This blog was named after a long lost blogger pal of mine. It was created so my other blogger pals and I from the Awful Truth can avoid the twitards and have meaningful and intelligent conversations. WARNING: This is a Twilight, Paris Hilton, Lilo & Kardouchian free no zone. Any posts regarding the aforementioned will be promptly deleted and the poster will be blocked from making any further comments. Thank you for your cooperation.

jake gyllenhaul aka toothy tile
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I believe that this little blind vice is supposed to be James Franco. And with that magazine cover of him in drag that came out this week, James is doing an excellent job of telling us all what he thinks of our speculation on his sexual orientation. James walks a line between keeping his private life private and ridiculing the traditional H'wood anti-gay stance. You gotta love him.
ReplyDeleteBTW, I saw the second trailer for his new film, 127 Hours, and gotta say that I think he's a lock for an Academy nomination. Here's hoping that James breaks the system that turns its back on gays if they come out of the closet.
On today's Truth, Lies, & Ted, Bibby called out 50 cent for his homophobic remarks and then outted him, in his own sideways way. Way to go, Bibby.
ReplyDeleteHere's my remark on AT in response to peeps calling Bibby a hypocrite for running Crotch Uh-lastic BV's after condemning homophobia.
"Is it hypocritical? One of the pressures that young vulnerable gays feel is that they think they're alone, and they look around for successful, well adjusted, happy role models and they don't see them in the media. Actors like James Franco who plays with the public about his sexual orientation are a rarity. He's his own animal and I love him for it. But there are many other examples of closeted gay actors and actresses who live in fear of being discovered. What kind of example is that? They have success, they have friends, they almost have it all, and yet they are acting out the same fear as any poor kid living in Potunk, Nebraska." (I correctd the grammatical errors from the original post.)
if James Franco is Croutchy, i'd play act with him anytime! btw Tisha, did u see Judes last remark in the prious thread?
ReplyDeleteThanks, w4g. I had missed that. I'm caught up now.
ReplyDeleteoh Tisha, who takes care of you when i'm not around?
ReplyDeleteFrom the comment section of the AT's TLT thread:
waiting4godot Fri, Oct 8, 2010, 3:15 PM
gross out on the bathroom humor bibby...but, then again, u do cater to 5th graders now. it's sad to see what you've become...i don't even wanna see u nakkid anymore.
waiting4godot Fri, Oct 8, 2010, 3:20 PM
and, oh yea, thanks for giving the kiddies a reason to smoke. if Roberta and Kristopher smoke, then it must be way, way kewl.
check it out @
My, my, w4g, aren't you the epitome of moral rectitude. But smoking IS awful. By the time you realize it doesn't make you any cooler, you can't stop.
ReplyDeleteBTW, I thought Bibby's farting was WAY outside his comfort area. He surprised me. I liked that.
LOL, unheard of....I was asleep by 7:20 on a Friday night!!
ReplyDeleteFinally, Spawn's fever broke. I think he'll live-
Looks like I missed a bunch of good stuff again yesterday. I need to get back up to speed.
Hope you all had a good Friday night, talk atcha later.
Ughhhh. That Truth, Lies and Ted was definitely not something I should have watched this early in the morning. What the ef is wrong with TC? He is contradicting himself all the time lately and to me, seems rather desperate for hits. Sad because I remember the fresh, new Ted from his Defamer glory days.
ReplyDeleteI really liked his AT column when it was weekly. The anticipation factor (BB, I can hear your wicked remark from here) was delish and there was at least 4 or 5 pages of fun to read. Now the fun stories are few and far between. But without the technological advancements to his blog, we never would have met so I guess I should be thankful to him.
Uh-oh, my ramble check alarm buzzed-sorry.
And BTW, the Twinuts have over-run the T, L and T thread already. Gee, big surprise there-
I appreciate the history, Judes, about Bibby.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm very glad your spawn is feeling better.
I didn't start reading AT until two years ago. My job up to then was very technology heavy and I spent 95% of the time I was awake (and many sleepless nights working through clients' crisis) on the computer. I used to catch up with new summaries and just a hint of gossip. So I never knew Bibby in his previous incarnations.
Yeah, TC has been around awhile Patricia. It is funny to read old archived Defamer articles. You can follow how his style developed.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the kind words for my spawn. I thought the appetite was supposed to waiver when you're sick. Not my spawn, he has been living on mac and cheese every 2 hours for 2 days straight!
