jake gyllenhaul aka toothy tile

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

happy fat tuesday!!!

so what are y'all giving up for lent?


  1. (con't from last post) i'm of polish descent on my father's side and greek descent on my mother's (what a combination). anyway, life would not be worth living w/o pierogi and paczki!!! difficult to find good polish food down here in the 'ol south. pierogi (along with fish for some reason) was always a staple of xmas eve dinner at my grandma's. my mother (tho greek) always made pierogi at home and one of my sisters has continued the tradition.

  2. I am giving up guilt for Lent.

    Especially guilt for eating one of my granddaughter's paczki.

  3. Oh you wild and crazy Poles! Save some for us.

    W4G, I ate my way across Greece consuming almost nothing but Baklava. On my, I do love it. Seems every culture has some sinful confection, eh?

    This little purported (and puzzled and pondering) Protestant is giving up nuthin'.

    Someone should stop feeding Tuesday. Tuesday is getting too fat.

  4. where's all my "squints" at today?!? has anybody heard from Judes? i know she's probably busy with moving and the such but she could at least check-in for a minute and let us know she's alright.

    since i'm an ex-catholic and have a very dim view of that orgainization, i don't give-up any thing for lent anymore. as a child, i'd give up candy and then go crazy on my easter basket!!! i had thot about giving up sex but being an altar boy that never happened with all the priests around (just kidding!). actually, was never abused by any of the clergy - altho i did actually considered suing the catholic church for low self-esteem - i mean, wasn't i cute enuf to be abused?!? LOL

  5. btw, goggled "pierogi" and found a place near here that sells them. they are thawin' out as i type this....already have the butter and onions ready for em.

    and lfj, speaking of greek food, how about "domus" (sp). we called them grape leaves. my grandpap and i would actually go out and pick the leaves ourselves! true grape leaves should actually contain lamb but i prefer ground beef instead.

  6. and lfj, how lucky u were to get to go to Greece. that's on my bucket list. did u ever see the movie Shirley Valentine? and btw, did u know that Greece has the most sunny days of any country?!

  7. Somehow, a gloom-lover like me didn't notice that because of all the great things to see. One thing for sure: they served the best fresh fruit I've ever eaten in my life.

    I don't like lamb either and prefer my grape leaves and Moussaka with ground beef.

    Haven't see Shirley Valentine but have seen Zorba!

    The Greek people are friendly and very kind, which I appreciated because I was traveling alone then.

    You're part Greek: that's why you're so nice!

    Is Judes moving?

  8. Work all day, pack all nite. That's my theme for the whole week. You're so worried BB, you can always email me.
    I have an absolutely excellent recipe for pierogi w/bacon, onion and peas if anyone is interested.
    Not giving up anything for lent, am going to try to pick up more debauchery if that is possible-
    Anyway, sorry for the short post, but the boss said check in so I did. Have to get back to my boxes. You all have a good week and don't worry about me, I'm just a busy bee.
    And PS, my email still works-

  9. Patricia, this is a guilt-free zone.

    Wonder if us three gals went to New Orleans and showed off our boobies, we would get some beads? Probably, I'd get some for leaving my top on.

  10. lfj, my LIFE is a guilt free zone. Most times that's good, sometimes not so much.

    My boobies are stellar, thankyouverymuch. I would never waste their power on mere beads.

  11. Hey, Judes! Wish we could help you move (NOT). We know you are busy but we miss your presence here. As soon as the last box is unpacked and the last spoon and fork put away, get back on here! Your sweet, funny posts are missed!

  12. LFJ, I love you, I really do! Thank you yet again.

    So I'm totally stressing out and crabbing at everyone and my car decides this is the perfect time to act up so now I'm really ripping my hair out. Thank Christ I could limp her home and she died in a parking spot.
    I'm making dinner and I think this is a great time to make a new light recipe. I made oven fried chicken and roasted potatoes with roasted veggies. Michael is the pickiest eater around so I'm not so sure that he will eat it. He mows through a leg and a bunch of potatoes and I'm feeling really good about this recipe. Then he stops and I know he's not going to eat anymore. I asked him if he didn't like it and he says, it's really good and I want to eat it all but I don't want to get diarrhea. I stopped mid fork to mouth and Bri did the same and I said I am so glad to know that my cooking gives you diarrhea. He looks at me with the straightest face and says, not just diarrhea mom, EXPLOSIVE diarrhea. Oh my God, I have never laughed so hard in my life-I wish you could have seen this kid's face when he said it! His eyes were all gigantic and round and he was so serious! Bri lost it too and Michael's like, what? What'd I say??

