jake gyllenhaul aka toothy tile

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

the big thaw...

"There is a curious paradox that no man can explain,
who knows the reason for the reaping of the grain or
why spring is borne out of winter's laboring pain.
I do not know the answer, I merely know it's true."

- the Fantasticks


  1. sorry for my absence yesterday my dear ladies but i was just a little "off" mentally and decided to stay off the pc and regroup. doing better now. the sun is out today and is melting the snow. but, of course, it will all re-freeze at nightfall. will probably be a few days till it all clears up. the temp is supposed to go over freezing by week's end.

  2. congrats to Judes for gettin' the better of DL!!! hoping everybody is feelin' better at your house.

    Tisha & LFJ, lighten up a lil, would you? stop taking life so seriously. i know, so many people suck nowadays but you two have found an oasis in the midst of the desert - that oasis would be me of course! *smilin' & grinnin'*

  3. btw lfj, got your comment too late - did the pee thing prior to making the snow angel. now i'm getting phone calls from John Mayer!!!

  4. Life is balance, my dear w4g. As the Buddha well knew. The joy is felt in contrast to the grief, the happiness plays out with the sorrow as background. It is not the highs or lows but the interplay that makes life so rich. But yes, as imperfect creatures seeking the perfection of Nirvana, we sometimes get stuck in the cracks of too much darkness or sail too high away on unsustainable light. That's my philosophy lesson for the day.

  5. Welcome back, Teddy. I missed you.

  6. Glad you're back BB, sorry eveybody has been in the dumpy dumps this week. It has been a really strange week.

    Did anybody else see that Kate slut Hudson is pregnant?

    Still sick over here BB-Bri is still laying on the couch hacking what's left of his lungs up. He has a f/u with the doctor on Friday so we'll see what's happening then. Spawn is better, thank Christ. I'm just going along with whatever gets thrown my way daily. Not much else I can do.

    One other baby related thing. Miranda Kerr had a ten pound baby and the stalkerazis are all acting like it was a miracle! I just get such a kick out of that. My brother was 12 pounds when he was born in 1970 so my poor momma had no drugs and no C-section. Where were the stalkerazis then?!?

  7. Tisha, doesn't the Buddha say that life is suffering?

  8. and did HW run outta birth control pills?!?

  9. Nicole Kidman Admits It —
    She Used Botox

    i can't believe this - what groundbreaking news!!!


  10. w4g, Buddha said many things. And yes, that life was suffering, but we are to rise above it.

    I saw that Nicole admitted using botox, but she said she didn't like the way it made her feel. Too bad she didn't find that out BEFORE she made the movie "Australia" and embarrassed her home continent. In similar news, the Pope said he is Catholic.

  11. and the bears admit to shitting in the woods!!!

  12. have I found you??? I keep going to expired blogs, I guess, so hopefully this one is currently active. I last saw, I think, a way to email Patricia then stepped away and now I'm lost in the rabbit hole!

  13. Did you email her? tt251853@yahoo.com. I'll be checking later.

    w4g is in a funk. Judes is practicing to become Florence Nightinggale. And you've fallen down a rabbit hole? longingforjake, are you out there?

    BTW, pajiba.com has a thread suggesting sex positions for the new twi movie.

  14. Ok, an email is on the way! Hope to hear back from you to make certain I'm completely out of the rabbit hole....well, maybe not completely.

  15. Not Florence Nightinggale, Nurse Betty dammit!

    Hi Roc!

  16. Sorry if I'm not Miss Sunshine of the Thoughtless Mind.

  17. hey Judes, might i suggest Nurse Jackie?

    to lfj: don't apologize, i haven't been Lil Mr. Sunshine myself lately.

    well gang, it would appear that Roc & Tisha now have each other e-mail addresses. now i'm just wondering if they will find the time in between sending each other "suggestive" e-mails to post on my blog?

  18. Sorry, she said breathlessly, today was a doctor visit day with my parents. I left over 5 hours ago and am just back with a fish dinner in hand to feed the masses.

    I'll catch up in an our or so.

  19. hour that's hour or so...I haven't developed a cockney accent

  20. OK, okay, Judes. Nurse Betty. I'll get you a name tag, for god's sake.

    Someone, okay everyone, should be looking in their mailboxes for email from moi.

