of course not. He's getting sad and losing readers me thinks. Even his Twishit articles aren't generating the gynormous hits they used too.
Thanks for not mentioning the grammatical error in the title of this thread. I've been running myself ragged taking care of my Mom who is not doing well. I guess I'm more tired than I knew.
ReplyDeleteI look at Bibby once a day, never anything worth reading. Ever since Ken Baker of E! posted that completely fabricated bit that Demi Lovato (who is 18 years old) had been secretly dating Ryan Phillippe, I don't have much use for the entire site. They must be desperate to get hits.
If they were to ask me I'd tell them that Ryan has been tweeting his secret "crush," as he calls it, for a 19 year old model who he has never even met, Kate Upton. I'll bet they don't even know he has a thinly disguised twitter account. Stalking is not for the feeble minded.
from the trenches of the AT:
waiting4godot Fri, Aug 12, 2011, 10:54 AM
when bib's brolumn became twishit i started avoiding it but would visit once in awhile for the BVs. now the BVs have become boring as h e l l and the brolumn has gone from bad to worse to downright pitiful. anyone else notice the drastic decline in hits even for the twitard stuff? obviously, 'ol Bibby is "servicing" someone at E! in order to save his job. now everybody in favor of banishing bibby back to TX please raise their hand.
I don't get the outing of someone by another. Suppose they feel like they have another notch in their "journalistic" totem pole!
ReplyDeleteRoc, it's self righteous bullying. NO excuse, none. I remember when Neal Patrick Harris came out. He said, until now I've always thought it was unnecessary. All of my friends and family know and I thought it was nobody else's business. But a tabloid was going to run an expose so he cut them off at the knees by making a statement.