jake gyllenhaul aka toothy tile

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter!


  1. my sisters have told me that when i was a lil tyke, i would only eat the ears of the chocolate bunnies and the eyes...nothing else. why? hell if i know!

  2. from last thread: A Single Man had great cinematography and acting and the art direction was superb but i found it to be a case of style over substance. in fact, i can remember it visually but now the plot totally escapes me. and, if i remember correctly, as a gay man i couldn't relate to it.

  3. brief review of WFE:

    Witherspoon makes an incongruously squeaky Marlena, and it doesn't help that Pattinson is about as ardently expressive as a log of wood trying to pass itself off as James Dean

  4. not familiar with The American - details?

  5. I loved "A Single Man." I feel it is a masterpiece of sight and sound, story and performance. Very much my type of film.

  6. WFE has the support of many critics but the one who DON'T like it are very eloquent such as: Usually, you have to wait for the end-of-the-year awards season to see an elaborate period piece that fails as spectacularly as "Water for Elephants."
    April 22, 2011
    Lou Lumenick
    New York Post


    These lovers, Robert Pattinson's Jacob and Reese Witherspoon's Marlena, generate less heat than a naphtha stove.
    Wall Street Journal

  7. HA-less heat than a naphtha stove-double HA!!!

  8. My grand loves your chocolate bunnies, Teddy.

    Happy holiday, everyone.

  9. It took me about 15 minutes to settle into “A Single Man” and then I was transfixed. Well, he got what he wanted – to die. But he did it after one of his moments of peace and color.

    Julianne Moore was just the amount of frowsy. Gad, what part didn’t she understand about him being gay? Oh yeah, I remember. It was the early 60s.

    The relative who called to tell him of his lover’s death sounded like Jon Hamm (just checked IMDb and it was!).

    “The American” was based on what was probably a good and readable thriller, but it wasn’t translated very well into film. The symbolism was so truncated and sketchy (“Butterfly Man”). George Clooney’s character was a thoroughly unsympathetic person, but I guess that was the point. He looked too lean and hungry for me.

    Apropos of nothing, how much do you love the song “New York” by Cat Power? It’s almost time for the final season of “Rescue Me”!

  10. Judes, did you make the news with your prom date?

  11. Happy Easter, heathen brethren and cisterns (or pious, whichever suits you).

    We colored eggs last night. Egg salad for days! Yum.

    W4G, lo, I am confused. About "A Single Man." Was it that being a gay man at that time was so much different that you couldn't relate?

    I devoured every scrap of writing by Christopher Isherwood when I was younger. I suppose he must have based his narrative on his own experiences at having a much-younger lover and trying to imagine how he'd go on without him (with few understanding his grief).

  12. Happy Easter to all!!!! LFJ, don't really know why i couldn't relate to A Single Man and for the life of me, i really don't remember much of the plot. I'll have to rent it from Netflix and watch it again.

    Had a great Easter. Greenville's downtown is like one big park with walking trails and a river (with a waterfall) running thru it. Ric and I spent the day there strolling along and people watching (lots of shirtless guys walking around). Lots of doggies there too!!! But you lfj would have hated it cause it was bright and sunny and 85 degrees!

  13. btw, Christopher Isherwood is one of my favorite authors.

  14. Another chilly rainy day in the Midwest. lfj must be sighing in contentment. We had one really nice day about 10 days ago, and since then we suffered through cold and wet. I spent two hours at a track meet frozen solid one night last week. (Don't tell my grand because the meet was actually four hours and I wimped out.) Good times are coming though, as far as I'm concerned. I bought a few flowering plants at a Home Depot and my green thumbs are itching to get going.

    If you give "A Single Man" another chance, Teddy, watch how almost each shot is framed like a tableau. Colin Firth's character is taking mental snap shots of the life around him, examining the moments that make up life and the incredibly small pleasures and sensations of those moments that often blend into the background unnoticed.

    If we're talking about favorite films. Has anyone else seen Jake Gyllenhaal in "Moonlight Mile"?

  15. Haven't see "Moonlight Mile."

    We finally watched "The Social Network" the other night. Savants.

    Oh yeah, great lfj weather here, too. So glad 'cause I don't want to give up my sock monkey patterned flannel sheets.

    If we get anything planted before the third week in May, it will be unusual.

    Is The Hunger Games the new Twilight? It's all that goober Casablanca can write about. I've practically abandoned AT. What's the point?

  16. Goober is trying to create a new gossip franchise so his online job doesn't collapse into so much dust now that everyone is absolutely convinced that Rooooob Pattinson can't act and no gives a flying fuck if he and that Stewart chick are hooking up.

    The Hunger Games is actually a good book series, I'm told. My grand likes it.

  17. Goober, what a perfect name for Bibster P!!
    I haven't visited Ted in at least 10 days now, he's not even witty anymore-just plain ole bitchy. I really have to research this Hunger Games thang, everybody is talking about it and I haven't been listening at all. I am of the same mind you are LFJ, been thinking it's just the second coming of Twilight so I ignore the chatter. Has everybody FINALLY realized that stinky Patz couldn't act his way out of a paper bag?!? Dismal, dismal reviews on WFE so far.....

  18. Is this (oh please, please) the end of Withering Spoon?

    I'm not a fan of anti-Utopian fiction (really, of any fiction much)or is it Dystopian? Don't like Sci-Fi or fantasy. So I fear The Hunger Games will have to be played without me.

    Just give me a damned story that could actually happen.

    Goober, be gone.