  21. Morning all!
    This just had me rolling!!!!! Had to share-

    Dear Ted:
    I cannot believe the press is still constantly pairing Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston with rumors and comparisons. Speaking from breakup experience, it sounds like a nightmare to endure this for years! Who do you think it more annoyed with the unending binding together: Angelina, Jennifer or...Brad Pitt?

    Dear Never-Ending Threesome:
    LeAnn Rimes. She wants to know why it worked so well for Angie and not for her!

  22. Yes, that was classic Bibbs, and why I started reading him. So sorry it's burried in a Twit centric post...again.

  23. It appears to be that Bibby is trying to hook up James Franco and our beloved Toothy....of course they BOTH should really want to hook up with W4G and they would never want for sexual satisfaction (and emotional needs too) again! I enjoyed Bib's response; too bad he has gone down the twilight shithole....

  24. and of course I will always post here - it's where I do my best work these days. Have to consider writing that great American novel, of course I need to learn how to construct a story on paper first.

  25. When you learn how to construct a story you could give a clue to some script writers nowadays, Roc. I'm glad you recognize w4g's function in the world, to bring as much love and sexual satisfaction as he can engender to as many hot and needy men as he can.

    Don't respond to my emails, brother. I'm used to be neglected. (sobs) Actually I'll bug the shit out of you until you do, just so you know.

    I'm off to run errands and to get beautified at the beautician's. Talk to you all later.

  26. What is this madness?!?!?!? I am now Ophiuchus instead of Sagittarius?!?!? I think NOT!!!


  27. thank you roc for the compliment and for recognizing and verifying the reason for my mere existence. *wink*

    from the AT trenches:

    waiting4godot Fri, Jan 14, 2011, 9:43 AM

    @BobNYC: Jake needs to hook-up w/someone who's not in the business. He needs someone who can satisfy him intellectually, emotionally and sexually. and that person would be me...just ask roc, he'd agree.

  28. hmmm...there's a beautician in Chicago who has a difficult task ahead of her/him...just kiddin' sweet pricess - you are one of the most beautiful women i know and i know a lot of women!

  29. sorry my sweet Judes, i liken u more to Nurse Jackie than to Nurse Betty - and u should consider that a compliment in my book.

  30. by the way rocster, which is your moniker on AT? is it "Roc" or "roc"?

  31. Roc, just dropped the y in my name and added a c. Easier for me to remember. There is someone else that posts sometimes as ROC. They started using that after I pointed out to them I registered on the E! website as Roc so if they ever crack down and make everyone sign in I'm covered! They were gracious enough to reply they would use ROC so there we are, more information than you needed.

  32. Is anyone else dreading the "award season" ahead of us? So self-congratulatory and narcissistic and even masturbatory with all those over-dressed, made-up, skinnyized celebs strutting about feigning friendship when they all hate each other. I'm trying to ignore it.

  33. lfj, I hate, hate, hate the awards season because, as you say, it is all self congratulatory crap. What other industry does this? They make millions, they have fans and are idolized, but that's not enough. Plus no one I like usually wins. But be fair, don't consider the Golden Globes which is a joke of the highest measure. Just look what they nominated. Burlesque?

    Alicia Silverstone Announces Her Pregnancy: Roc, don't drink the water in LA. My daughter who lives there is also pregnant.

  34. Roc, yea, i remember seeing that comment on the AT so that's why i asked so i wouldn't be responding to someone who wasn't you...

  35. but lfj, as one of the song in Hair stated: masturbation can be fun!!!

    and Tisha, assume you're back from the beauty shop...are you more beautiful although i can't imagine u being more beautiful than you are already! as for Roc Tisha, i can only assume that he is not able to get pregnant.