Don't laugh at me Patricia, but I never figured you for a techie. I honestly thought you might have been in the medical, clerical or journalist field. You seem like a person that loves to help and take care of other people. You make interesting religious references so I figured there is some theological training/interest in your background. You also unearth some doozies as far as links, quotes and pics, that's why I thought journalist. I guess in hindsight, you being a former techie is why you know all the secrets to finding the juicy stuff lightning quick-LOL!
You ain't so bad yourself, Judes, at the discernment stuff. I am most of everything you've said. I worked engineering high speed internet connections and other connectivity for many, many years. After a while I worked on my Master's degree at night in a seminary. Yes, a seminary. When I earned it, I quit the 24 hour a day job market and worked for several churches for a while. When that didn't seem to be working for me, I went back to school to earn my teaching certification and taught for a few years in at risk urban schools. But times are very tough for teachers now. Massive underfunding and massive lay offs.
ReplyDeleteI'm a fanatical reader. I've slowed down on books lately because I'm kinda burned out after being in school almost constantsly for 5 years. But I read across the internet pretty slavishly. When I first "met" itsjake and waiting4godot on the AT, I was still a neophyte but I've gained some savvy since then. They must have seen something in the new kid and brought me up to snuff in some of the long standing gossip.
Oh Patricia, I just got the BEST mental picture of you!
ReplyDeleteYou're sitting at your desk. You have a headset on top of your worry pulled, spiked out hair. There are 5 or six empty coffee cups scattered around the 3 landline and two cell phones. To your left is an open laptop. To the right, an open netbook. In front of you is your PC with 12 open tabs. You have saucer eyes and your brain is screaming HEWP MEEEEEEEEE.....
I either need more coffee or another nap-LOL!
hey Judes, glad the lil spawn is feeling better...before you know it, the lil tyke will be up and around tormenting you just like i did when i was his age!!! btw, if u don't mind me askin', what do u do for a living? u don't have to answer if you don't want to...
ReplyDeleteso Tisha, itsjake (who i hope returns) & i brought you "out of your shell". and what a "monster" we created. (grinnin') as for being the "epitome of moral rectitude", how right u are - were u expecting anything less? hey, i realize that i'm a smoker and not proud of it. but i never smoke around spawns or inside the house and am very considerate of others. if i had a spawn like Judes i would try my best to quit smoking as to set a good example. but i ain't got no spawns and i wouldn't consider me a role model. so there! as for bibby farting, i still think that was gross...poor Judes, watching the TLT when she first got up...surprised she didn't go back to bed.
btw, 2/3 the cost of a pack of cigs is taxes...i don't think the gvt. needs to lose that tax money so i guess i'm helpin' the economy.
ReplyDeleteSmoking. How insidious. Studies have found that even 20 years after giving up the ciggies that people can still tremor at the smell. I remember reading an interview with Greg Louganis years ago. He gave up smoking because he was photographed so often and was speaking at so many schools. He felt that he was providing a poor example of what it meant to live a healthy life. Years later he admitted he also had been a cocaine addict but that giving up cigarettes was the most difficult thing he ever did. Giving up cocaine didn't compare. Training day and night didn't compare. Puts it into perspective.
ReplyDeleteI'm a very permissive mother and grandmother. I like my kids to learn to run their own lives, within carefully drawn limits. But I told my son when he was a teenager and my granddaughter who is now a teenager that if they ever started smoking I would beat their asses.
my dear Tisha, violence is never the answer to any problem (grinnin').
ReplyDeleteThat was me 10 years ago, for sure, Judes. A very stressful life. I earned big bucks but not if you broke it down by all the hours. But I raised my son solo and helped my daughter and her daughter for many years. Now that daughter has a similar life style. You reap what you sow.
ReplyDeleteYou know I'd never really beat them. And they did too. But I think they have always been afraid of what I would substitute for it.
ReplyDeleteArrghhh, I still tremor at the smell. I quit 4 years ago. The smell makes me sick but I'll be damned if every now and then I don't want to just smoke one for the sake of doing it. It really is the hardest habit to fully get rid of.
ReplyDeletePatricia, I told my son I would stand behind any decision he makes about his life too. But I also told him I don't want his ass ever lighting up either!
