jake gyllenhaul aka toothy tile

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March 2011

"If we shadows have offended,
Think but this, and all is mended,
That you have but slumber’d here
While these visions did appear."

- Puck, from A Midsummer Night’s Dream


  1. hey Judes, hope you're feeling better.

    thanks Tisha for keeping my blog going while i ponder the meaning of life.

    lfj, i love you as well as the rest of you. sorry u didn't like my gorilla suit.

    Roc is replying to e-mails but not posting. hmmm...

    am calling Tisha tonite so if any of your ears are burning, you'll know why!

  2. especially for my Tisha:


  3. I've been reading Roger Ebert's reviews since about 1965 when I was a teenager and he was a local film critic. I have disagreed with him as many times as I have agreed. But he remains the most eloquent of all the critics, always worth the read...even if he thinks Secretariat is not a load of sentimentalized crap.

  4. Due to the ongoing and profound absences of w4g/bb/teddy, this blog will now be called itstish with guest commentors, lfj, judes, and sometimes roc.

    And ifya don't like it, HB, then get off your duff. (OOOOW, an addition to the nomenclature.)

  5. Sometimes you have to poke a sleeping lion.


  6. LOLOLOLOLOLOL! You two should get married, what a perfect couple-I love you both!!

  7. Teddy's OK with me, but I don't have the right equipment for him. You know, we've never met. AND he claims he broke his computer vid feed, so we haven't skypped yet either. I think it's because he doesn't want to take a chance that I will get an eyeful of Rick.

  8. I hate to admit it but sometimes I just get lost on the way to the blog! W4G how inhell did you get my favorite baby photo??? That's pretty much me to this day - LOL! I'm a dog but at least I'm honest about it.

  9. BTW - who got the most Oscar winners? The big red motorcycle awaits you!

  10. Can there be any doubt? You know, Roc, there's a chance that I'll be coming to LA in June. So polish that bike and get a second helmet...I know the law.

    But if I can't come, I'll ship Teddy out as a consolation prize. :-b

  11. i don't think Roc would consider me a consolation prize.

    and as for the right equipment tisha, medical science can solve that problem. LOL

    and i still haven't got my web cam...called the company the other day and they promised it's on it's way...sure it is.

  12. Sorry, w4g, but you'll have to admit that Roc would be consoled. That's what I meant, donjaknow.

  13. Holy buckets, another day of people in my ear and email with their inane, irritating blather. My hair even hurts.

    Permission needed to scream at each one of them: "Bugger off."

    TT, you know Miranda Richardson from "The Crying Game," "The Hours," and "Rubicon," right? She has a normal body -- I love that!

  14. Miranda Richardson was born in 1958. Once an actress reaches the age of 40, if she hasn't come to grips with her body type and comfortable in that body, without taking drastic measures that turn her into some kind of plasticized zombie/robot, her career is in the dust bin. Miranda seems to be the wonderful exception to the youth oriented industry. But of course, she's British.

  15. No longer need permission to scream "bugger off."

    Need permission to scream the order: "kill with extreme prejudice."

    Hair and teeth both hurting now.

    Is Maggie G's husband gay (not that it matters or that there is anything wrong with that)? He's an AIA for the BV today. Seeing him on talk shows has made me think he might be, however that is determined.

  16. i dunno about Maggie G's husband but i was watching Oprah the other day (don't tell no one cause i dislike that woman) and Meredith Baxter (Birney) from the old TV series Family Ties was on. Was surprised to hear she was physically, mentally and emotionally abused by her husband David Birney but was even more surprised that she is a lesbian. I always thot Justine Bateman (her daughter on the show) had that potential but not Meredith. btw, whatever happened to Justine anyway?

  17. OMG you guys! I had to grab Janey's phone for this one-go read Ted's BV today. It's a Crotch-Uh-Lastic follow up (whom we all know is James Franco) but some chuckleheads wrote in the comments that it's BobNYC. I LMFAO!!!!! I seriously hope you get the same smug satisfaction I got reading it, I will never forgive that guy for being such a dick to my BB!

  18. the "chucklehead" you are referring to Judes was me. i was in an ornery mood this morning and couldn't resist. however, ya gotta get up to speed here - Tisha had e-mailed me earlier and asked if that had been me. glad i got u to LYAO tho!!!

  19. from the A.T.trenches:

    curious Fri, Mar 4, 2011, 10:30 AM

    I'd rather know what tv show BobNYC is on. Anybody know?

    doncha all just love it?!? btw Judes like avatar or whatever it's callled.

  20. Judes, that should read your avatar.

  21. Who wants to contribute to a fund to have BobNYC neutered?

  22. I recognized Teddy's hand in that right away.

    Sorry been away most of the day. Will contribute later, have to run and cook supper for the 'rents.

  23. first BobNYC calls me a twit....now Judes calls me a chucklehead...who's next?!? LOL

    lfj, i've already contributed to that fund...

  24. Okay, me next. W4G, you're a cotton-headed ninny muggins.

    And I mean that in a loving and nurturing way.

    And much obliged for the donation to the fund. Neutering BobNYC -- it's the law.

  25. My gd has an indoor track meet today. That's pretty much all day. So I will talk to you later.

  26. Gad, a Robin ("Mr. Chirp") on our heated birdbath. Guess he hasn't heard about the "weather event" forecast for mid-week.