  36. Assume away, Teddy. It's sounds very pervasive, and he can be the CAUSE of a pregnancy, I'd think.

  37. and the conversation heads into the gutter again!
    I used to really like the awards season when I was younger but not anymore. Just too much favoritism and actors just blatantly shilling for an Oscar. Some younger actors and wanna be actors proclaim they are entering acting just to get an Oscar. For example, Beyonce Knowles - it just had to KILL her when Jennifer Hudson came along and nabbed the Oscar she knew SHE deserved. It's all such a turn off now, although I did take a lot of satisfaction when Jeff Bridges won last year. Pretty rare (to me anyway) that the awards go to those most deserving and think the whole thing is out of date anyway & unnecessary....

  38. hey Rocster, u got something against gutters?!? ^_^

  39. oh btw, i agree with Roc's consensus of the awards season so no need to comment on that. now let's get back to the gutter...lol.

  40. i thot u did Roc...i'm having your e-mails to Tisha monitored - no hanky-panky, comprende? LOL

    btw, have u all read today's BV? a celebrity screwin' for a pair of shoes? and i wonder why i don't frequent that site much anymore!

  41. and btw Roc, is there any truth to the rumor that you are best buddies with Charlie Sheen?

  42. more from the AT trenches:

    BobNYC Fri, Jan 14, 2011, 12:13 PM

    To 19 Jean: "Ted's husband"? Oh, my dear, have you been vacationing on another planet? Ted has repeatedly indicated his sadness over the end of his marriage some time ago (but he appears to be dealing quite nicely, actually). And Cruise and Travolta? Ted has had plenty to say about that. And to W4G: Deal! You take Jake, I'll provide same for James. We should all brunch. And then Jake can give us all a tour of his favorite alleys. (And I swear to G-d almighty my code word was tooth! I took a screen shot to preserve this.)

  43. Oh, BobNYC is trying to play nice with you w4g. He must see that he has failed to develop your following. Remember that awful movie, "Hope Floats"? I always got a laugh from tha title because we all know what really DOES float. I have no love for that man, BobNYC, who called you a bad name, Teddy. He's grabbing onto a floater.

    I fear Roc is gone for the weekend again. How someone can fail to check the internet off work is beyond me. I'd find myself at the library if necessary. Ah well, here's hoping something interesting happens this weekend.

  44. Bibby has the 2011 Teddy Awards, without checking with your w4g.

  45. I apologize to Roc for making the above remark about his internet/email usage. It was completely uncalled for and rather catty.

  46. LOL P, you and me should start the I hate BobNYC blog. We could do it for a couple of days, bet we'd fill it with Pajiba-like comments!

    As for not checking the internet on personal time, wish I had the restraint not to. Sometimes I can't believe that I only intended to check my email and an hour passed by before I even realized it.

    I read a probably false rumor yesterday that FaceBook is shutting down in March. Can you imagine if that happened? Bri is so funny, he said good to the rumor. He deleted his account because he was so frustrated by FB and all it's pretentiousness. I think he is finally getting better. The doctor cleared him to work on the 18th and gave him 4 days worth of mega dose antibiotics. Cross the fingers everybody.

  47. Hope your hubby is on the mend.

    Facebook is getting an infusion of investment money so it's not likely it will be shutting down.

    As for pretentiousness, I just ignore what I don't like and X what annoys me and sail on. It's one of the means that I use to stay in touch with my international friends. And some guy named Henry who has the most amusing love/hate relationships.

  48. Onnnnnnriiiiiiiiii! LOL, I always wanted to say that-envision it with a French accent (LFJ should love that!)

  49. my dear Judes, it's spelled Henri...isn't it? the "h" is silent...will have to ask lfj.

  50. actually, i'm thinkin' about cancelling my facebook and follow in the footsteps of Bri. i keep alienating people with my sometimes snide comments and sarcasm, not to mention my keen wit!

  51. i'm alienating some of my over-the-top "christian" friends as well as some others...

  52. Teddy, isn't that THEIR problem for being so closed minded and judgmental? You know I am a
    Christian to my bones and I find your posts interesting and thought provocative. Of course, I also consider being a good Christian being open to a free exchange of ideas and other beliefs. The main reason I don't hang out with church going folks anymore is that they often have this kind of closed minded holy-than-thou attitude.

    Don't surrender. Don't resist, but become like the flowing water that continues as it swells over the rocks. (buddhist wisdom)

  53. i like that Tisha...i'll stay on Facebook, if, for any other reason, than for YOU!