    Out of the mouths of babes......LOLOL

  13. So I got Michael to school with some difficulty and Bernice kept dying every time I took my foot off the gas. I limped her into the mechanic and called Janey to come and get me. Dragon Lady read me the riot act when I came in. I'm telling you, it took everything in my power not to say a word. Did she think I was kidding-Janey picked me up at the mechanic for crying out loud!! I almost gave myself a permanent vacation but I bit my tongue. I am thinking I should start my vacay early though and call in tomorrow. What do you guys think?
    DL can bite me......that beyotch!!

  14. Judes, I hereby award you the coveted Longing for Jake Mohandas K.Gandhi Non-Violence and Tongue-Biting in the Workplace Award! Accept it with pride.

    Gad, how do you stand it? Has this woman no heart, compassion, or human understanding? She needs to be slapped hard and often. In a civil-disobedient, passive-resistant way of course.

    I'm such a little anarchist and agitator and malcontent that I'd last approximately 13 and a half seconds on your job.

    Three-day weekend, Three-day weekend. Three-day weekend!

  15. Sorry, Judes, she sounds like 3/4 of the women I've worked for and 1/2 the men. They're so busy licking the ass of THEIR boss that they do not give a rat's ass. I once had a women write "deny" on my pitiful 1.5% annual raise. The reason? I had "used up all of my sick days." That's when I had little babies at home. I should have keyed her car.

    "It is better to be violent, if there is violence in our hearts, than to put on the cloak of nonviolence to cover impotence." The Mahatma Gandi...believe it or not.

  16. At one job, I was made to take vacation time when called out of state for my father's sudden open-heart life-saving surgery.

    Oh yeah, I bit my tongue. Then I quit the effing job and made such a to-do with HR, that they paid me back the "vacation" salary.

    Okay, impotence is altogether a whole 'nother matter, TT.

  17. hmmm tisha, interesting quote...

    hey Judes, hope Bernice is not too ill...hate it when a car breaks down. i have a new name for Michael - the shittin' spawn!!!! LOL

    "I'm such a little anarchist and agitator and malcontent that I'd last approximately 13 and a half seconds on your job." hey lfj, we are soulmates in this regard!

    btw Judes, i have a voodoo doll i got when i was in new orleans. send me a piece of DL's hair or any of her bodily fluids and i'll take care of her!!!

  18. Interesting addition to our photo gallery. Some pre Easter Hamm.

  19. Forgot to say: I was forced to take vacation time because my father wasn't considered "immediate family."

    Gris-gris, gumbo ya, ya. That's what we need for DL!

    Jon Hamm is most yummy but maybe in this photo not so much.

    Oh well, whatever blows your skirt up.

  20. sorry lfj but i love this pic of Jon but to each his own. and your father wasn't considered your immmediate family?!? so who qualified as immediate family in that company u worked for.

    and tisha, cute comment about the Easter hamm!!!

  21. oh, btw lfj, i don't wear skirts altho i do have the legs for em....

  22. LOL, the shittin spawn it is!! Love it!

    Pre easter Hamm-too funny P!

    Yes LFJ, she is evil. I think if this woman cracked a smile her whole face would break. I haven't decided whether or not I'm going in tomorrow yet. Am leaning toward not but I need this pathetic job for the moment.

    Let me just tell you that I am getting out of this neighborhood just in time. You know what was wrong with Bernice? Someone pulled one of the ignition wires and laid it right across the engine. The mechanic called me and told me it was the weirdest thing he had ever seen. She's all better now and I'm looking over my shoulder everytime I leave the house from now on.

