jake gyllenhaul aka toothy tile

Saturday, October 30, 2010



  1. Happy All Hallow's Eve to you too.


    Here's a live feed to the Stewart/Colbert Rally

  2. Sorry if you don't hear from me for awhile, I just found out that the group of conservative Christians that got voted into office in my small hometown have decreed that TODAY is Halloween. So I only have a short time to get my work done in the garden.

  3. The hope/fear rally was splendid. Thinking as many people were there as were at Beck's. Gawd, I love Kid Rock and Sheryl Crow.

    None of the ilk you mention, Trisha, got elected where I live but they (and their numbers are small) still tell us all what to do and when. Our TOT was LAST NIGHT!

    So . . . is W4G at a costume party tonight?

    Has Judes reached a truce with her husband?

    I just want everyone to be happy.

    Even all my dead people.

  4. Please forgive, if you can.

  5. i'm kinda confused about the comments from lfj...

  6. You didn't follow the Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert DC rally yesterday, Teddy? It seems this blog had a representative there...but no talk about if she was in costume or holding up a sign, perhaps the sign that said "Look at My Ironic Hipster Sign"? http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2010/10/jon-stewart-rally.html

    And I've discovered why lfj won't give us her name, she's sensitive about us misspelling it. You can just call me TT, if you want, lfj. That's Terrible Tish, or Terrific Tish, or Touchy Tish, or....

    You need to see "Hereafter," lfj. You'll see that all of your dead people are happy. No zombies or lost souls.

    But I see you are dodging the question about YOUR Halloween costume, Teddy.

  7. TT, nah, I wasn't there -- just grooving with the crowd via C-Span. If had been, my sign would've said, "It's all good, Bro."

    What about my bad dead people?

  8. Well, as much as I'd like to believe in hell just for some particular people like those who abuse children, I'd say we all wind up in the same place, whatever you call that place: heaven, purgatory, the hereafter, paradise, the next plain. But of course, I've yet to prove that.

    Ever felt a communication from the dead? Here's my story. I once worked in the office with a woman who was about 25 years older than my 27 years. We didn't see much of each other except we both liked to take our break at the same unusual time and took to occasionally talking. One day she told me about the big party the board was throwing for all employees who were still there since the inception of the business 15 years ago and that she hadn't been invited because technically she started 3 months later. She was very hurt and her husband and her had decided to have a big evening out instead. She was taking Friday off to buy her dress. On Friday, early afternoon, I felt something akin to a mild electrical charge go through me while I was working at my desk and an ominous sense of dread. I was left with the feeling that I could only describe as death. "Someone died," I thought. But I didn't say anything to anyone and it soon passed. On Monday morning when I got into the office I noticed people standing around and talking and thought it was about the big board party until I noticed one woman crying. Did you hear, they asked me. Mary died on Friday. She was killed almost instantly in a car accident coming home from shopping. No one knows why she was shopping instead of at work. But I did. When did it happen? About 2:15...just as I had gotten that feeling. I don't know why Mary had come to me when she died. Because I'm sure that's what happened. She had a family she loved. Maybe she was with all of us. I know she felt I was the only one who noticed her in the office. Obviously, I've never forgotten it.

    I've had people I was alot closer to emotionally than Mary die. But that is the only time I've had that feeling. Although I've VERY rarely and very unimportantly had episodes of precognition. Like I said, never over anything important. And you can't will it to happen. You can fool yourself into thinking you know something's outcome, but when you actually have genuine knowledge it creates a whole level of certainty...sort of like knowing that tomorrow will have day and night.

  9. TT, I tend to believe that we have our own hell or heaven during life -- the one we earn.

    Did you ever feel that you were an empath?

    I do KNOW this. Murder scenes have memory. Felt it several times. Even years after the crime.

  10. TOT is tonite here.

    was thinkin' bout dressing-up like lady gaga but i never was never into the drag scene. really creeps me out actually but do not deny that kinda thing to those that are into it.

    my costume last nite consisted of a pair of boxers with pumpkins on 'em and a white t-shirt. of course, i looked adorable as always. ;-D

    i watched the rally off and on - sorry, i love Jon Stewart but the dude definitely cannot sing!!!

    if i had been at the rally, i would have held up a blank sign...i like to keep people guessing as much as lfj does. ;-D

  11. hey lfj, tell me one thing...does the state u reside in begin with an "I"?

    and how do we earn a heaven or a hell? i like the theory of reincarnation. read up on it...it can explain a lot more than the average person thinks it can.

    and Tisha, the story of your co-worker's death was eerie. but i've discovered that everything happens for a reason...that fate sometimes steps in...i had a very major life event that really changed my life...one day maybe i'll divulge it. don't know if there is a heaven or a hell, etc. and i'll never quite know until i die...but i like to live in the here and now...i try to be the best person i can but not because i am seeking that "pie in the sky".

    if you're co-worker had been invited to that office party she may still be alive today. but circumstances guided her onto another route. another thing i firmly believe in is that we all have an "expiration" date. like i've said before, i have already cheated death multiple times but it will, when the time comes, triumph over me.

  12. I think you should dress like Keanu, Teddy. Get a black rag of wig, dress sloppy (you know he does) and look forlorn. The cupcake is optional.

    I don't think I'm more empathic than we all have the ability to be. I know my brother has frequently seen his wife since her death, sometimes he dreams of her and she talks to him. The week after she died I saw a woman walking down the street with just her exact posture, height, stride, and bright red hair. I just sat on my porch and watched her walk away. I never felt the urge to approach her. And I've never seen her again. My brother says that happens to him all the time, that he sees someone out of the corner of his eye or in a distance that is the very essence of Jane.

  13. I don't believe in fate, or destiny, or God's plan, or any of the various ways people phrase it. I'm more inclined toward the Chaos Theory where every little thing and every one of us affects everything and everyone in a constantly changing pattern of unpredictable inevitability. Nothing is set in stone. We all affect one another. My kindness affects us all, as does my unkindness. One's blessings bless us all, as does one's evil curse us all. That sort of matches your idea of living a good life, Ted.

  14. Have you got a costume, Ted? Or are you sticking with the pumpkin boxers? Pictures. I want pictures.

  15. i'm friggin' mad Tisha...only one trick-or-treater and only because i locked Ric out of the house when he went to get a smoke and i would only let him back in if he'd go to the front door and ring the bell and holler trick-or-treat. when i opened the door i was frightened to death which says a lot since he wasn't wearing a costume! ;-D but not a total loss - i got lots of candy to eat!!!

    btw, i took your advice and dressed up like Keanu...including the cupcake. my forelorned look topped the outfit - the icing on the cake so to speak.

    well, back to watching the rest of the SVU all-day scare-a-thon. i love Jake and Keanu but always had a thing for Chris Meloni ever since the series Oz.

  16. I know how you feel about Chris, and I would have suggested you dress as him, but we all know your favorite look for him is nude. That really would get you on the predators' list.

    So sorry about the lack of TOT's. No kids in the neighborhood? My parents don't get many either because the population in their neighborhood has aged. I, however, live in the older part of town with the two and three story homes with the big front porches. We all know that young hip couples with their young families buy those houses. My little white house is the smallest house...with the biggest gardens. We had a sea of children yesterday.
