jake gyllenhaul aka toothy tile

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

winter - it'd be upon us...


  1. Well, if the weather forecasters are to believed we will have a 3 to 4 day break from all this rain.....time will tell about that one.
    I spent some time this AM listening to one of one of my all time favorite songs, "The Great Pretender" by The Platters. Freddie Mercury did an awesome (IMHO) cover and love both versions for different reasons. I still miss Freddie, that man had a voice! All kinds of versions are posted on You Tube for your listening pleasure. I always say the Platters version was my older brothers music but they made quite an impression on me too.

  2. After snowstorm after snowstorm here in Chicagoland, one significant one happening just yesterday, they're predicting another one tomorrow. If anyone sings "White Christmas" to me, I'll bop them. It's also been unusually cold. And my friend in Europe, Ingvar, tells me that everything has come to a halt in ice, wind, and snow. I knew they should have never let the Kardashian sisters have their own reality show.

  3. well, hate to dampen your spirits sweet princess but it's 50 degrees and sunny here. and you're right, the Kardouchians are responsible for the foul weather elsewhere.

    and Roc, The Great Pretender is one of my favorite songs too - and Freddie does a great cover of it too - just got done watching it on youtube. i also like the song Only You by the Platters.

  4. Roc, see my last post in the previous thread.

  5. Judes, donja just know that if there is any rain or wind or the tiniest bit of cold in South Carolina that w4g will be here whining like a spoiled child.

    You couldn't handle a Chicago winter, Ted.

    Love, love, love The Platters. Years and years ago, OK, 35 years ago, I saw The Platters on a midday show in Mexico. They were wearing matching wind breakers and singing their hearts out. It broke my heart. Nowadays all you have to do to make your fortune is to fall down drunk or punch someone on TV. But they were struggling to just make a dime.

  6. TT, i don't recollect giving u permission to speak. spoiled child indeed! and u rite Tisha, i couldn't handle a Chicago winter. that is why, unfortunately for you and Judes, that i don't reside there. so take that u meanie - think from now on i'll refer to u as Bibette.


  7. Oh Patricia, what a blessing that you saw The Platters live and in person. I agree, they had genuine talent and to me, just matchless voices. I love Only You as well and have just about need to buy a new CD as I'm almost burning holes in mine. I know, it kills me to know how hard The Platters had to work late in their career as they just didn't get their just dues early on.

    I have been in Chicago in the winter - several years ago I went there on a business trip in the dead of winter and I had an overcoat, gloves and hat on my sofa so I wouldn't forget them. Of course I did and then I agreed to walk over to our office with the other guys that were prepared for the weather. I had on a suit, tie etc. and that's it. The wind was blowing like crazy and with the chill factor, the temp was way down in single digits. I made it to the office and ran hot water over my hands to get feeling back into them. After that I was ok but I will never forget the looks I got on the street. I'm sure people thought I had dropped in from Mars or something. On subsequent trips to Chicago,I did make certain I took the appropriate attire with me!

  8. and btw Bibette, as Graham Greene once wrote: "Wallow in slef-pity if u must, but never despise...never, never despise."

  9. and Roc, did u know that Bibette was at the opera house when Lincoln got shot?

  10. Years ago one of my daughters was working for Urban Outfitters in Chicago. During break a new employee came up to her and said, "I'm from Australia, just what should I buy for winter? This?" holding out a cute pair of cotton knit gloves. "Well," my daughter replied, "it gets pretty cold in Chicago, maybe you should get fur lined gloves." "Oh," she replied, "it gets cold in Australia too. It often goes down to 40 and even 30 degrees." My daughter handed her a pair of fur lined mittens and said, "If your idea of cold is 30 or 40 degrees, then you need these. And get a scarf and fur lined boots, too."

    How did you STAND walking even one second outside in just your suit jacket? Chicago can have remarkably warm days in the winter, but you only think that if you have on a coat and gloves.

    w4g, if you call me bibette I will have to think of a new nickname for you too. Don't toy with me. I have absolutely no southern charm. I'm from the south side of Chicago. Ask Judes what that means, or just listen to Jim Croce's Leroy Brown.

  11. Looking back at it now, I don't know how the hell I handled that walk. Just stubborn I guess. Oh boy, new nicknames - is that all around???

