This blog was named after a long lost blogger pal of mine. It was created so my other blogger pals and I from the Awful Truth can avoid the twitards and have meaningful and intelligent conversations. WARNING: This is a Twilight, Paris Hilton, Lilo & Kardouchian free no zone. Any posts regarding the aforementioned will be promptly deleted and the poster will be blocked from making any further comments. Thank you for your cooperation.

jake gyllenhaul aka toothy tile
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I kinda like it.
ReplyDeleteI thought you were PO'd at Ted, BB-
ReplyDeleteBuzzcut is eh, he should have left the fauxhawk!
Are you fixed yet Patricia?
ReplyDeleteI'm still a broken blogger, Judes. I'm getting a new hard drive shipped to me that will be here soon. Until then, I have to infringe on other's pc's. Thankfully, I'm pushy.
ReplyDeleteLOL, in the best way possible!
ReplyDeleteI need help SOON, I am failing miserably in keeping BB entertained-
i am PO'd at bibby Judes but u weren't entertaining me so i had to resort to the TLT.
ReplyDeleteand what do u mean is Tisha fixed? dogs and cats get fixed, not people. :-D
Smartypants BB! I meant her computer.
ReplyDeleteYou're just mad at me cuz I stole your dollah!
Try this for entertainment-and it's verified by People so it MUST be true-LMAO!
can't believe that Jake is now cheatin' on me with Taylor Swift...who's next? Krisbian Stewart?
ReplyDeleteand Judes, if i don't get my dollah back soon then i'm coming up there and kidnappin' your hubby. after spending a nite w/moi, he'll be sayin' "Judes who?" (giggles).
I came here to express my outrage at JG & Taylor Swift(ly sent packing.) What's next? Teenagers?
ReplyDeleteAnd after you posted his come hither picture too, Teddy. (I approve.)
LOL! You two are killing me! :)
ReplyDeleteJakey Pooh is getting desperate. He has to top Shaftarella in the publicity department since everybody is hinting she and the Toth are going to get married.
That is a sexy as hell pic BB.
Betcha we hear from LFJ tonight-
I agree, Judes, sexy as hell. In our small come-hither gallery that one takes Top Prize. Keanu and Ryan are just going to have to try harder. (Volunteers to help them practice, start your lines to the left, please. No pushing, shoving, or slapping.)
ReplyDeleteYes, still here looking on.
ReplyDeleteMust admit, however, I prefer a clean-shaven Jake (as in almost any still from BBM).
I'm so envious of your easy banter and effortless exchanges. Maybe it's how I spend my days: navigating between enforced confidentiality and trying to make those who can't communicate tell me their secrets. (I could say that it's depressing; but, in truth, it invigorates and absorbs, although it makes me lousy company).
Maybe a "companionable gene" transplanted from one of you would help?
You are doing fine LFJ-why the self conciousness? You have the most intersting job and you love/hate the same things we all do-besides, you were one of the first ones in the playground! We all love you, especially your beautiful French.
Uh oh, my chairs blew off my back porch! This wind is something else!
ReplyDeleteJudes, what kind of job does lfg have?
ReplyDeletelfg, don't be so shy...we are all friends here and we all enjoy having u around. i think Tisha would be more than glad to give you one of her "companionable genes" for a transplant as she is so giving.
And as Will Rogers once said: "People are what life is all about."
and lfg, did u notice how i changed Jake's pic back just for you as u prefer a beardless Jake.
and btw Judes, one of your chairs landed in my backyard and i'm keeping it until a get that dollar back!!! ;-)
40 mph winds here in Chicagoland with gusts of 60 all day today and tomorrow too, I hear. But we've missed the worst so far since tornados passed just south of our area.
ReplyDeletelfg seems to have absorbed all of her clients secret keeping skills. Police work, lawyer, or psychiatry? Or, could it be, ministry? I like a good mystery but must confess I also like a resolution.
Patience, practicing patience. You'd think with all the practice I've had over my lifetime that I'd had gotten really good at it. But here I am mooching someone's pc so I can get on the internet while my system is down.
