jake gyllenhaul aka toothy tile

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Gwyneth Paltrow Hosted Jake Gyllenhaal And Taylor Swift For Dinner:

Thanks, Gwyneth! Jake Gyllenhaal and Taylor Swift came out as a couple on Thanksgiving, but it was an earlier meal that brought them together, reports Us Weekly.

Turns out, the turkey day love birds were hosted by Gwyneth Paltrow at a dinner party at her London home.

"Gwyneth seems to have played a role in their relationship," the source told Us, intimating that the Oscar winning actress set up the new "it" couple in Hollywood.


  1. And thank you Gwyn honey for providing Jake with a new beard...i couldn't have done better myself!

  2. Just when you least expect it, the Goopster strikes!

    Is Goopy friends with Jake's sister? That would explain alot. I'll bet she is.

  3. That is just urpy.

    As for Violet and Sebastian, think "Suddenly Last Summer."

  4. Ah yes, suddenly last summer, Violet and her son, poor, poor Sebastian. What a head for details.

  5. yea, didn't Sebastian get eatened? and not in a good way. ;-D

  6. Yes, w4g, he was devoured.

    Here's Angelina Jolie explaining the plot to Ryan Phillippe (you can stop at the 2:20 mark)from the film "Playing by Heart."


  7. "It was snowing and it was about to snow."

  8. Tisha, thanks for the Kardashian photo (not). Man, that's real class. Why are these nits even given attention? It's beyond me.

  9. WHAT? lfj, you didn't think she was classy? :-)

  10. It was evening all afternoon.
    It was snowing
    And it was going to snow.
    The blackbird sat
    In the cedar-limbs.

    - Wallace Stevens

  11. she'd be considered "klassy" back home in WV!

    and btw, betcha that blackbird was cold as hell!

  12. I had a passion for Wallace Stevens when I was a young woman. "It was evening all afternoon." How could you not love that? We've all had days like that, soothing afternoons that flow into soothing evenings where our thoughts and emotions flow freely.

  13. Tisha, u can actually remember that far back?!? ;-D

  14. Only in my lucid moments, Teddy. Eventually, if all goes as others before me, it will be the only thing I remember.

  15. See how distracted I was? I misquoted the quote and was thinking it was by Robert Bly. Thanks for getting it right, Tisha. Not a Wallace Stevens fan, however.

  16. Hey guys, sorry I've been absent, have a house full of sickies demanding all my attention.

    I have about 2 minutes before Dragonlady gets here so this will be fast.


    Please Lord, make it ALL go away, Gwyneth first.

  17. Judes, just to hear about your oppression makes me angry. Perhaps the Lord will hear and answer your prayers and your burden will be lifted in some small way. First, Dragonlady. Second, Gwyneth. Next . . . .

  18. The Buddha said: "I teach one thing and one only: suffering and the end of suffering."

    The Four Noble Truths -1) Life is suffering. 2) Suffering is due to attachment. 3) Attachment can be overcome by certain spiritual techniques and knowledge. 4) The eight-fold path can accomplish this and achieve nirvana.

  19. Suffering: being born
    End of suffering: dying

    Separation: being born
    Attachment or Union: dying

    In between: continued suffering and separation, what you make of it, dark night of the soul, and . . . .


    The greatest achievement is selflessness.
    The greatest worth is self-mastery.
    The greatest quality is seeking to serve others.
    The greatest precept is continual awareness.
    The greatest medicine is the emptiness of everything.
    The greatest action is not conforming with the worlds ways.
    The greatest magic is transmuting the passions.
    The greatest generosity is non-attachment.
    The greatest goodness is a peaceful mind.
    The greatest patience is humility.
    The greatest effort is not concerned with results.
    The greatest meditation is a mind that lets go.
    The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances.

    Practicing Buddhists are some of the most peaceful people I know.

  21. Wish I was a Buddhist!

    A little off topic but did anybody see this today?


    Guess Jackie Bouffant pissed off his beard one too many times.

  22. PS - don't worry about me LFJ, I think ragging should have been my middle name-LOL!

    I will leave the job eventually, Fishsticks will get old, fat and irrelevant and Jaylor will be exposed for the sham it really is.
    Those three things will be the start of my next nirvana-

  23. The greatest wholeness is the instant on the half-shell of control at the point where the blessing curses the hesitation of the moment in which deafening silence overcomes the place where we are, which is the place where we are.

  24. thank you all for your buddhist wisdom - u all have finally given my blog some class!!!

    but seriously, words of wisdom!

  25. yes dear Judes, Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens are over. hmmm...i wonder who persuaded him to leave her? it wasn't me!

    guess bibby, as timely as he is, will be reporting on this sometime next week.

  26. No words of classy wisdom from me -- that was all just BS.

  27. Sometimes the greatest wisdom comes in the form of BS.

    How's that for comparative religions 101?

    I forgot to read bibby today.

  28. TT, Thanks for the email about split-ups. Now you can add Scarjo/Ryan and the couple from "Dexter."

  29. I hope this link will work. Gawd, she's always looked like a slutty zombie! How much must it have hurt to have that bodacious "Billy Bob" tattoo removed?


  30. Just as long as Keanu Reeves doesn't break up with Teddy.

    Check out the pic I just sent of AJ and BP at another premiere of The Tourist. Notice that she no longer exposes her arms, or hands if possible. Considering she is showing those bony legs, what's under those gloves must be scary.

  31. All veins and track marks under those gloves. Although I betcha she shoots between her toes/fingers or in her neck. She NEVER wears sandles or her hair in a ponytail and the hands are always in the pockets. She literally is a walking skeleton, it's truly a shame because she WAS a beautiful woman.

  32. LOL, just reading today's Bitch Back, had to share this comment with you all;

    skampy Wed, Dec 15, 2010, 4:41 AM

    H e l l just froze over and I can see pigs flying outside of my window! Ted just admitted he could be wrong on occasion!!!

    Very funny!
