jake gyllenhaul aka toothy tile

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

happy thanksgiving

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." -JFK


  1. To my wonderful blogger friends, I wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow!

  2. Thank you, Judes & Teddy.

    Happy holiday to you too, and to Roc and longingforjake. Be it vegan or turkey, I wish you an old fashioned sit down meal shared with family, friends, and football games, infused with gratitude for the love, friendship, and bounty that we share.


  3. Yes, a wonderful day for all. Eat, be happy, relax, and put away your cares and woe.

    Thanks, W4G, for remembering JFK with his words near the 47th anniversary of his death.

    Aldous Huxley, high on LSD, died the same day, thinking he saw black panthers (lower case) on his front lawn.

    Huxley's book "Doors of Perception" about his psychedelic experiences gave Jim Morrison the name for his band.

    And Huxley's death date is the birth date for Sheryl Crow's protagonist in "Run, Baby, Run" -- one of my favorite songs.

    And please do not ask me to trace my thought process in this post. All of it taking up room in my tiny brain that could be used for other, more important things.

    Love to all.

  4. when i think about it, i have a lot to be thankful for...but one of the things i am most thankful for is having the opportunity to meet such wonderful people as all of you and to establish special friendships with y'all. i sometimes despise technology but, without it, our chances of ever meeting would have been slim to none...and for that i am very grateful.

    "At the shrine of friendship, never say die
    Let the wine of friendship never run dry
    Here's to you and here's to me." - Les Miserables

  5. btw lfj, all thoughts are valuable. and a "tiny brain"? i think not...

  6. So very kind. W4G, you have friends because you know how to be a good friend.

  7. from the trenches of the AT:

    waiting4godot Thu, Nov 25, 2010, 8:40 AM

    happy thanksgiving everyone!!! and thank you bibby. even tho you've become a pathetic and pitiful replica of your former self, your column has provided me with the opportunity to meet and and make some wonderful friends and, for that, i owe u thanks.

  8. Ah shucks, w4g. I feel the same way about all of you.

  9. hey TT, saw the pic of your eldest bro on facebook and he looks amazingly like Ric when he was that age!

  10. Ah, that's sweet. My eldest brother doesn't look like any of the rest of us siblings, something we just accepted as we were growing up because he was our big brother and our ideal. He looks the most like our Mom's side of the family.