Hey! What happened to Jake's come-hither photo?
ReplyDeleteHere's GossipBoy's blog report on Jake and Taylor:
If you read the comments, someone calls Jake and "asshat" for pulling these stunts.
regarding your last post Tisha, do u ever read mine? for the answer to your question in your last comment, please refer to my comment directly above it...thank u and don't get blown away!
ReplyDeleteLFJ is in forensics/criminology. I remember reading that many, many moons ago just before we all disappeared from Ted's AT.
ReplyDeleteAlright BB, I surrender. Here's your dolluh bak babycakes-
I put my other chair/table in the basement. I chased them down the alley twice this morning!Our power is flickering on and off here at work. Hope we don't go down at home. I prepped some chicken wrapped in bacon and sage last night and it has to sit in the fridge overnight before baking. I really wanna eat it!!
Oh no, poor Val Kilmer. He used to make my motor run hot. Now, I just wonder which BV he is....
SO! You changed Jake's pic just for lfj, huh? Oh, how fickle is the love of a man. (sigh) I knew I wasn't enough woman to hold you long. (long sigh)
ReplyDeleteAt least put the pic in the gallery. It was superb.
BTW, Charlie Sheen was escorted to the mental ward of the hopital this morning by NY police after complaints from his hotel. The po-po found him naked and near incoherent in a trashed room with a hooker locked in the bathroom. (She had locked herself there for protection.) His ex wife and kids were in another suite in the hotel. It was supposed to be a family weekend.
AND Denise Richards took Charlie to the hospital!! Oh the irony-what a crazy day this is, celebrity and weather wise!
ReplyDeleteDon't be silly Patricia, you are always his #1.
Well, w4g had a long relationship with lfj, using her former moniker, before I came along.
ReplyDeleteBut don't worry, he won't shake me. Like I've said before, I'm not into that sister wife thing but I can be one of many handmaidens.
Besides, my Sweet Prince knows that my heart is not truly vested in JG.
Well the roof is still on the house, the BBQ didn't blow away and no tree fell on my car.
ReplyDeleteHope you are A-OK too Patricia.
PS-the chicken was not such a good recipe, :(
PPS-Ask my friends BB, sweet is not one of the adjectives they usually use to describe me. Thanks for writing it, that made my whole night!
I am indeed A-OK, Judes, but the windy conditions have been sent east, including S.Carolina where my Sweet Prince lives.
ReplyDeleteTonight I get a replacement hard drive installed on my pc!
yea Tisha, we had a bad night last nite. the wind was blowing, the rain was rainin' and the nite sky kept glowing with bursts of lightning absent the thunder. it was quite the site to see. but all is fine, if not a bit overcast, now.
ReplyDeletegot my flushot yesterday and am having a slight reaction to it. nothin' serious tho.
so glad the both of you are alright - i kept track of what was goin' on up there. btw, Southwest Airlines has come to the Greenville Airport and flights to Chicago are only $30 one way. so get those bedrooms ready! scaring u, aren't i? :-D
and Judes, i refuse to believe that "sweet" is not a characteristic of yours. your friends evidently don't know u all that well.
sorry Judes that your chicken recipe didn't turn out all that well. but i bet it still tasted good.
luck was on my side the other day. got picked-up by the police for a burnt-out passenger brake lite. he just gave me a warning and told me to get it fixed. he helped me more than he'll ever know. seemed the light had fallen out and was burning through a rear compartment wherein i had some papers and was actually starting to burn the papers. the guy at the auto shop said i was lucky i came in as soon as i did or my vehicle would probably have caught on fire!
was also gifted with not one, but 2, episodes of Raising Hope. the halloween show was quite touching and my eyes even watered up a lil. and even tho i am a very sensitive, loving person (HA!) i usually don't react to tv shows and movies like that. speaking of movies, Tisha, did u see where E! gave the Hereafter a "C"? guess it's time for another e-mail to bibby.
and last but not least, hooray that Tisha will be gettin' a new hard drive tonite!!! bout time she got herself "fixed".
one more thing, Tisha will always be my No.1 (coined from Blondie's the Tide is High). but u Judes have always been a great 2nd. but if i don't get my dollah back soon u will quickly land into 3rd place w/Sara Palin overtaking u! (yea,sure).
btw Tisha, when i was posting the pics u had sent me of Jake, i forgot to add the "come hither" pic but it has now been added.
