jake gyllenhaul aka toothy tile

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Blog Goin' Down

dear friends, for a variety of reasons i am taking down my blog w/in the next few days. i would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have participated. and it was nice "seeing" my 'ol buddys from the AT blog again. but now it's time to move on. with this in mind, i leave you all with this:



  1. That's is just...the world will be a sadder, darker place.

    You've Got A Friend In Me:

    Thank You For Being A Friend:

  2. Wait, what?!
    Oh Beloved Boss, it was so fun to do your toes again and now you are leaving us. I think I understand why so I will not harass you about it. Thank you for the fun and giving me the opportunity to reconnect with you, Patricia, LFJ and Roc.
    Love you to pieces!

  3. We lose one, we lose all. We revolve around the sun who is waiting4godot, giving us warmth and light.

  4. please feel free to harass me my lovely Judes - why do u think i'm leaving?

  5. Say it isn't so. Teddy, we hardly knew ye. Ever so sad . . .

  6. I am deducing that you have some homefront issues because you referred to your honey as the "insignificant other" a few times. I read you as a person that cares deeply for your nearest and dearest, so I am thinking you want/need to smooth out whatever wrinkles have popped up during your dedication to your online time. I also think that since you have established such a close bond with Patricia, you don't really need the extra time/work of the blog for communicating with her.
    Just my brain working overtime to soothe itself because I can't deal with the fact that I'm losing you so quickly after finding you again.
    Thank you again for the reconnection to everyone and all the fun we shared in the last two weeks.
    I wish you the best of everything in life Beloved Boss.
    Be sure and send us some toenail clippings via AT.

    Keep making people cough out body parts Patricia, your family/friends are very lucky to have you. Thank you for making me laugh so hard in the last couple weeks.

    LFJ, I really believe you are itsjake and I will miss your postings in French. I have no foreign language skills, even with Google translator! Check in on AT once in awhile, especially if Ted posts about Jake. Take care and keep solving forensic mysteries.

    Take care Roc and Michael, wherever you are.

    Judes (Judy)

  7. I guess we could exchange email addresses if everyone is up to it. We could arrange a date and time (posted in Eastern Time and Calif Time) to post and then Teddy could delete it. Post if you're interested.

    Personally, I think Teddy is pregnant.

  8. Goodbye hugs and multiple kisses, dear friends. My heart is broken half in two and half in two again. You have been so kind to me in all my incarnations. I love you all. Adieu

  9. not so fast lfj, the blog is stayin' up!!!

  10. hey Judes, wrong!!! no trouble on the 'ol home front. i call Ric my insignificant other jokingly because i always thot the term "significant other" sounded kinda weird but, then again, i guess it's better than calling him my f*%k buddy. oops...did i just say that?!?

    anyway, i thot it over and decided to keep the blog going. i mean, it took us so long to get back together and i don't want to have to go to that rancid AT to "see" u all. you all mean a lot to me and i really don't want to lose you all again. once was enuf. am starting a new job and was just having one of those days. sometimes i can be a bit impulsive.

    i doubt if we'll ever see Michael again but that's his loss, not ours. hope Roc comes back soon. i don't mind being surrounded by all u lovely ladies but it would be nice to have another male around to keep you all in line. you know, kinda like having a relief pitcher :-).

    good nite everybody - see you all in the morrow.

  11. lfj: adieu? have u been watching the Sound of Music again? or even Cabaret for that matter.

  12. When Roc comes back you'd better not hit him with this thread headline. Start a new one. Gee, I hope lfj hasn't abandoned us already.

    Thank you, Sweet Prince. You've become a part of my day and I'd hate to go forward without all of you.

  13. Oh HUGE collective sigh! Patricia is right, put up a new banner or Roc may have a heart attack. I KNEW LFJ was itsjake, the adieu and multiple incarnations confirmed it.

    BB, I'm glad I assumed wrong. I told you I was grasping at anything that would be plausible for you leaving us. I'm glad it was only a fleeting impulsive decision. I'm sorry you're stressed about the new job, new jitters will pass soon enough.
    Quickly for you I'm sure cuz you know how to work the crowd!

    F--k buddy, ha! Had a few of those in my time.

    Now, go pull the file, clipper and whip back outta the drawer and no more talk of leaving the harem.


  14. Lover. Life Partner. Friend with Benefits.

    Just offering some more emotionally expressive terms other than "fyck buddy." Not that it's not a fine buddy to have.