  12. I told your walk in the city story to my Dad who was born and raised in Chicago, Roc, and he laughed.

  13. Anyone going to the movies this weekend?

  14. TT - I guess he didn't see me on my walk as I know that he would remember someone being so stupid!

  15. I've seen plenty of out-of-towners strolling around Chi town inappropriately dressed in the winter. They're usually trying to look like the cold doesn't bother them, but their blue lips give them away.

    No movies for me. No time. No inclination.

  16. yes Roc, new nicknames all around. we gotta think of a good one for you! mine, methinks, should be stud muffin but i'll let you all decide.

    thinkin' about going to the movies this weekend...either True Grit or Black Swan. unfortunately, my buddys Yogi & Boo Boo got a "bear" of a review.

    well, off to the Noble CE site to take the test to obtain the rest of my CE insurance credits. catch y'all a bit later.

  17. Downloaded "The Town." I quite liked it.

  18. I saw The Town at the movie palace and liked it, not sure if it's everyone's cup of tea though. Saw "The Fighter" and enjoyed that one too. I'll be checking out True Grit on Friday at my favorite LA theater, The Vista. It's been in business for 85 years and is just a great place. I enjoy Grumann's Chinese and the Arclight as well but can't beat the Vista for price (matinées are $6.50) , picture quality, seating (there's about 5 feet between rows) and has a great sound system. You can check out pics at Yelp.com; just enter Vista Theater and you should go to the reviews and pictures (upper right). It's a stand alone theater which is super rare these days and plays first run movies. Oh, and the manager often dresses "in character" just to add to the ambiance. I have a pic posted of the manager in his Mad Hatter get up on Yelp and you can see an avatar with me in it - yikes! If you take the trouble to track that down you will see that I'm "senior" to you all!

  19. oh, wanted to add that our office is closed starting tomorrow so if you don't see for a few days, it's not because I'm depressed or mad or anything. As I mentioned before I don't often get on the PC on weekends and days off.

  20. Well, poor w4g, otherwise he'll be stuck with all the females again. He's already told us how much he hates that. And here he had Judes, lfj, and I convinced we were his favoritest peoples.

    (The only movie that would tempt me to the theatre this weekend is King's Speech, although I can't say I'd turn down The Fighter or Black Swan. I asked my daughter to give me a prepaid movie pass as a gift.)

    I get very sentimental this time of the year, so everyone spend time with the ones you love or love the ones you're with. Teddy knows I wish I were with him.

  21. well Roc, just in case we don't see u until after, have a very Merry Christmas or Happy Holiday depending on your religious beliefs.

    as for u Bibette, u know i love u and all my women. and it would be so kewl if we could be together for Christmas...oh, the stuff that dreams are made of.

    btw, i passed my CE test with a 100% so i finally got that crap out of the way for another year.

    wonder where Judes is today? DL is probably breathing down her back.

  22. hey Roc, i think i found your pic on Yelp.com. do i have your permission to post it on my site?

  23. Hi guys, missed you all, missed everything posted too! No, DL isn't breathing down my neck today. We had our office Christmas party and she went and got herself too tipsy to be mean. She's nasty when she's tipsy-gets all touchy feely. Yikes, I still have the creeps from her hugginess!!! LOL! Anyway honeybuns, you remember what I said about nicknames a few days ago so I'm staying out of that one. Congrats on your test results!

    Princess P, what is wrong today?? Forgive me dear one but you seem a tad tense. I hate winter too, just think of your garden-it will be here time to tend it soon!

    Roc, you should see some of the nutballs here. I swear to you, it gets one degree above 40 and some of them put on shorts and sandals-WHILE THERE IS SNOW ON THE GROUND! Swear to Christ-a couple of days ago it was 33 degrees, I saw some crazy man in 7-11 with flip flops on his feet!!
    Although I feel for you walking downtown with no coat or gloves when the wind is screaming through the buildings. Ugh, I get chills just thinking of it!

    I'm going to watch all of Moonlight on Netflix-join me LFJ?

    Talk atcha guys later I hope.
    Cheer up Patricia, I love you!!

  24. Hey, post away....I guess everyone can take the truth!

  25. I'm not tense, I just felt it might be my last chance until next week to get Roc to check in here on weekends. I can put on a persona if necessary. Glad you checked in, I was getting concerned. And here you are drunk on xmas punch.

