This blog was named after a long lost blogger pal of mine. It was created so my other blogger pals and I from the Awful Truth can avoid the twitards and have meaningful and intelligent conversations. WARNING: This is a Twilight, Paris Hilton, Lilo & Kardouchian free no zone. Any posts regarding the aforementioned will be promptly deleted and the poster will be blocked from making any further comments. Thank you for your cooperation.

jake gyllenhaul aka toothy tile
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Good subject BB! Ted pissed me off 9 months ago so bad that I stop visiting at all. So yeah, people with brain cells should leave his sorry ass for awhile. You can always go back if necessary! LOL
ReplyDeleteAs long as he keeps posting pictures of Sparklehead, the psycho Twishits will keep Ted in hits regardless-
I think he is finally falling a few rungs down the success ladder. That last T, L and T was wrong on so many levels.
Lets see just how much more time he can squeeze out at E.
Unless something has changed since I read Bibby this morning, people...or very likely one person who keeps changing his or her moniker...are attacking him because they say he makes up his BVs. And in the past he has been attacked for daring to say anything derogatory about Jennifer Anniston, Jennifer Garner, and Angelina Jolie. Hey! I don't like it when he infers less than golden boy status on Mah Boo either. But that doesn't mean he's wrong, just that celebs are not tin gods, but real flawed people.
ReplyDeleteNow, IF Bibby were to be attacked for all that Twitard stuff, I'd be in the trenches. I boycotted him for probably 8 months this year because of it and there are thread commentaries I never open. But even though I think many, many of his old time fans feel the same way, he hardly prints any of the protests and always pooh-poohs them.
Let's face it, Bibby gets between 500-1000 hits for every reference to Robsten. At one time it was more than that, but it's still substantial. His employers are probably happy as clams and he ain't goin nowhere unless it is at his own request.
All valid and all true Patricia. I just hope he has a "next big thing" after the Twi shit is finally over. Because like you said, he alienated ALOT of long time readers with his right, left and up the middle Twilight coverage.
ReplyDeleteI love Ted too, sometimes you just need a break.
i getting tired of bibby mentioning RP/KS in almost every thread even tho the thread has absolutely nothing to do w/either of them. if it wasn't for the hits he gets with the twits, he'd barely get any hits at all. looks like Jon got out just in the nick of time.
ReplyDeletebtw Tisha, since bibby has never answered any of my e-mails, would u e-mail him and ask how Jon is doing? ;-D
my new expression: twit hits!
ReplyDeleteHow's this for an email to Bruce Bibby?
ReplyDeleteDear Ted:
A small group of your long time readers, of which I am a member, is concerned about your future once this Twitest in a tea cup is over. And we've been discussing what you will need to do to win back some of your fans who have desserted you during this self indulgent episode as well as attracting new readers. I read on your Twitter that you're over 2 days with no smokes. Congrats. But as you recently told me, you fear for your rear. So I think you need to do that nude photo shoot soon. You can release the pix now or in the next year. But you need to get those in reserve. I'm generously offering to preview the shots for you. You're welcome.
Your fan, Patricia
i love it Tisha!!! now e-mail it to bibby and let's see if it gets published. i bet the farm that it doesn't. wait a minute, i ain't got no farm...
ReplyDeleteThank you Patricia! Not only did I spit all over my screen AGAIN, I laughed out my spleen this time.
ReplyDeleteI've been looking at Bibby's comments over the last day or so, and his count is abysmal, even though he flagrantly waved the Robsten flag. Is the honeymoon over?
ReplyDeleteI can't seem to access AT's email prompt. And I erased Bibby's email address from my mailbox address book when I was so pissed at him. If anyone can pull down the send email box, feel free to copy and paste my message as your own. But do correct the spelling errors. It should be deserted, not desserted.
ReplyDeletenow let's see if he publishes it!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure he won't. But he'll read it, that's enough.