jake gyllenhaul aka toothy tile

Saturday, March 19, 2011

homepage of the Toothy Cult


  1. Owww, I rapped at the door and someone admitted me after I gave the secret handshake. It's so secret I don't even know it. It must have been my sneer that got me in.

    Motto: I'm a tramp and I love you.
    from the Song:Toothache by The Charlatans

  2. Oy, what happened? I thought everyone else was gone but it was me that was lost. Couldn't believe no one wished me a happy day on the 17th. I'm reposting this 'cause I got no bloody idea what's been going on for two days.

    Today on St. Paddy’s Day, I am remembering:

    My paternal g-g-g grandparents from Balleymoney, Antrim, Northern Ireland who were lucky enough to own land they could sell during the famine and move to America.

    And how my uncles Samuel and George staggered home from the taverns of Spring Valley, their Irish drinking songs wafting across the fields towards their good Congregationalist neighbors.

    And how one night Uncle Samuel refused to leave a tavern; and, when pushed out the door by the bartender, fell, cracked his head, and died.

    And how years later during a donnybrook in the same tavern Uncle George was struck in the head and killed by a flying bottle.

    So, raise your glasses with me (mine filled with be green mineral water) and sing “Carrickfergus” -- especially loudly on the line “I’m drunk today and I’m seldom sober” -- and think on Samuel and George.

    La Fhéile Pádraig Shona Daoibh!

  3. Do we need a creed?

    How 'bout:

    "The Tooth. The whole Tooth. And nothing but the Tooth"?

  4. Alas and alack, my father's Irish grandfather was a bit of a drinker. But you only noticed it when he was occasionally sober. Drink has been the curse of the Irish side of my family, for sure.

    A good creed, lfj. I give it my vote.

  5. You two are funny! I'm still luvin "I'm a tramp and I love you" but "The Tooth, the whole Tooth and nothing but the Tooth" is a winner too.

    No, I'm not dead, just resting up. I feel really and truly terrible. The couch and my bed will be my home today. The movers come Wednesday morn, everything internet-wise is disconnected Tuesday nite, should all be up by Thursday (big time finger crossing there) so if you guys don't hear from me until Thursday or Friday, don't panic. I'll just be unpacking and settling in.

    You would like today in Chicago LFJ. It's gray and dismal but not to terribly cold.

    How is the life of a redhead so far P?

    Where are the boys?

  6. Roc is MIA on the weekend. Teddy wrote me that he went to the movies yesterday. I persuaded him to see The Lincoln Lawyer and he enjoyed it. Other than that, I can not say.

    I saw a woman walking the other day that had my haircolor with a little too much red and was horrified that I look like that. I cked myself once again in the mirror and was reassured. My hair is brown but all my formerly white hairs are copper so it's brown with red highlights. Going to need a touch up soon. THAT's what I hate about dying my hair. But I love it still, so.... And it is certainly an easier option than shaving my head, huh, Teddy?

  7. I'm reading facebook and I think I know where Teddy has been. He's sunk deep in political debate.

  8. I awoke (awuke?) to icy rain in the night. Grey skies this morning. Cozy.

    Politics of what ilk, TT?

    Good luck, Judes! Deep breaths.

  9. Do we a color/colors? Chartreuse? Mauve? Loden Green? Cerulean blue? Ecru?

    Some combination thereof for the purposes of a flag?

  10. Oops. Make that Do we NEED a color/colors?

  11. I don't know about color. I know I have no ability to layer on color here on the blog.

    Teddy is upset about the bombing in the Mideast and fed up with Obama.

    Rainy day here interspersed with sunshine. Today was my granson's 3rd birthday party in Los Angeles. It was cold and rainy there and the party had to be held inside the house with 15 children and corresponding sets of parents. I just wish I could have been there.

    Anyone follow Big Love? It ended tonight.

  12. now which toothache song do u all want to be our cult's song...i'm confused as usual. as for colors, how bout just plain black? i mean lfj, u do like it gloomy. btw, it seems like it has taken the creation of a cult to bring you out of your shell. i will add the creed when i fix the song...btw, Tisha is causing a commotion on my Facebook page.

