jake gyllenhaul aka toothy tile

Monday, May 23, 2011

no ands, ifs or butts.....


got tired of lookin' at Scottie's butt (no offense intended) so i had to post something.  please read the article and comment.


  1. She says she donated the money to children's charities. I'd like to see an audit of that.

  2. Baloney, betcha she gave it to her mum to bail her out of financial crisis. Read many an article about the Duchess being broke-

  3. I have to go with the skeptics - unless I see documentation to the contrary, she kept the $$$ or passed them onto her lame-o mother....

  4. Yeah, the sale was probably mum's idea.

  5. And to top it all off, it is THE butt-ugliest think I have EVUH seen!!!
    It looks like the gong from the Gong show on her head......
    How did anybody actually pay money for the piece of crapola???!!!!

  6. I don't think she gave a shit about the appearance of the so called hat; she knew it would get her some attention...pathetic. She was way overshadowed by Pippa anyway!

  7. hey Roc, she was way overshawdowed by the hat itself!!! and with that butt ugly face she should have worn the hat completely over that mug of hers. that's my opinion and i'm stickin' to it!

  8. She does have that royal horse face. I guess that's how you know pure breeding.

  9. OMG! My nasal lining is GONE, thank you very much! I've spit and shot too much coke and coffee and I have to get a new monitor too!!!!!!

  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROC!! My confetti arm is broken I threw so much.....

  11. LOL, I sent both Shane West and Maggie Q friend requests on FaceBook about a month ago-Shane West finally accepted mine an hour ago!!! Even if it's fake, I'm excited to have Shane West as one of my FB friends-LOLOLOL!
