jake gyllenhaul aka toothy tile

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Welcome back, Roc!

I'm glad whatever issues you had that were keeping you off the blog cleared up.


  1. why thank ya, thank ya vurry much - I knew if I kept at it I would eventually figure it out by trial and error...I just hope that doesn't happen again!

  2. you're technically challenged, aren't you Roc?

  3. Sometimes; but I usually persevere until I get to where I want to be!

  4. It doesn't take much to get technically challenged nowadays. If you trip on the way to update your smart phone, you're two weeks behind.

    And if you don't know the difference between a featureless cell phone, an android, and a smart phone, you're hopeless. I can't even turn my grand's android on, much less use it.

  5. LOLOLOLOL-oh thank you P! I can't figure out Michael's phone either. I said that's it, me and my dinosaur flip phone are happy as clams together and that's the way it's staying-