  23. My father wasn't "immediate family," W4G, because he didn't live in the same house as I did!

    Raping and pillaging automobiles? What's next? Glad you're moving, Judes!

    Little darlin', it's been a long, cold LOVELY winter. I can still see snow outside my bay window. Alas, Day Light Savings time is on the way and hot, bright summer will be here to ruin my life before I can stop it. What to do?

  24. The life of vampire is not an easy one, lfj.

    File charges for assault and bodily harm on Bernice, Judes. Don't they know a pet car when they see one? I betcha is was one of the other autos on the lot. Jealous.

  25. I step away just for a day or two and come back to find loose talk of boobies and shittin spawn and Judes is moving and spring is coming and asshole bosses and vandalized cars (where do you live Judes???).

  26. Serves you right, Roc, for stepping away from us, the modern Samuel Pepys.

  27. Believe it or not, today I actually had opportunity to quote (more like paraphrase) Lysander in "MidSummer Night's dream:

    Get you gone, you dwarf;
    You minimus, of hindering knot-grass made;
    You bead, you acorn.

    This was in response to a rather annoying email someone sent me this morning and that's ruined my whole day.

    Hope everyone else had a better day.

  28. Pardon me for one second while I scream in caps; THANK YOU CHRIST I'M FUCKING FREE OF DRAGON LADY FOR 2 WHOLE WEEKS!!!!!! Ahhhhh......

    Hi Roc!
    Sorry you had a rotten day LFJ, take Roc's good advice or I'll sick the Scientologist's on you-LOL!
    How many applications did you send in to tell Reese why you love her P? That was the funniest shit I ever read (after I gagged!).
    Where is BB today??
    I am taking two days to sleep in and vegitate and then I'm going full force to find a place quickly. I want to get out of here already, am tripping over boxes and hating these bare walls.
    Talk atcha tomorrow all-have a good Friday nite!

  29. Yeah, Judes!

    What a place of refuge this blog has been for me this blooding, effing week. Thanks, all.

    Good to see Roc again.

  30. Sorry I've been away. What phase is the moon? I hd a moderately hellish day.

    IDK if and when I'll be in LaLa land, Roc. I was supposed to be there in May but now my life has become too complex to be certain.

  31. wow...what a last couple of days...i finally got my webcam (yea tisha, we can now skype!)the other day and on Thursday nite i was skyping with my lil niece in Japan. just a while into the conversation is when the eathquake occurred. i could see the bldgs. swaying and the stuff in her apt going all over the place. it was quite scary and i felt so helpless. we skyped a lil while longer as i tried my best to comfort her. then the connection was interrupted and i lost her. thankfully, both she and her husband (who was at work at the time)were not harmed and are o.k.

    lfj, hope this week will be better than the last...am glad my blog provides u with a refuge. it wouldn't be the same w/o you.

    i'm watchin' u Rocster...referring to my sweet princess as bodacious!!! but of course she is.

    Judes, hope u find a new place soon - i hear the house next door to lfj's is for sale. LOL just relax for a couple days. will do u good to be away from DL for 2 weeks. and btw, when u do find a new place, remember to stock the BR w/lots of toilet paper for your shittin' spawn! LOL...btw Rocster, Judes lives in Chicago...so does Tisha...lfj lives on the former planet Pluto.

  32. It's better than living on Uranus. (rim shot)

    I'd forgotten about your niece, Teddy. I'm so happy she and her hubby are ok. The news is reporting that over 9000 people are missing from ONE town alone. The quake and tsunami were just horrific. My parents lived in San Francisco area for 8 years just before my father retired and when I told my dad about the quake he said, "8.9!? Oh my God."

  33. Hey, we're pretty far out man here, but not in outer space YET.

    Blessings on the Japanese people. At least, unlike the places these sorts of things usually happen, it's not a third-world country already full of poverty and despair.

    So glad your niece is safe, W4G.

    TT, are things better today? Your humor would indicate that they are.

    I'm thinking our Judes is basking in her 2-week's of freedom: sleeping in and chilling out.

  34. Things ALWAYS get better if you just allow them. Sometimes faster than others. Yes, today is fine. Cold and windy but otherwise doing OK.
