This blog was named after a long lost blogger pal of mine. It was created so my other blogger pals and I from the Awful Truth can avoid the twitards and have meaningful and intelligent conversations. WARNING: This is a Twilight, Paris Hilton, Lilo & Kardouchian free no zone. Any posts regarding the aforementioned will be promptly deleted and the poster will be blocked from making any further comments. Thank you for your cooperation.

jake gyllenhaul aka toothy tile
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Hmmm, Bibby defends his gay BV's by saying that it's about people not living the truth...or something to that effect because we all know Bibby would never be so straight forward (no pun intended). And it is within that context that I participate. I agree with Harvey Milk, as expressed in his biographical film, that for every gay man or woman who comes out and shows the world what being gay is (and isn't) that it helps the young and isolated find courage and self confidence. BUT, I also listened to Neil Patrick Harris' interview after he came out and he was irked that his privacy had been invaded and he had been forced to make the announcement. "Everyone in my life knew," he protested. (A tabloid was going to run the "expose.")
ReplyDeleteI guess my biggest objection is the attitude of some of the people who read the BV's. To some of them being gay seems like a crime. Do the BV's encourage that? Well, they do nothing to discourage it, nor change people's minds that gays are perverts, IMO. I mean, read those BV's. They are full of drugs and multiple partners and casual encounters. Not that it's strange for hetero OR gay H'wood. But it feeds into a damning stereotype that homosexuality is perverse.
Did you read comment #64 on AT?
steed Sat, Oct 2, 2010, 1:41 PM
Waiting4Godot.It'sJake, oh, that Jake word just keeps popping up. Someone has a crush.
I do not and will never understand anyone that has a problem with somebody's choice of a lover. I know that doesn't answer the question directly but it irks me to no end that a person "being gay" is an issue for a lot of people.
ReplyDeleteI agree with all of your wonderfully articulate opinions Patricia. The last line-But it feeds into a damning stereotype that homosexuality is perverse-is just mind boggling. How on earth is this mind set still lurking in some people???
What are they afraid of?
Hear, hear, Judes. Watch this video:
ReplyDeleteTwo men reaching out to scared and isolated teens.
just returned from a German insignificant other said i was spending too much time on the pc and that we needed to spend some quality time together what with him being away for a few weeks. i hate crowds but i went anyway. had an alright time but i still hate crowds!
ReplyDeleteso Tisha, what do you make of comment #64?!?
a lil off topic but i think the lfj could be itsjake (esp the french) but, if it is, why doesn't she reveal herself? had never known her to play games.
ReplyDeletejust heard on a news program that 9 out of 10 gay guys were bullied as students. i was never bullied so i guess i'm a minority in more ways than one.
ReplyDeleteabout comment #64, it's someone flirting with us but i have neither any idea of whom "steed" would be nor why they would do it there.
ReplyDeleteas for itsjake, i'm mystified also. but then i don't know why itsjake dropped out of AT either.
ReplyDeleteyour opinion Sat, Oct 2, 2010, 12:53 PM
Are The AT's Blind Vices A Form Of Cyber-Bullying Or Not? Comment at:
madre Sat, Oct 2, 2010, 1:25 PM
To 49 Yeah, I'm going to go right there to post. Just give me a minute.
madre Sat, Oct 2, 2010, 1:25 PM
No wait, shouldn't I post my own personal photo first on your facebook page? Yeah, give me a sec on that one too.
who is this a-hole? i don't even have a facebook page. i did at one time but several months ago it was "hacked into" and i tried several times to reset my password according to facebook instructions but the fuckers never e-mailed me the security code i needed to enter in order to reset the password. and i didn't want to go to the trouble of setting-up a new e-mail address and then having to re-contact my friends, etc. since then i've heard and read awful things about facebook and now i'm glad i didn't take the time. besides, i had gotten tired of reading about every time a friend of mine was taking a shit or if they were planning on getting "some" that nite or not.
ReplyDeletePatricia Sat, Oct 2, 2010, 3:24 PM
Oh for crap's sake, this excellent thread has been taken over by the Twilight twits. THIS IS NOT ABOUT ROB AND KRISTEN.
that's the way to tell 'em my sweet princess!
hey gang, i've gotten "hits" from the U.K., Canada, Germany, France, Indonesia, Italy, Mexico, Phillippines and the United Arab Emirates. my blog has gone international!!!
ReplyDeleteWaiting4Godot is no longer waiting! About time.