  13. Yes, and defended by your "born again Buddhist" friend. I cannot stand by and let Obama be attacked as stupid and ignorant. He may not be the savior everyone thought he would be but he's an intelligent, learned leader. So there.

    You fall behind in the popular choices for the blog when you dip too heavily into political debate, my sweet prince. I'm a tramp and I love you. So THERE.

  14. Oh no, don't be bashing my Obama. I agree with TT.

    As a pacifist, I find this hard to watch but just think of the slaughter that was about to happen to the people working for a change in Libya. That insane Gaddafi would've (and still may) mow them down or gas them. He's completely mad.

    As for what he's done, check http://www.bspcn.com/2010/10/18/things-obama-has-done/ or http://www.whatisobamadoing.com/

    Hey, dear Teddy, what about ending DADT?

    Good Gawd, look at what he was handed and what he's had to un-do.

    Okay, last political statement from me.

    I loves you all and, yes, I's a tramp.

  15. still don't know which song to use.

    and Tisha, my born-again buddhist friend is actually a Jesus freak.

    and lfj, as for DADT, i'm too old to join the armed forces.

  16. I'm a tramp and I love you.
    from the Song:Toothache by The Charlatans

    Oh those deceptive Jesus freaks.

  17. BUT . . whata 'bout the people who are serving now or will in the future?

    I need everyone's help with a case. Will give the details later.

  18. lfj, can't wait for the details - i wanna help solve your case!

    yes Tisha, those Jesus freaks can be quite deceptive.

  19. I'm a tramp and I love you; what better entre into the Toothy Cult! I love a mystery when will we have details lfj???

  20. Just turn us loose on the case, lfj. We'll solve it by jiminy.

  21. w/o having any details yet, i think the butler did it!

  22. I think the spouse, or significant other, did it...

  23. it may have been Col. Mustard, with a knife in the living room.

  24. Okay, hope this doesn’t disappoint. If it does, then I can provide a different one. I gotta million of ‘em.

    A man, aged 60, phoned the police to say his 64-year-old wife was not responding to him and he thought she had a doctor’s appointment to go to.

    When officers arrived at the ramshackle house (in a VERY nice neighborhood), they found inside an impenetrable mess that would make the worst person on “Hoarders” feel like a piker. There was also no functioning bathroom because of clutter in front of the door.

    The man led them to a back room, crammed with layers and layers of junk, and pointed to a narrow space and said, “There she is. She’s going to miss her appointment.”

    Turns out, the woman was lying there on a heap of rubbish completely mummified and was wearing only a Depends and a band aid on what was left of one knee.

    She had been dead a year. The husband said he had been asking her if she wanted anything to eat and she said nothing so he assumed she was okay.

    Both of these people held the PhD degree and were highly regarded professionals. They never interacted with neighbors or colleagues. The woman was on a medical leave (severe arthritis), so no one at her job missed her. He was showing up for his job.

    The doctor's appointment was on the calendar, but for the same date a year before.

    Okay. Was it murder? Negligent homicide? Abuse? What should be done with the man?

    There was no butler. Col. Mustard was AWOL. Miss Scarlet and Mrs. Peacock were getting a bikini and a manicure, respectively. Professor Plum was having coffee at the last Borders Bookstore left open in the U.S. Mrs. White was in the kitchen make perogi and Mr. Green was out picking up litter.

  25. But what did she die of exactly - or is that not discernible? Maybe she died of natural causes and the hubby (see I said it was the spouse!) just considered her another object to keep....sounds like he's checked out of any semblance of reality...

  26. "Failure to thrive." Starvation.

    Great theory about her being an object. Thanks for the perspective.

    If I hadn't seen the photos, I could never have imagined the scenario.

  27. It was Ms. Scarlett in the powder room with a lethal spiked heel-

    What did she die of LFJ? Sounds as bad as the woman that was literally stuck to the toilet for 6 months. They charged her cohab with neglect in that case.

    Obama is at least trying to right wrongs. That is more than anyone can say for the hideous "Dubbyah"-

    OK kids, I'm down to the wire here. I will probably talk to all of you Thursday or Friday, depending when Comcast gets my cable installed.
    P, I thank you again for your "emergency" email.