Good Morning BB. I never smoked in the house or around kids either. I had my smoking etiquette in place! Watching T, L and T first thing was not a smart move on my part. Yikes, Ted is really getting freaky. I have been a medical biller for the last 27 years. At least I have undeniable job security! LOL! And what are you talking about, not being a good pappy. I think you'd be a great one-I bet you have a few furry friends around the house that would agree with me. It's really not that much of a difference from 4 legged babies to 2 legged ones. At least not until the 2 legged ones start talking back!!
Too true Patricia, we reap what we sow!!
ReplyDeleteI have to go now, Spawn wants more mac and cheese. I swear he's gonna gain ten pounds before this weekend is over! We have some gorgeous weather going on here, am gonna try and get Michaelspawn out for a walk once my hubby gets home from work.
ReplyDeleteYou all have a great day, will catch up to you later. :)
mac & cheese is one of my favorites Judes...your spawn and i would get along fine!
ReplyDeleteMan what a day weather-wise! Hats off to you my Maker for it!
ReplyDeleteWell I got Spawn out of the house, we walked around slowly for a bit. Went to the park by our house and he just sat on a bench absorbing vitamin D. Then he says "let's go to Panera for mac and cheese". I told him he's going to turn into mac and cheese if he keeps this up.
Anybody have fun plans tonight? Supernatural wasn't on last nite because b-ball was. Supernatural on a Saturday nite-that's just wrong. But I'm still gonna watch it-LOL!
I loves me some Jensen Ackles, yummy yummy lips on that boy.
Do you ever make your own Mac & Cheese, Judes? I have a recipe that I rarely make because I will gorge myself sick on it. When I was growing up I thought Mac & Cheese came from a box. That despite the fact that my mother is a superb cook. But she grew up first generation Polish and I'm sure she thought that's what made it American.
ReplyDeletedid she make perogies? i just love me some perogies. and, for some reason, my grandma made fish on xmas that a polish tradition? she also made this god awful pink soup which i despised. but gimme those perogies any day!!!
ReplyDeleteMy mother NEVER made any traditional Polish food. Both of her parents were very gifted chefs, not by trade but by interest. Everything in their house was handmade from scratch including the pastries. But neither her mother nor her father bothered to teach their daughters how to cook. So my mother is self taught. And she definitely inherited their gift. My mother can take five items out of the refrigerator at random and concoct the most delicious meal, even today at age 90. And her pies and cakes are legendary. We didn't have alot of money when I was growing up, but we ate very well.
ReplyDeleteI don't know any of the Polish traditions. We were raised without them. My mother was born in Pennsylvania but didn't learn English until she was 7 years old in school, as a second language. Subjects were primarily taught in Polish. She always resented that. I'm American, she would say.
BTW, my granddaughter, who is 1/8 Polish, loves perogies more than she loves sushi, which is saying alot.
Dear Ted:
ReplyDeleteAm I the only one who loves Rachel McAdams and Michael Sheen together? Yes, I'd prefer Rachel and Ryan Gosling, but we have to move on. Michael is handsome (in my opinion) and a fantastic actor—one of my faves. So why all the hate/confusion over McSheen?
Dear Love and Let Go:
We hardly hate it. It's actually a good relationship rebound for Rach after dating a guy like Ry. It's just taking some getting used to on this blolum. How would you feel about the next guy or girl Robert Pattinson or Kristen Stewart stepped out with?
LOLOLOL-the last sentence in Ted's answer has the Twinuts in a tizzy! 668 comment worth of teenage angst over R and K breaking up.....
Can't they interpret what they read? No wonder our future society looks so bleak.
Yes Patricia, when I am feeling like I need a heart transplant I make a giant batch of mac and cheese with an entire brick of Velveeta and 2 sticks of butter. Since I have no self control and eat like a deranged 12 year old anyway, I very rarely make it. Spawn inherited my fat DNA and the last time I made it, I woke up to find him on the couch with the leftovers and a spoon, stuffing his face.
ReplyDeleteOn my mother's side, half Irish and half Italian. My father is all Spanish. My parents divorced when I was 7 and my brother was 1 and we didn't have a lot of money either. My mom made alot of spaghetti and alot of roundsteak. To this day, I do not allow roundsteak in my house-LOL! But I do make wicked spaghetti and lasagna. That's what everybody asks for at Christmas, a couple pans of lasagna. Yummy!