  19. You should check out The Bang Bang Club, lfj. It's onDemand right now via the Tribeca Film Festival. It's based on the book by two S.African photo journalists as they, and two others, documented the fractional violence just before the first free election in S. Africa in 1994. It's not perfect, a little too much phoney romance, but only a touch. It's fascinating and VERY real.

  20. by the way, lfj. the harder this new film falls, the greater chance that wither spoon will be knocked up soon. she got married as a run into this, especially after that last bomb of a film, and now she'll drag a new baby into it. trust.

  21. Withering Spoon-you guys are spot on with the nicknames today!! She is becoming the next Aniston with her crappy movie choices.

    Aw LFJ, I love SciFi, so campy and fun. I love the stories that could really happen too, just like to float away in make believe more! LOL!

    Isn't the Bang Bang Club super violent as far as depicting the machete killings P? I think I read that somewhere....

  22. Yes, judes, The Bang Bang Club shows the violence realistically, but it doesn't have blood splattering like horror films do.

  23. Judes, I was worried about the violence, too.

    BTW, my husband has read some reviews of Withering Spoon's latest movie that said it depicted unrelenting animal cruelty. Not for me.

    My make believe has got to be believable. Sorry, W4G! Still BFF's?

    W4G, did you -- like me -- find the Barbra Streisand number on Glee last night really fun?

  24. LFJ! Have you FINALLY given us your name?!?!?!?
    I am so happy right now I could cry!!!
    But I don't think I could ever call you anything other than LFJ-LOLOL!

  25. I hereby crown lfj the queen of nomenclature for having dubbed RW, withering spoon.

    I turn my head discretely away from the name revelation above, as I would any indiscretion by a friend, but not without having locked it into my mind's eye forever, because I am only human.

  26. nah, I have not idea where this came from and have tried desperately to delete it.

    False hope, my dear friends.

  27. You stick with that story, lfj.

    I posted a comment on a site this week via my google account. Instead of linking to my signature here, which is commonly my google signature, it posted my registered name for my gmail account. Not my email address, but my legal name. WTF. But that's OK. My legal name is so common in Spanish speaking countries that it's virtually makes me anonymous.

  28. lfj, i don't give a shit what your real name is. i just want some confirmation that you're the original itsjake.

    and lfj, why did u make a comment to me that your make believe has to be believable? have i ever indicated otherwise? that is, that my make believe doesn't have to be believable?

    and yea, i did think the Barbara Streisand number on Glee was fun and the show was better than usual. but the "lebanese" joke was stolen from an old episode of the Golden Girls wherein Dorothy tells Rose that one of her friends is a lesbian and Rose replied, "that's alright, I like Danny Thomas."

  29. watched Black Swan last nite...not sure if i liked it or not. it was sooooo creepy - kinda like the Red Shoes meets Nightmare on Elm Street. i dunno - have any of my other squints seen it? if so, what'd did u think about it?

  30. Never seen Black Swan, probably won't.

  31. Jeepers, simmerdownnow.

    It's not as though I've stomped on baby chicks or something. Let a person have an opinion.

    My name is not contained anywhere in what came up. Sorry. That's my story and I'm sticking with it. I will, however, admit to using someone else's gmail account. So "sue me, sue me, what can you do me?"

    My name is four names but not double-barreled. First name, middle name, middle name, last name. And one of them is a color. And it's my favorite color as well.

    As for names I wish were mine: Lucy, Sarah, Molly, Alice, Polly, Evelyn, Meg, or Laura.

    Why can't we pick our own names? My second cat got to name herself. I picked out five names and called her each one for a week; she chose Rosebud.

    Black Swan is on our list. I hope I can watch it without laughing aloud just thinking about Jim Carrey on SNL dressed in Natalie Portman's costume.

  32. No, make that first name, last name, last name, last name. One marriage.

    Please. Cut me some slack. Right now, I'm tuckered from driving all afternoon to take photos of body dump sites. Then ate in a restaurant where another another person was murdered in the parking lot. Food was fabulous.

  33. She denies me-dammit!
    That's ok LFJ, I still love you whatever your four real names are!!

    I'm sorry, I find it perversely funny that the food was fabulous....

  34. Thanks, Judes. It's good to be loved for my 4-named self.

    It was Italian. Oh, the Spaghetti alla Carbonara was to die for (no, that is not what happened to the victim!). And raspberry Tartufo.

    Forgive all my shortcomings, dear friends.

  35. "I have a very highly developed sense of denial"

    - Gwyneth Paltrow

    hmmmm...so lfj is really fishsticks!!!!! wow!!!

  36. Stop being so mean BB or my pedicure file might slip-
    LOL, you nasty boy!!

  37. Well I think we can safely say that one of lfj's names is Black or perhaps Brown. Or is it Grey? THAT didn't get me anywhere.

    I blab everything about me to anyone who even feigns interest. However, I totally accept lfj's need for obscurity. What do we know? That she loves cats, films, poetry, music, and works hard in a thankless, but necessary job. Is married. Has several unknown names. Well, lots more stuff too. We even have her lovely picture.

    We shall now move on. Let's talk about ME, or you, or you, or you.

  38. THIS IS SERIOUS. I just attempted a group email and lfj came back as a deleted account. WTF!?

    Don't leave our silly but loving group, lfj.

  39. Her profile and her picture are gone.....

    Come back LFJ, REMEMBER what you told me last time I felt the way you do now.

    You have to know in your heart that we are all truly your friends. None of us would overstep your personal boundaries. Your guessing game with us is part of your intrigue and charm....

  40. lfj, I do hope your posting isn't literal. Speculating on your identity is intriguing and the mystery is beloved. Do come back.....