    Were the peeps in shorts really fat? Fat people don't feel the cold so much. And a drunk fat person is possitively impervious. But, yeah, when I was going to graduate school there was a contingent of Australians who wore flipflops on bare feet until it snowed and then all they did was put on socks too. I remember thinking, if you don't value your toes, well...

  26. I'll have to try to get in here and see if W4G posts my pic and respond to any comments (trust, I can take it).

  27. At first I thought that was Roc in the foreground. If Roc wants to see my picture, he'll have to join my facebook friends.

    (Doya? Huh, huh? Doya?)

  28. No ma'am, I don't do drunk. Last time I got drunk, I woke up married to B! LOLOL! No booze for Judes-

    Cute pic Roc, are you still a towhead?

    LFJ, I watched 6 episodes of Moonlight last night and you were with me in spirit!

  29. From the Awful Truth this morning. This has NOTHING to do w/Robsten but the Twishits have already taken over the comments BTW. How I hate them.......

    Last year was too fun, so it's time for another round of our fabulously horrible Ho, Ho, Ho Awards! And since twenty-ten was the year of the celeb splits, we Truthers decided it was the perfect time to find out which humbug half of some of T-town's top power couples was the bigger ho, post-break up.

    The winners of each of the forthcoming 11 rounds will be announced Jan. 4, plus a little surprise.

    First up, the coffee-loving couple formerly known as Gyllenspoon. Remember them?

    Jake Gyllenhaal: Following his tabloid cover split from RW, Jakey played it low-key, preferring under-the-radar flings to headline-ready hookups—until he started to get caffeinated-cozy with Taylor Swift, that is. Now that twosome can't go a day without being spotted at one coffee house or another. Sound familiar?

    Reese Witherspoon: Oft-wicked Witherspoon dropped JG and was out and about with her new dude, agent Jim Toth, in no time. Maybe sooner than she said? Hmm. And while the limelight-loving star has stayed surprisingly silent about her guy, that hasn't stopped the tabloids from thinking he'll pop the question soon. Can you stand it until he does? We can.


  30. The real laugh is that you're supposed to click on which of the two you think is worse and the options are only Reese or Toth instead of Jake or Reese.

  31. yep, i noticed that...and u wonder why i've given up on the AT. i think maybe bibby is on crystal meth or some other mind-altering substance.

    btw, i e-mailed bibs and asked a simple question - just wanted to know if James Roday from Psych had ever been a BV. and did he print my question? fuck no!!!! so, as far as i'm concerned, he can go out and find another porno stud to marry.

  32. w4g has so kindly pointed out to me that I missed Roc's reference to himself as "senior" to the rest of us. For myself, (let me finish laughing) let me offer a demure protest.

    When are we starting with the new nicknames? I'm going to call Teddy bruce since he's calling me bibette. Unless, of course, a truce is called.

  33. Calm down, bruce. Bibby is off for the holidays sucking eggnog out of his boyfriends shorts, I'm sure. He's left the kiddies in charge. And remember what happened to your blog when you left us in charge? You should sympathize.

  34. Judes, Is it as sexy as I remember?!!

  35. Like fine wine LFJ, it just gets better with age!

  36. Ow, Judes. I should have taken FineWine as my moniker because that describes me.

  37. naw, bibette describes u better than fine wine.


    sorry Tisha, but u gave me the opening and i took it as usual.

  38. That just shows that you don't appreciate me for the fine thing that I am, bruce.

  39. what was that bibette? like the twishits, i only read my own comments!!!

  40. bibette, bibette, bibette, bibette, bibette, bibette, bibette, bibette,bibette, bibette, bibette, bibette, bibette, bibette, bibette, bibette, bibette, bibette, bibette, bibette,
    bibette, bibette, bibette, bibette...

  41. veeeerrry funny, bruce, bruce, bruce, bruce, bruce, bruce, bruce, bruce, bruce, bruce, bruce, bruce, bruce, bruce, bruce, bruce, bruce, bruce...

  42. bibette, bibette, bibette, bibette...

  43. Has anyone got any medication for bruce? He's beginning to sound like a frog.

    When we gettin a new topic? This one is starting to sound very reminescent of the AT comments. (Yeah, I said it.)

  44. Have you seriously attacked ryan phillippe on this blog?! This means war, sir, words that reese coincidently choose as the title for her next flop.