Tisha, sushi is sooooooooo gross!!
ReplyDeleteJudes, have you checked your week ahead on the Cainer site yet?
w4g, Yes, I had the same reaction. The whole thread thrown over to just one sentence and the lunacy that resulted. And it's not just lack of interpetation, it's the inability to separate fantasy from reality. It is indeed scary.
ReplyDeleteOh, Judes, you sound like a cook right up my alley...lasagna and spaghetti. My Polish mother made spaghetti every few weeks when I was growing up, because it was my favorite food. When I'd come home dragging from school, she'd casually look me over and break out the big spaghetti pot. My mac & cheese is made with white sauce (flour & butter) and cheddar cheese.
As for MY spaghetti sauce, after we had been divorced for about a year after a bitter split, my ex once said to me, "I sure do miss your sphaghetti." By that time I could see the humor in such a completely selfish remark and made a mental note to NEVER serve my spaghetti when he came to visit the kids. Jerk.
When will this technology be available for family pictures? I hear a pan of mac & cheese calling me.
u guys are making me HUNGRY! since when did this become a food blog? ;-D
ReplyDeletegrowing up w/5 sisters, i know women pretty well. it never ceases to amaze me how women place so much interest in food. i remember once when i went out to lunch with one of said sisters. she talked about what she had for breakfast and what she was having for dinner. all the while eating her lunch. too funny.
ReplyDeleteI COOK, Teddy. Therefore I occasionally, very ocasionally, talk about food. I'll have you know that when my son was once home from university at the same time as his male cousin that they sat and talked Food Network for almost an hour. They both enjoy cooking.
ReplyDeleteDo not, my dear, Teddy become sexist. Another nephew of mine is a chef and I daresay he talks often about food, even while he's eating.
Food and sex are the stuff of life Beloved Boss!
Judes, my father is 1/2 Irish, 1/2 Dutch and my mother is 100% Polish. My children's father is Mexican. My father used to get a big kick out of calling my kids Polish Mexicans.
ReplyDeleteMy granddaughter is 1/4 Armenian, 1/4 Turkish. We (she & I) have always found it amusing that everyone assumes she has dark hair and brown eyes because she's part Mexican whereas her 1/2 Mexican mother is blonde and blue eyed. I guess people don't understand genetics.
And I hereby promise not to talk about food since we're getting too "girly" for Teddy. He likes his women to talk about him, I'm sure. Men never differ in that.
Toooooo true, men always want to be talked about!! :)
ReplyDeleteI love to call my son the Mexican Irish mutt because his paternal grandmother is 100% Mexican and his paternal grandfather is 100% Irish. His response to that is "I'm a potato farmer for God's sake, make me a potato!"
This kid kills me (in a good way so far).
What mix are you Beloved Boss? And we will discuss you at length for the rest of the day. We PROMISE.
No, I haven't check my week ahead horoscope yet-is is bad???
Anthony Quinn was 1/2 Irish, 1/2 Mexican, as I recall. Is your son's father Tony Quinn'esque, Jude?
ReplyDeletesorry i haven't been around but i've been suffering with a migraine headache most of the day and the last thing i wanted to look at was a pc screen! anyway, Judes i am Polish on my dad's side (his first name was Bronislaw / people called him Ben) and Greek on my mom's side. Ric is 100% Cuban. always had a thing for latino men.
ReplyDeletenow Tisha, i am NOT sexist. was only making an observation. i talk about food myself and am a fairly decent cook. however, Ric is a great cook. he's always watching the food channel. now please feel free to discuss food on this blog as much as u want...just as long it doesn't include the favorite foods of RP/KS...according to the twits, they are probably too busy f*#king to eat. :-)
and Tisha, so your son and his male cousin sat around for an hr. talking about the food channel. hmmm...could we have a blind vice brewing here? i'm sooooo sorry, just couldn't resist that. but u know that one of my favorite things is teasing you and gettin' u all riled up. it has become an intricate part of my life.
ReplyDeleteYikes! Migraines are AWFUL. You need an Imitrex injection, it'll fix you right up-
ReplyDeleteNo Patricia, no Anthony Quinn hookups for me-LOLOL, you gave me another great mental picture-this one of myself and a Greek. Eating olives, yeah, that's it.... LOLOLOL!
What is it about Latin boys? Yuuuuummmmy! And so mysterious.