ReplyDeletebtw, no thanks from lfj for putting back the beardless pic of Jake?
Glad you got thru the bad weather and ESPECIALLY glad you didn't roast in your car. That was a REALLY scary thing to read.
ReplyDeleteBig man upstairs has your back BB!
Nah, the chicken was nasty! I'm all about trying new recipes and that one just didn't work out.
So happy Patricia will be back up and running and all fixed soon. Have missed all her usual entries.
I am in the midst of some marital discord right now-it's that fire/water thing going on again.
Actually, we are fighting pretty good (bad) so don't worry if I don't post for a bit. I always have to regroup after we have a blowout. My regrouping consists of a good cry and a few quarts of Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice cream. Then I have a stomach ache for 2 days-
The stupid wind is blowing again today, only 20 miles an hour this time though. Good thing I left the furniture in the basement. If you bring my chair with you BB, I'll give you your dollar back!
Love you guys, LFJ included.
being the curious type, what's the marital discord about? i want details! ;-D
ReplyDeleteRic & I are going thru some discord too-am tired of pickin-up after him. anyway, tell your hubby if he doesn't straighten-up and fly right then i'll have no other choice than to come up and beat the crap outta him. no one messes with my SWEET Judes, not even her hubby!!!!
Aaaand people ask me why I've never remarried. I don't miss the slamming doors and the boo-hooing. I don't like drama in a relationship, just in the movies.
ReplyDeleteBut on the other hand, if one person isn't going to disappear into the other, there will always be some conflict. So, have at it, you four.
My computer geek canceled his appointment to fix my pc tonight. Had an emergency. He'll be back out in the morning. So hopefully I can veg out on the internet once again. Lord knows my house is the cleanest it's been in a year.
Tisha, no mention about my near-death experience in my car?
ReplyDeleteW4G and Judes, so sorry to hear of the strife. One hopes for the return of blissful harmony soon. My gawd, Tisha, I'd go mad if I could not float about cyberspace at will, but cleaning as a substitute: jamais, jamais!
ReplyDeleteThanks, W4G, for not becoming a crispy critter and for the photo. I actually prefer the other one. But, here's the real thing:
Just sneaking a few bright moments . . .
w4g, how many near death experiences have you had now? Several, I know. That traffic cop deserves a big you think he'd appreciate it?
ReplyDeletelfj, cleaning is no substitute for the net, but I'm incapable of sitting and watching tv for extended periods of time and even my dvd collection bored me after a time.
Do you know what I watched last night, Judes? I watched "I Know What You Did Last Summer," and once again saw Ryan Phillippe be hacked to death. The backstory is that he left for N. Carolina for that movie shoot the day after he met Reese Witherspoon and spent the 1st four weeks of the shoot exchanging phone calls and emails with her where upon she flew to the film site on the 5th week for their first official date. Young love so sweet, and ultimately so misguided.
yippee!!!!! Tisha's back and we're back on track!!!
ReplyDeletehey lfg, as usual, good to see you're still around. loved the pic of Jake from BM but the site wouldn't let me copy the big pic so i did the next best thing and added the link to the right hand column of my page. and, i hope, we provided you with a few "bright moments".
ReplyDeleteWow! Was Jake ever a baby in BBM days.
ReplyDeleteJake and Taylor Swift went apple picking?!? Be still my passionate heart. That is just so People magazine.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the kind words LFJ, glad you are back.
ReplyDeleteTell me Patricia, I'm on my second marriage. I didn't have any better luck with the first one so I had to go back for another heaping helping-LOL! If this one blasts, nevuh EVUH again!!
Oh to watch the adorableness of Ryan being hacked up-just not right. Paris Hilton being impaled in House of Wax, now THAT is right!