    Good luck to the Gran at the track meet!

  27. Ric & I feed the lil birdies out back on the patio. Lots of chickadees, sparrows, bluebirds and a male & female cardinal who i think are going to be mating. it's so cute...he actually feeds her!

    and Tisha, hope you're not mistaken for Blake Lively at the track meet what with your new hair color and all. it really does look good and makes you look years younger altho u really don't need to look younger when you are as beautiful as you.

    and lfj, love me new nickname - love the originality and it fits me perfectly to the T. wish u could be down here today...gray skies and plenty of rain - just how u like it!!!!

  28. Gran got a second and a third place. Very proud. She lined up for the 2 mile, which is her race since she is a long distance runner (cross country in the Fall.) After one lap, this other runner passes Sammy like she is standing still and eventually laps her (runs past her and overtakes her again.) The other girl wasn't even winded. I'm watching from the balcony and I could tell the other girl's parents were sitting next to me. So I complimented them on her natural gift and perfect form. "Oh, she's already competed in the the Olympics," they replied. Whew! Sammy felt better being beat by such a phenomenon, who came up to Sammy after the race to compliment her on her race. That good and gracious too.

  29. Want to hear something strange, in regards to my new darker locks? People find me much more approachable. I've always been one of those people who talks to strangers in check out lines, etc. But people now start conversations with me, instead of just chuckling at my one liners. Very strange. I must have looked more harsh before. But I am the same me.

  30. Harsh? Never, TT!

    Male Cardinals love to feed anything, especially their mates and offspring. They will even feed other birds' young as well as gold fish in garden ponds!

    So glad you and Ric are bird lovers/watchers, W4G. A good sign. I can look out my back bay window (if I can see past the chattering cats) to a feeding space under an old Maple tree. I envy you the Blue Birds. They don't come up this far north.

    Is anyone watching Miley on SNL tonight? I don't want to, but I believe it is on our agenda. Disgusting young woman.

  31. Just realized. You probably have Robins all year, W4G. Seeing the first one of "Spring" is a BIG deal here. Often, as this year, they show up too soon.

  32. NO! No, no, to Miley tonight. Just her voice grates on my nerves, no need to mention her self entitled attitude and exaggerated self regard.

    I have been a devoted bird feeder for years. In fact many of the plants in my back yard were planted because they attract birds in general, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Plus there are the feeders. But years ago, in the house I lived in at the time, my kitchen window looked out onto our covered patio. Every day I tossed the seeds left over when I gave my pet parrot fresh food. I had quite a following of wrens, chickadees, bluejays, & cardinals. Blue jays are loud and aggressive, shooing all the other birds away when they're hungry. The red male cardinal usually came with his harem of females and sometimes there would be a slight confrontation between the jays and the male cardinal. But as long as the jays let the female cardinals feed, it was a no show. One day, however, the male cardinal challenged a blue jay. The cardinal was about 1/3 the size of the jay but he would not give up. He kept backing the blue jay up, and flying at it. There was an awful commotion of the cawing of the jay and the peep, peep, peep of the cardinal. But guess who won the day? Yep, the cardinal. And from then on, the cardinals always fed first.

    But to this day I have a soft spot for blue jays. They don't make a nest, but lay their eggs in other birds' nests and become unwelcome foster chicks. They're loud and lots of people think they're worthless. But besides being beautiful, they remind me of those days when my children were young and I was feeding birds on my back patio.

  33. It's never too soon for a robin, for all their migratory ways, they're hardy little birds. People say it's a sign of Spring up North to see a robin, but they're often followed by a snow storm or two. The geese started flying back north last week. I could hear the honking and spotted a few flying through the clouds. Birds time migration, not by weather, but by length of days, I believe.

    Heavy rain predicted here on Wednesday, blizzards north of here. Keep feeding those birds, Teddy. And snap us a pic or two. Same with you, lfj. How about a pic of her surroundings?

  34. Here goes with my backyard (it's huge, so only a portion here). In the center are wild phlox, to the right faded field daisies, and to the left proper lilies budding.

    And, yes, that is a tombstone in the upper left. What else would you expect from such as moi?

    See email.

  35. A tombstone, but not necessarily a grave.

  36. i bet BobNYC is buried in it!!! LOL

  37. Nah, he'll be buried in the Tomb of the Known Smart Ass.

  38. Tomorrow may be Madri Gras in many parts of the world, but here in Chicago with its predominant Polish population, tomorrow is paczki (pronounced puunch key) day. Even my health conscious mother gave me my instructions tonight: which bakery and which flavor (strawberry). Loooong lines, but worth it.

  39. Have one for us! Do you make/buy/consume pierogi as well? Or is it pierogis?

  40. It's pierogi. Despite the fact that my mother is second generation Polish American and a wonderful cook, she never made pierogi when I was growing up. But one can't go far in this area without finding people who sell homemade ones. They are my granddaughter's favorite food.

  41. Stood in line for almost an hour. Got 1/2 dozen paczki. Asked for strawberry filling but when I got to my folk's house, I had fresh strawberries in whip cream. YUMMMY! Well, we just had to eat them, didn't we? (Saved two for my granddaughter who is coming home from a school field trip today.)