    Sounds like I'm a tramp and I love you is it-good going LFJ.

  28. Continued good luck, Judes!

    The authorities keep wringing their hands, which is usually the case because they don't want to upset anyone. Or say that they are mentally ill. Or even simply ask, "What the effing hell is going on?" Or inquire of the neighbors, "Didn't you think it just a tab bit odd that . . . ?"

    When I give myself over with abandon to a life of crime -- as I shall surely do -- I'm going to do everything within this regional jurisdiction because no one is ever held accountable. Uff da, we wouldn't want to be be mean!

  29. Sounds like an case of dementia. I think the guy has to be given over to a securely locked institution. It gives me the creeps that he had been going to work each day. The smell coming off of him and his clothes must have been just awful and a dead (pardon the pun) give away.

    To just shrug and say, "Oh well," is a crime in and of itself against humanity. What are they waiting for? What do they think will happen next?

  30. The authorities don't even want to have a competency hearing for the husband? I really don't understand that. I agree with Patricia; it sounds like he should be locked away for everyone's good but unless there is some type of hearing I don't see how that can happen. Doesn't sound like there's any family to intervene but this guy shouldn't just be left in that situation. At a minimum I believe he's culpable in her demise by negligence. Of course maybe they had no real relationship and kept their own company. But howin hell do ignore the stench of a decaying human body? I know that oder from my time in Vietnam and it is beyond the pale to me how anyone could stand that, especially in the closed confines of a house.

  31. so the 'ol broad died of starvation....too bad she wasn't with Mrs. White in the kitchen helping make perogi.

    but seriously, this is a strange and mysterious case. i wonder what prompted the husband to finally notify the police?

    and why didn't anybody miss the lady. didn't she have any of her own family? and even if she was on disabilty from work, wouldn't the company be suspicious of not hearing from her for a full year? i was on short term disability for my heart once and had to check-in with my company every so often. and what did each of them do for a living?

    the man's mental state is quite questionable but he did keep going to work every day. and is there any evidence or forensics which would indicate that she was being held against her will? i mean, was she so incapacitated (before her death that is) that she wasn't able to feed herself or escape while the husband was at work?

    something here just doesn't make sense...

  32. As it stands, the investigators (argggggg . . .) can’t decide “what the problem is” with the man. Good gawd, he lived with a corpse he thought was ignoring him. Why do they think he could make sense or be understood? Yes, they still think he’ll come up with some explanation that they can accept.

    And they “don’t know what to do with him” and will probably just “put him somewhere.”

    They claim the wife was just as weird as he and chose to live in the house and greatly contributed to the clutter.

    Roc, I agree about the smell. I was not there but got descriptions and saw photos. It’s possible that the house already smelled wretched from the clutter and whatever was buried in it. And then something caused the mummification (this is NOT a hot, dry climate), so there was no odor.

    From being around investigators who come back from crime scenes, I know that they “bring” the smell of death with them on their clothes. Why wouldn’t the man’s colleagues have noticed? Again, he was known to be weird and most people just ignored him.

    As it stands and unless something changes, there will be no criminal charges.

    See my comment from yesterday about getting away with crime in this jurisdiction.

  33. Hmmm, university town? Two people college professors or researchers?

    You should write a book.

  34. lfj didn't seem to answer any of my questions...hmmm.

  35. I will tomorrow. I've been having trouble posting here.

  36. They had no children.

    They were academics, and in that world everyone is so self-centered and self-important that they don’t pay attention to anyone else.

    Her department didn’t inquire about her because when she was there, she wasn’t all there.

    His department probably didn’t want him to be there and may not have even given him any tasks (think Milton in “Office Space”). They were glad when he wasn’t around, if they noticed.

    He called the police when she needed to go to the doctor (a year earlier) and didn’t respond when he suggested she get dressed.

    No one – neighbors or colleagues – was allowed inside.

    She was a full participant in how they lived, not a captive.

    They had been cited for several city code violations for the outside of their house. But, nothing was ever done about their failure to clean it up.

    In the “oh sure” area where I live, no one pries, asks questions, criticizes, or finds fault with others. Live and let live. Die and let mummify.