I sincerely hope you feel better soon Beloved Boss.
Mac and cheese, lasagna, spaghetti (but not for evil exes) and PIZZA!!! I could live on these alone.
ReplyDeleteWith a side of sex every now and then.
Judes, one of my sisters used to be a pharmaceutical rep for Glaxo, the makers of didn't do a thing to relieve my migraine. now i just take otc (exedrin migraine) and avoid light and noise.
ReplyDeletespeaking of 4 legged spawns, i had 2 cats before i moved in w/Ric. they had both past before then. PJ (i didn't name him - i got him when he was 4) was 6 when he past. One nite in December '08, me and my other cat were laying on the sofa watching animal planet (his favorite channel). PJ went into the bedroom. about an hr. later i heard him crying in the kitchen. i went to investigate and found he had lost control of his hind legs....he had become suddenly lame which i found out later happens to cats sometimes. the reason is unknown i guess. anyway, after a small fortune in vet bills and 2 weeks later, he didn't improve and so we decided to put him down.
then in June of '09, my cat Bruno (i named him), who i had since he was a kitty, finally succumbed to old age (he was almost 22!!!). he weighed 35 lbs (believe it or not) and had diabetes which required me to give him a shot twice a day and prepare him special food. he started having convulsions and then went into a coma. at first, i was going to take him to a vet but i knew it would be suggested that he be put down. i always wanted him to die at home so i cuddle him for about 8 hrs. until he took his final breath at around 4am in the morning. i am so glad that i kept him at home.
then, a day later i received news that one of my younger sisters had passed. her husband came home and found her on the floor. the autopsy was inconclusive but she had a very severe problem with alcohol and drug abuse. i miss her dearly and she had left 5 cats behind her. i can't help but to think that she and Bruno met in heaven.
had both my cats cremated and i have a "shrine" in my bedroom in honor of them. every nite i say goodnite to them and to my dear sister.
anyway, 'nuff of this sad stuff. i'm starting to tear up. anyway, Ric wants to get a dog and i want to get a cat but Ric says he's allergic to cats. they have shots for that, don't they? :-D
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI have a 17 year old calico cat, Missy, who is my dear. We first met in the house of woman who fostered abandoned animals. Missy had been left in front of a pet store overnight and they found her huddled at the door in the morning. She was only a baby.
ReplyDeleteShe grew to 30 pounds in her prime, as big as the two dogs I had at the time. My son used to like to bring new people home after school when he was a teenager and wait for the inevitable, "Is that a cat or a dog?" "What do you think?" he would reply. "Well," they'd always answer, "It's as big as a dog but it looks like a cat." Missy always loved that because then they'd want to pick her up and pet her.
But that was 10 years ago. Now she hardly eats and is down to just fur and bones. She's still beautiful, but so slight. When I had to make a presentation at school, she was always my test audience, sitting there patiently as I perfected what I wanted to say. And whenever I've been upset she has always sat so that she can lock eyes with mine. Sometimes I think we share a soul.
She's taken to jumping up on my bed at night and putting her nose on mine. Something my independent puss NEVER did before. I know we'll be saying goodbye soon and I hope it's before the ground freezes so I can bury her in my garden. She's always been afraid to leave the house. You can hold the door open and she'll never go through. But I want her to be part of my garden always.
Siberian cats are rumored not to cause allergies. You can investigate that if you want. My pug dog is almost as sweet as a cat, but nothing substitutes for a cat.
Sorry for the deletion. It was a double post. The first time it failed so I carefully retyped it and then, there it was twice. So frustrating.
ReplyDeleteSee BB, I knew you were a good Pappy! What a lovely and sad story all at the same time.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry about your babies and your sister.
Patricia, I just knew you had to have a menagerie. Before Michael was born, we had a German Shepard, a Min Pin, 7 cats and a bird in a one bedroom apartment. My big dog was the love of my animal life. Absolutely the smartest most loyal creature I have ever had the pleasure of living with. She passed at 12, she had degenerative spine disease, I put her thru 2 surgeries and she still lost the use of her back legs. I finally had to let her go, she was in too much constant pain so I put her down. My nasty little Min Pin was 13, she passed from the same thing her sister did. They were so cute together and of course, 8 lbs dominated 85-LOL! Of the 7 cats I had, I still have my first girl Chloe who will be 18 in January. I found her in the bushes outside my bedroom window. She is almost deaf and can only really hear when you make kissy sounds at her. She is also, literally, losing her mind. She walks into corners and howls because she can't figure out how to get out. If she thinks she is alone, she screeches at the top of her lungs. But her physical health is perfect and she eats, drinks and still finds her litter box so the vet says she just needs extra attention so she doesn't over stress. He says she has "cat dementia". I also have Beeza, she is 15 or 16, I'm not even sure anymore. My brother left her with me when he moved to St. Louis. The bitch he married was allergic and refused to let him bring the cat with them. His loss on both counts-no cat and now no wife!
