jake gyllenhaul aka toothy tile

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Motherhood. Ain't it grand?


  1. You should have posted the rest of MK's article P, that was priceless!

    You know what is really sad about the above pic? Lindsay looks every bit as old, dried up and bitter as White Oprah (her mother)-

  2. Let's be fair, White Oprah looks like a harridan. Lindsay looks 20 years older than she is. The fact that they are leaning against each other in a drunken stupor is perfoundly pathetic. Did Lindsay stand a chance?

  3. She is so clearly trying to get the attention for herself here. I wonder if LiLo will ever wake up to how Dina manipulates her for her own glory....

  4. Even White Oprah knows she can't wring any more money out of Linds because she's a total lost cause, so now she's effing up poor Ali instead. I hope to hell somebody takes the youngest boy away before she steals his innocence too.
    The whole family is pathetic-

  5. hey sweet princess...screw Lilo and her mom...thanks for keeping my blog going...these 66hr, 6day work weeks are wearin' thin but lookin' at my bank account keeps me going!!! and if Judes can't make it next Sunday, how bout just you and me? i think i'll be up here for awhile but insurance deployment is a nebulous thing...