ReplyDeleteWhat I wrote on AT today:
Patricia Sun, Oct 3, 2010, 7:27 AM
Bullying in high schools is about being different. There was a girl when I was in school who was cruelly bullied because she was well developed. Kids who get bullied often send off a victim vibe but that girl in my h.s. was self confident. It was a bunch of sick girls who no one stopped. And that roommate who videotaped the young man having sex with another man may protest now, but if he had gotten away with this, what would have been the next step? My point is that when teens and preteens hear adults making fun of celebs for being gay or joking that they are gay, it sends a powerful message. You think you're being cool but you're only being cruel and ignorant. God forbid your kid is gay. What are they hearing? Do blind vices contribute to the problem? Yes, I'm afraid that they do. They've become a powerful tool for cyber bullying that probably does little real harm to the celebs but very real harm to the participants, and sets a bad tone on the internet that is growing stronger.
Bravo Patricia!
ReplyDeleteAnd might I add that hiding behind anonymous monikers makes it all the easier for ignoramuses to throw stones-
That video you linked was sad, fascinating and repelling all at the same time.
BB, I so hear you on the spending too much time on the PC! My hubby had the rarest of rare Sunday off and he told me in no uncertain terms that we were both only allowed 1 hour on the computer today-I'm using it now!
Where are all these posts coming from that you guys are pasting into the blog? AT comments? If so, I have to go read them and catch up.
Didn't itsjake used to post in French all the time before? Maybe she is reinventing herself and LFJ is her new persona. I'm just happy she's back!
Hope you all had a great weekend, tomorrow starts the grind AGAIN.
Yes, Judes those are comments from AT. Last time I checked it was well over 230. But for awhile all the comments were about Rob and Kristen. Twits think every subject revolves around Twilight. Fortunately, they seemed to have tired.
ReplyDeleteYes, it's clear that longingforjake is itsjake's new moniker. But she's shy and we don't want to embarrass or "bully" her.
although i am such a compassionate man, i still think we should "bully" itsjake to come clean! ;-)
ReplyDeleteCompassionate but determined and persistent.
ReplyDeleteI wanna:
ReplyDeleteSing backup for Emmylou Harris
Tailgate at a Greenbay Packers game
Form a Slap Posse to chase down and smack Twihards
Live in an ethereal bully-free zone
All good, lfj. From now on you are lfj, because I'm lazy.
ReplyDeleteI wanna:
Become Ryan Phillipp'e personal assistant.
Join lfj's slap posse for Twihard fans.
Live on a ethereal cloud with w4g.
and what my lovely Tisha praytell does being Ryan's personal assistant entail?
ReplyDeletei wanna:
Join lfj's slap posse for Twihard fans.
Be the master of my own domain.
See bibby nakkid (front and back) before he loses his looks completely.
Discover the meaning of life.
And last but not least, live on an ethereal cloud with Tisha while receiving weekly pedicures from Judes.
btw, do you think that Judes has a foot fetish?
ReplyDeleteI too wanna join LFJ's slap posse ASAP.
ReplyDeleteBecomes Patricia's personal assistant while she is assisting Ryan P.
Open the Pedicures Only salon on the etheral cloud.
I DO NOT EVER wanna see Bibby nekkid!
BB, you made me spit lemonade all over my screen with that picture/caption of Leo-came out my nose too!
ReplyDeleteThank you, I needed that laugh today.
Judes, i must give credit where credit is due. Tisha sent me that pic in my e-mail.
ReplyDeleteJudes, you can watch me watching him. Hmmm, a 2fer. I'll put it on my resume...and that he only has to give me a blanket on the floor and feed me table scraps. Too desperate?
ReplyDeleteNot at all! I will sweep said floor after you pick up your blanket and eat the table scrap crumbs you leave.....
ReplyDeleteAnd I'll have my longrange lens ready just incase!
Typing and sending job app right now. I'll just sit here and wait for reply. (body eventually crumbles into dust, neighbors break in door to identify that "terrible smell")
ReplyDeleteDon't forget the mysterious green ooze.....
ReplyDeleteAh yes, the essential Tish oozing out, returning to the earth from which it rose. So sad. All she wanted was to be Ryan Phillippe's handmaiden.
ReplyDeleteThere goes my spleen. You kill me Patricia!
ReplyDeleteI borrowed the above Leo pic/caption you sent to BB, Patricia. I was laughing so hard when I saw it that I spit all over my monitor. I put it on my desktop, it makes me chuckle up a storm every time I see it.