My ramble alarm is sounding so I'll finish quickly-
The rest of my babies are all in urns with pictures on the top shelf of my china cabinet. I talk to them everyday too BB. Life without pets would be so boring.
Patricia you are so right about cats-they rock!
One last word on pets. I have a friend in Canada who says the two largest breeds of cats tend to be the Maine Coon (I think my Missy is part MC) and the Turkish Van. She's had both. But she discovered the hard way that Vans like to swim. Early in their relationship, hers jumped into her bath one evening. She said her life passed before her eyes as that huge cat launched itself at her, and a big splash of water overflowed onto the floor. Too funny.
ReplyDeleteAt my peek, Judes, I had two dogs, three cats, fish, a hamster, a rat (yes, my daughter had a pet rat, surpisingly gentle, intelligent and very feline in nature), and a parrot. Now I have one dog, two cats, a cockatiel and a parakeet. My brother says I have the entire food chain. With the exception of my first parrot, who I had for 21 years, I have yet to buy a pet from a breeder or the pet store. Every one was adopted or fostered into my home.
ReplyDelete"Dear Ted:
I've been a loyal reader for years, have tuned numerous friends onto your genius, and have two wonderful rescue dogs that also adore you. You've got to tell me, because I'm dying to know: What is Shafterella up to these days? You've updated us on Toothy, so how about a little news on his former beard.
Dear Given The Shaft:
I'm still totally pissed at Shafty for how she treated Toothy, so screw her and the new dude that she has. Of course she thinks she's totally in love with him, though, if that's what you're curious about."
Aaand there will still be people who don't know who Toothy or Shafterella are.
Ha! Way to further out Jake and Reese, Ted.
ReplyDeleteI tried to read some AT this morn, nothing but R and K threads so I didn't even bother. Ted C is on his Twi humping horse again. UGH
Sorry no check in yesterday, work is nuts. Lots of healthcare/billing updates to deal with and the bigwigs are flipping out. Non stop meetings all day, felt like limp bacon when the day was finally done. I read a whole Tanya Huff book in 6 hours last nite, didn't even watch Hawaii 5-0! For me not to watch Alex O'Laughlin on TV is really saying something about my state of mind......
Hope today isn't so nutso-for any of us.
Oh, so you're a fan of the new Hawaii Five-0, huh? Have you perchance seen the pix taken of Scott Caan on the beach a couple of years ago changing into his wetsuit? Definitely NSFW.
My Sweet Prince has been extraordinarily busy too. He's fishing around for a new topic. Any suggestions?
Big fan of Alex O'Laughlin actually. I read somewhere that he an asshole in real life, but he sure is easy on the eyes.
ReplyDeleteWhoa Mama, Scott Caan's...chest...rivals Hugh Jackman's...
Dammit Patricia, now I have to take a break-LOL!
How about same sex celebrity crushes? Maggie Q and her skinny self gets my motor humming. So does Megan Fox in her pre-botox days.
And PS, Tanya Huff throws asshat around in her books ALOT-always makes me think of you Patricia!
ReplyDeleteSexiest movies ever?
ReplyDeleteMy Vote:
"Brokeback Mountain"
hey lfj, glad your back! decided not to take down my blog because i couldn't imagine my world w/o my favorite women!!!
ReplyDeleteWelcome back to this wise-crack house, lfj.
ReplyDeleteJudes, there's a Nick Swardson show premiering on Comedy Central tonight, 9 central time. Ryan Phillippe has a cameo: "Mr. Swardson revives his Gay Robot character, subject of a 2006 Comedy Central movie... Gay Robot, working as a nightclub doorman, looks at Ryan Phillippe’s ID and tells him his hair isn’t brown: 'It’s an autumn morning. At Denzel Washington’s house.'”